Pacific Forestry Centre's Forest Pathology Herbarium

DAVFP Collections Database

The current search is by: Collector

Humphreys, N.

Showing 51 to 75 of 107.

DAVFP: 23757
Fungus name: Phoma sp.
Host name: Cornus sp.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1988-07-22
Map coordinates: 49.3397°N, 123.2057°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Funk, A.
Collection location: Vancouver, B.C.
Remarks: Stanley Park.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23750
Fungus name: Seimatosporium sp.
Host name: Alnus sp.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1988-06-14
Map coordinates: 49.2407°N, 121.5575°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Funk, A.
Collection location: Rosedale, B.C.
Remarks: Jones Lake ARNEWS. Probably saprophytic but very interesting. Filed under Taphrina japonica (88-9-5187-01).
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23750
Fungus name: Articulospora sp.
Host name: Alnus sp.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1988-06-14
Map coordinates: 49.2407°N, 121.5575°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Funk, A.
Collection location: Rosedale, B.C.
Remarks: Jones Lake ARNEWS. Probably saprophytic but very interesting. Filed under Taphrina japonica (88-9-5187-01).
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23750
Fungus name: Taphrina japonica Kusano
Host name: Alnus sp.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1988-06-14
Map coordinates: 49.2407°N, 121.5575°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Funk, A.
Collection location: Rosedale, B.C.
Remarks: Jones Lake ARNEWS.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23738
Fungus name: Mycosphaerella mycopappi Funk & Dorworth
Host name: Acer pseudoplatanus L. var. purpureum Loud.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1988-07-18
Map coordinates: 49.1524°N, 121.6972°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Funk, A.
Collection location: Rosedale, B.C.
Remarks: Bridal Veil Park. Mycopappus aceris state present.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23733
Fungus name: Septoria aceris (Lib.) Berk. & Broome
Host name: Acer circinatum Pursh
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1988-07-27
Map coordinates: 49.3289°N, 121.4173°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Funk, A.
Collection location: Hope, B.C.
Remarks: Silver Lake.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23731
Fungus name: Linospora tetraspora G.E. Thompson
Host name: Populus sp.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1988-07-20
Map coordinates: 49.2438°N, 121.8322°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Funk, A.
Collection location: Harrison Mills, B.C.
Remarks: Is. 6, Scott Paper Plantation. Typical vein symptoms present.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23716
Fungus name: Phyllosticta sphaeropsoidea Ellis & Everh.
Host name: Aesculus hippocastanum L.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1988-07-12
Map coordinates: 49.1524°N, 121.6972°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Funk, A.
Collection location: Cultus Lake, B.C.
Remarks: Thurston Meadows.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23714
Fungus name: Mycosphaerella populicola G.E. Thompson
Host name: Populus trichocarpa Torr. & A. Gray
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1988-07-12
Map coordinates: 49.0625°N, 121.6996°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Funk, A.
Collection location: Cultus Lake, B.C.
Remarks: Chilliwack River Park.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23687
Fungus name: Stigmina carpophila (Lév.) M.B. Ellis
Host name: Prunus avium (L.) L.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1988-06-27
Map coordinates: 49.8702°N, 124.4612°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Funk, A.
Collection location: Powell River, B.C.
Remarks: None
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23685
Fungus name: Gloeosporium sp.
Host name: Arbutus menziesii Pursh
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1988-06-25
Map coordinates: 49.7834°N, 124.1807°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Funk, A.
Collection location: Powell River, B.C.
Remarks: Saltery Bay.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23675
Fungus name: Mycosphaerella rubi Roark
Host name: Rubus parviflorus Nutt.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1988-06-16
Map coordinates: 49.3351°N, 121.9677°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Funk, A.
Collection location: Harrison Mills, B.C.
Remarks: 3 mile Canfor Mainline.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23674
Fungus name: Septoria alni Sacc.
Host name: Alnus sp.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1988-06-07
Map coordinates: 49.3395°N, 122.7935°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Funk, A.
Collection location: Port Coquitlam, B.C.
Remarks: ARNEWS - #914.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23665
Fungus name: Polyporus badius (Pers.) Schwein.
Host name: Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1988-06-05
Map coordinates: 49.2481°N, 122.3817°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Funk, A.
Collection location: Ruskin, B.C.
Remarks: Rolley Lake.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23661
Fungus name: Ciboria sp.
Host name: Acer circinatum Pursh
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1988-06-06
Map coordinates: 49.3397°N, 122.9312°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Funk, A.
Collection location: North Vancouver, B.C.
Remarks: Seymour ARNEWS - East-100.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23657
Fungus name: Taphrina wiesneri (Rathay) Mix
Host name: Prunus sp.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1988-06-02
Map coordinates: 49.2497°N, 123.0687°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Funk, A.
Collection location: Vancouver, B.C.
Remarks: 2800 E. 2nd Ave.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23649
Fungus name: Septoria alni Sacc.
Host name: Alnus sp.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1988-05-25
Map coordinates: 49.9601°N, 121.5361°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Funk, A.
Collection location: North Bend, B.C.
Remarks: 6 km north of North Bend.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23648
Fungus name: Didymascella thujina (E.J. Durand) Maire
Host name: Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1988-06-01
Map coordinates: 49.0664°N, 122.1102°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Funk, A.
Collection location: Cultus Lake, B.C.
Remarks: Vedder Mtn. - FRDA underplanting. Excellent fruit bodies.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23647
Fungus name: Gloeosporium sp.
Host name: Ceanothus sanguineus Pursh
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1988-05-29
Map coordinates: 50.5079°N, 122.5064°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Funk, A.
Collection location: D'Arcy, B.C.
Remarks: Blackwater Creek.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23646
Fungus name: Epicoccum nigrum Link (=Epicoccum neglectum)
Host name: Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1988-06-10
Map coordinates: 49.0688°N, 122.5208°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Funk, A.
Collection location: Langley, B.C.
Remarks: Surrey Seed Orchard.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23644
Fungus name: Discula destructiva Redlin
Host name: Cornus nuttallii Audubon ex Torr. & A. Gray
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1988-05-25
Map coordinates: 49.6885°N, 121.4057°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Funk, A.
Collection location: Spuzzum, B.C.
Remarks: Alexandria Park.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23641
Fungus name: Phomopsis sp.
Host name: Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1988-06-06
Map coordinates: 49.5196°N, 122.9309°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Funk, A.
Collection location: North Vancouver, B.C.
Remarks: Seymour ARNEWS - North. An unusual collection of unknown Phomopsis sp. (conidia 5 x4 microns).
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23544
Fungus name: Claussenomyces olivaceus (Fuckel) M.A. Sherwood
Host name: Abies grandis (Douglas ex D. Don) Lindl.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1987-06-25
Map coordinates: 49.4677°N, 123.8720°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Funk, A.
Collection location: Sechelt, B.C.
Remarks: 2 km north of Sechelt.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23492
Fungus name: Phyllosticta sphaeropsoidea Ellis & Everh.
Host name: Aesculus hippocastanum L.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1987-06-11
Map coordinates: 49.3323°N, 121.6925°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Funk, A.
Collection location: Harrison, B.C.
Remarks: Sasquatch Park.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23488
Fungus name: Blumeriella jaapii (Rehm) Arx
Host name: Prunus sp.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1987-05-25
Map coordinates: 49.1524°N, 121.6972°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Funk, A.
Collection location: Agassiz, B.C.
Remarks: Agriculture Research Station. 'Shot-hole' disease.
Gene bank accession data: None
Map locations