Pacific Forestry Centre's Forest Pathology Herbarium

DAVFP Collections Database

The current search is by: Collector

Ziller, W.

Showing 2726 to 2750 of 5519.

DAVFP: 10003
Fungus name: Apiosporina morbosa (Schwein.:Fr.) Arx
Host name: Prunus domestica L.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1956-08-17
Map coordinates: 48.7138°N, 123.3234°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Ziller, W.; Hunt, R.
Collection location: Patricia Bay, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: None
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 10002
Fungus name: Uredinopsis pteridis Dietel & Holw. in Dietel
Host name: Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1956-08-21
Map coordinates: 48.4396°N, 123.3380°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Ziller, W.
Collection location: Victoria, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Obtained by inoc with V-9927 in expt. J. Also used as inoculum in expt. M. Can. J. Bot. 37.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 9992
Fungus name: Piptoporus betulinus (Bull.:Fr.) P. Karst.
Host name: Betula papyrifera Marshall
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1955-09-23
Map coordinates: 50.3136°N, 118.8961°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Ziller, W.
Collection location: Lumby, B.C.
Remarks: None
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 9975
Fungus name: Cytospora sp.
Host name: Salix sp.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1956-07-02
Map coordinates: 48.5270°N, 123.3659°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Horner, R.
Collection location: Saanich, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: None
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 9972
Fungus name: Cytospora sp.
Host name: Salix sp.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1956-07-02
Map coordinates: 48.5270°N, 123.3659°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Horner, R.
Collection location: Saanich, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Discarded.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 9970
Fungus name: Cytospora sp.
Host name: Salix sp.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1956-07-02
Map coordinates: 48.5270°N, 123.3659°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Horner, R.
Collection location: Saanich, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: None
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 9969
Fungus name: Diplodina salicis West.
Host name: Salix sp.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1956-07-02
Map coordinates: 48.5270°N, 123.3659°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Savile, D.
Collection location: Saanich, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: None
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 9968
Fungus name: Cytospora sp.
Host name: Salix sp.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1956-07-02
Map coordinates: 48.5270°N, 123.3659°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Horner, R.
Collection location: Saanich, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: None
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 9967
Fungus name: Diplodina salicis West.
Host name: Salix sp.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1956-07-02
Map coordinates: 48.5270°N, 123.3659°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Savile, D.
Collection location: Saanich, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: None
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 9966
Fungus name: Cytospora sp.
Host name: Salix sp.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1956-07-02
Map coordinates: 48.5270°N, 123.3659°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Horner, R.
Collection location: Saanich, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: None
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 9965
Fungus name: Cytospora sp.
Host name: Salix sp.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1956-07-02
Map coordinates: 48.5270°N, 123.3659°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Horner, R.
Collection location: Saanich, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Discarded.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 9962
Fungus name: Melanconium sp.
Host name: Alnus rubra Bong.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1956-07-02
Map coordinates: 48.4257°N, 123.2254°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Horner, R.
Collection location: Saanich, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: None
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 9955
Fungus name: Uredinopsis pteridis Dietel & Holw. in Dietel
Host name: Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn var. pubescens Underw.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1956-07-02
Map coordinates: 48.8841°N, 124.1594°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Ziller, W.
Collection location: Genoa Bay, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: None
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 9954
Fungus name: Uredinopsis pteridis Dietel & Holw. in Dietel
Host name: Abies grandis (Douglas ex D. Don) Lindl.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1956-07-02
Map coordinates: 48.8841°N, 124.1594°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Ziller, W.
Collection location: Genoa Bay, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: None
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 9953
Fungus name: Uredinopsis hashiokai Hiratsuka
Host name: Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn var. pubescens Underw.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1956-07-02
Map coordinates: 48.6210°N, 123.3378°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Ziller, W.
Collection location: Cordova Bay, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Natural infections from fir seedling inoc with V-9379 in expt. C. Can. J. Bot. 37.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 9952
Fungus name: Melampsora epitea Thuem. f. sp. tsugae Ziller
Host name: Salix scouleriana Barratt f. (C. K. Schneid.) C. K. Schneid.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1956-06-29
Map coordinates: 48.5270°N, 123.3659°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Ziller, W.
Collection location: Cordova Bay, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Obtained by inoc with V-9936 in expt. H. Can. J. Bot. 37. Duplicates at DAOM 58414 & PUR 55845.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 9951
Fungus name: Melampsora abieti-capraearum Tub.
Host name: Salix scouleriana Barratt f. (C. K. Schneid.) C. K. Schneid.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1956-06-29
Map coordinates: 48.5270°N, 123.3659°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Ziller, W.
Collection location: Cordova Bay, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Obtained by inoc with V-9928 in expt. L. Can. J. Bot. 37. Duplicates at DAOM 58413 & PUR 55855.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 9950
Fungus name: Uredinopsis struthiopteridis Störmer ex Dietel
Host name: Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1956-06-29
Map coordinates: 48.4396°N, 123.3380°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Ziller, W.
Collection location: Victoria, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Obtained by inoc with V-9924 in expt. 22. Can. J. Bot. 48:1471-1476. 1970.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 9946
Fungus name: Uredinopsis pteridis Dietel & Holw. in Dietel
Host name: Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn var. pubescens Underw.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1956-06-23
Map coordinates: 48.5270°N, 123.3659°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Ziller, W.
Collection location: Cordova Bay, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Obtained by inoc with V-9910 in expt. L. Can. J. Bot. 37.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 9945
Fungus name: Uredinopsis hashiokai Hiratsuka
Host name: Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn var. pubescens Underw.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1956-06-23
Map coordinates: 48.6210°N, 123.3378°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Ziller, W.
Collection location: Cordova Bay, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Obtained by inoc with V-9909 in expt. G. Can. J. Bot. 37.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 9944
Fungus name: Melampsora epitea Thuem. f. sp. tsugae Ziller
Host name: Tsuga mertensiana (Bong.) Carri
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1956-05-28
Map coordinates: 48.4396°N, 123.3380°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Ziller, W.
Collection location: Victoria, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Obtained by inoc with V-9627 in expt. G. Can. J. Bot. 37.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 9943
Fungus name: Melampsora epitea Thuem. f. sp. tsugae Ziller
Host name: Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1956-05-28
Map coordinates: 48.4396°N, 123.3380°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Ziller, W.
Collection location: Victoria, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Obtained by inoc with V-9627 in expt. G. Can. J. Bot. 37.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 9942
Fungus name: Melampsora epitea Thuem. f. sp. tsugae Ziller
Host name: Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1956-06-01
Map coordinates: 48.4396°N, 123.3380°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Ziller, W.
Collection location: Victoria, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Obtained by inoc with V-9626 in expt. F. Can. J. Bot. 37.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 9941
Fungus name: Melampsora epitea Thuem. f. sp. tsugae Ziller
Host name: Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1956-06-01
Map coordinates: 48.4396°N, 123.3380°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Ziller, W.
Collection location: Victoria, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Obtained by inoc with V-9626 in expt. F. Can. J. Bot. 37.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 9940
Fungus name: Melampsora epitea Thuem. f. sp. tsugae Ziller
Host name: Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1956-06-07
Map coordinates: 48.5270°N, 123.3659°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Ziller, W.
Collection location: Cordova Bay, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Obtained by inoc with V-9627 in expt. G. Can. J. Bot. 37. Duplicates at DAOM 58412 & PUR 55843.
Gene bank accession data: None
Map locations