Pacific Forestry Centre's Forest Pathology Herbarium

DAVFP Collections Database

Polyporus perennis L.:Fr.

Linked name: Coltricia perennis (L.) Murrill

Showing 1 to 25 of 34.

DAVFP: 21734
Fungus name: Polyporus perennis L.:Fr.
Host name: Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1948-08-06
Map coordinates: 48.5270°N, 123.3659°W
Collector: Hardy, G.
Determiner: Hardy, G.
Collection location: Saanich, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Lost (Blenkinsop) Lake. Ex: B.C. Provincial Museum.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 3467
Fungus name: Polyporus perennis L.:Fr.
Host name: Salix sp.
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1948-06-23
Map coordinates: 48.8854°N, 124.0230°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Lowe, J.
Collection location: Cowichan Lake, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: None
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 3189
Fungus name: Polyporus perennis L.:Fr.
Host name: Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1948-07-01
Map coordinates: 48.8854°N, 124.0230°W
Collector: Powell, D.
Determiner: Menzies, E.
Collection location: Cowichan Lake, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: North Arm Forest.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 3188
Fungus name: Polyporus perennis L.:Fr.
Host name: Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1948-07-01
Map coordinates: 48.8841°N, 124.1594°W
Collector: Powell, D.
Determiner: Macrae, R.
Collection location: Cowichan Lake, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: North Arm Forest. See V-3467 and 3030.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 2152
Fungus name: Polyporus perennis L.:Fr.
Host name: Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1938-07-11
Map coordinates: 48.6210°N, 123.3378°W
Collector: Mounce, I.
Determiner: Mounce, I.
Collection location: Mt. Newton, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: On burned roots at the west summit.
Gene bank accession data: None
Fungus name: Polyporus perennis L.:Fr.
Host name: Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1943-09-10
Map coordinates: 48.8854°N, 124.0230°W
Collector: Foster, R.
Determiner: Bier, J.
Collection location: Cowichan Lake, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Cowichan Lake Forest Experimental Station
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 28926
Fungus name: Coltricia perennis (L.) Murrill
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1997-06-09
Map coordinates: 48.6128°N, 124.2888°W
Collector: Outerbridge, R.
Determiner: Outerbridge, R.
Collection location: Port Renfrew, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Ph. D. thesis collection. Macrofungus ecology & diversity under different conifer monocultures on Southern Vancouver Island. FL. Fd18, S1. R.O. 64. Listed in thesis with a question mark.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 28901
Fungus name: Coltricia perennis (L.) Murrill
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1997-05-13
Map coordinates: 48.9651°N, 124.8444°W
Collector: Outerbridge, R.
Determiner: Outerbridge, R.
Collection location: Cowichan Lake, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Ph. D. thesis collection. Macrofungus ecology & diversity under different conifer monocultures on Southern Vancouver Island. Br167, Hw 121, s12. R.O. 36.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 28197
Fungus name: Coltricia perennis (L.) Murrill
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2009-11-03
Map coordinates: 48.7500°N, 123.4800°W
Collector: Kranabetter, J.M.
Determiner: Kranabetter, J.M.
Collection location: Saltspring Island, B.C.
Remarks: UTM 1046540 EP599 coastal Douglas-fir provenance trial (age 40) and coevolution of mycorrhiza. The original map coordinates provided for this record contained an error which was corrected on 25/07/2017. The original coordinates still appear on the specimen packet in the herbarium. Please contact the curator if further information is required.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 28161
Fungus name: Coltricia perennis (L.) Murrill
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2009-10-06
Map coordinates: 50.2374°N, 122.3690°W
Collector: Kranabetter, J.M.
Determiner: Kranabetter, J.M.
Collection location: Pemberton, B.C.
Remarks: UTM 1051557 EP599 coastal Douglas-fir provenance trial (age 40) and coevolution of mycorrhiza
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 27808
Fungus name: Coltricia perennis (L.) Murrill
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1997-06-27
Map coordinates: 48.4356°N, 124.0140°W
Collector: Godkin, S.
Determiner: Godkin, S.
Collection location: Jordan River, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: casual macroscopic identification, on soil over rock outcrops, surrounded by Alnus sinuata
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 26932
Fungus name: Polyporus perennis L.:Fr.
Substrate: Wood, Unidentified Wood
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1968-11-01
Map coordinates: 48.5291°N, 123.4741°W
Collector: Melburn, M.
Determiner: Melburn, M.
Collection location: Goldstream Park, Victoria, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Paden Collection.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23402
Fungus name: Polyporus perennis L.:Fr.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1986-07-01
Map coordinates: 49.3387°N, 122.5182°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Ginns, J.
Collection location: Haney, B.C.
Remarks: UBC Forest
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 23391
Fungus name: Polyporus perennis L.:Fr.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1986-10-15
Map coordinates: 49.2900°N, 122.5800°W
Collector: Humphreys, N.
Determiner: Ginns, J.
Collection location: Haney, B.C.
Remarks: UBC Research Forest. DAOM 196474. The original map coordinates provided for this record contained an error which was corrected on 25/07/2017. The original coordinates still appear on the specimen packet in the herbarium. Please contact the curator if further information is required.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 21735
Fungus name: Polyporus perennis L.:Fr.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1942-06-12
Map coordinates: 48.7084°N, 123.6117°W
Collector: Nicholls, A.
Determiner: Macrae, R.
Collection location: Cowichan, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Ex: B.C. Provincial Museum No. 32.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 14745
Fungus name: Polyporus perennis L.:Fr.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1962-11-01
Map coordinates: 48.8854°N, 124.0230°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Ziller, W.; Macrae, R.
Collection location: Cowichan Lake, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: None
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 12936
Fungus name: Polyporus perennis L.:Fr.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1961-09-18
Map coordinates: 51.1321°N, 118.2148°W
Collector: Wood, R.; Morris, W.
Determiner: Ziller, W.
Collection location: Revelstoke, B.C.
Remarks: None
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 10692
Fungus name: Polyporus perennis L.:Fr.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1957-08-23
Map coordinates: 50.2899°N, 125.9817°W
Collector: Allen, S.
Determiner: Macrae, R.
Collection location: Tlowels Lake, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: None
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 10416
Fungus name: Polyporus perennis L.:Fr.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1957-06-08
Map coordinates: 49.0390°N, 125.6682°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Macrae, R.
Collection location: Ucluelet, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: None
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 10204
Fungus name: Polyporus perennis L.:Fr.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1956-09-11
Map coordinates: 54.5539°N, 128.6135°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Macrae, R.
Collection location: Terrace, B.C.
Remarks: Kalum Lake Road.
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 8532
Fungus name: Polyporus perennis L.:Fr.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1953-07-06
Map coordinates: 49.7719°N, 125.0137°W
Collector: Foster, A.
Determiner: Macrae, R.
Collection location: Courtenay, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: None
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 8532
Fungus name: Polyporus perennis L.:Fr.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1953-07-06
Map coordinates: 49.7719°N, 125.0137°W
Collector: Foster, A.
Determiner: Macrae, R.
Collection location: Courtenay, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: None
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 8465
Fungus name: Polyporus perennis L.:Fr.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1953-06-13
Map coordinates: 48.5270°N, 123.3659°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Macrae, R.
Collection location: Saanich, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: None
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 6668
Fungus name: Polyporus perennis L.:Fr.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1950-08-19
Map coordinates: 49.9688°N, 117.3486°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Macrae, R.
Collection location: Silverton, B.C.
Remarks: Pole Blight Reserve
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 5409
Fungus name: Polyporus perennis L.:Fr.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1949-08-20
Map coordinates: 50.9523°N, 118.2101°W
Collector: Ziller, W.
Determiner: Menzies, E.
Collection location: Revelstoke, B.C.
Remarks: None
Gene bank accession data: None
Map locations