Forest Change Data Catalogue

Tree distribution

Plant hardiness zone (McKenney, D.W., Pedlar, J.)

Canada´s plant hardiness zones are well known to Canadian gardeners. The original hardiness indices and zones were developed in the early 1960´s through regression models of several climatic parameters and plant survival data from numerous locations across the country. Since that time Canada´s climate has changed and climate interpolation techniques have improved. These zones have been remapped using data from the original period (1930-1960), for the period from to 1961-1990, and again for the period 1981-2010 using thin plate spline interpolation methods.

Data provided by: Dan McKenney, John Pedlar

Reference: McKenney, D. W., Lawrence, K., Papadopol, P., Campbell, K. L., & Hutchinson, M. F. (2014). Change and evolution in the Plant Hardiness Zones of Canada. BioScience, 64(4), 341-350.

Years Scenario Description Data Type Link
1931-1960 RCP Reference Period Map of plant hardiness for the original period (1930-1960) pdf Download (1.7 MB)
1961-1990 RCP Reference Period Map of plant hardiness for the period 1961-1990 pdf Download (1.6 MB)
1981-2010 RCP Reference Period Map of plant hardiness for the period 1981-2010 pdf Download (1.7 MB)