Forest Change Data Catalogue


Annual area burned (Boulanger, Y., Gauthier, S.)

Annual area burned (AAB) is the average area burned annually by large fires (>200 ha) across Canada. The areas depicted in the map represent Homogeneous Fire Regime (HFR) zones, which are areas that have similar fire return intervals. The colour of the maps represents the average annual area burned as a percentage per year. For example, if an HFR zone has an annual area burned of 2% per year we would expect that after 50 years the whole area would have been burned once.

Data provided by: Yan Boulanger

Reference: Boulanger, Y., Gauthier, S., et al. 2014. A refinement of models projecting future Canadian fire regimes using homogeneous fire regime zones. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 44, 365-376.

Years Scenario Description Data Type Link
1981-2100 RCP 2.6; RCP 8.5 A comparison of the projected percentage AAB by large fires between the reference period and different climate change scenarios and time periods. pdf Download (4.8 MB)
1981-2010 RCP Reference Period The percentage AAB by large fires, for the reference period of 1981 to 2010. This base line can be compared to the predicted AAB for various future climate scenarios. pdf Download (2.1 MB)
2011-2040 RCP 2.6 The projected percentage AAB by large fires, for the period of 2011 to 2040 under RCP 2.6, which assumes greenhouse gas emissions will be rapidly reduced. pdf Download (0 MB)
2041-2070 RCP 2.6 The projected percentage AAB by large fires, for the period of 2041 to 2070 under RCP 2.6, which assumes greenhouse gas emissions will be rapidly reduced. pdf Download (0 MB)
2071-2100 RCP 2.6 The projected percentage AAB by large fires, for the period of 2071 to 2100 under RCP 2.6, which assumes greenhouse gas emissions will be rapidly reduced. pdf Download (0 MB)
2011-2040 RCP 4.5 The projected percentage AAB by large fires, for the period of 2011 to 2040 under RCP 4.5, which assumes moderate reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. pdf Download (0 MB)
2041-2070 RCP 4.5 The projected percentage AAB by large fires, for the period of 2041 to 2070 under RCP 4.5, which assumes moderate reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. pdf Download (0 MB)
2071-2100 RCP 4.5 The projected percentage AAB by large fires, for the period of 2071 to 2100 under RCP 4.5, which assumes moderate reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. pdf Download (0 MB)
2011-2040 RCP 8.5 The projected percentage AAB by large fires, for the period of 2011 to 2040 under RCP 8.5, which assumes continued increases in greenhouse gas emissions. pdf Download (0 MB)
2041-2070 RCP 8.5 The projected percentage AAB by large fires, for the period of 2041 to 2070 under RCP 8.5, which assumes continued increases in greenhouse gas emissions. pdf Download (0 MB)
2071-2100 RCP 8.5 The projected percentage AAB by large fires, for the period of 2071 to 2100 under RCP 8.5, which assumes continued increases in greenhouse gas emissions. pdf Download (0 MB)