Pacific Forestry Centre's Forest Pathology Herbarium

DAVFP Collections Database

The current search is by: DAVFP voucher number

DAVFP voucher number 29737

DAVFP: 29737
Fungus name: Tryblidiopsis sp.
Host name: Picea glauca (Moench) Voss
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2014-08-24
Map coordinates: 44.4834°N, 78.6520°W
Collector: J.B. Tanney
Determiner: J.B. Tanney
Collection location: Dunsford
Remarks: Collected from dead self-pruned branch attached to living tree. COLONIES 6–11 mm diam after 14 d in the dark at 20 °C on MEA, flat, sparse aerial hyphae, margin entire, hyaline, surface and reverse white to pale yellow or light orange (4A3–5A5), exudates and soluble pigments absent, mycelium consisting of hyaline, smooth, septate, branched, hyphae 1.5–3.5 µm diam. CARDINAL TEMPERATURES: range 5–30 °C, optimum 20 °C, minimum slightly <5 °C, maximum slightly >30 °C. CONIDIOMATA co-occurring with ascomata on substratum, superficially similar in appearance to immature ascomata, 150–700 μm diam, globose to peg-shaped, smooth or wrinkled in appearance, semi-immersed, erumpent from bark, opening by irregular tear without ostiole, covering layer 22–40 μm thick, unilocular, locule 120–500 μm diam. CONIDIOPHORES hyaline, septate, simply branched, lining entire locular cavity. CONIDIOGENOUS CELLS holoblastic, sympodial, 10–15(20) × (1.5)2–3(4) μm, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth, ampulliform, often swollen above midpoint before tapering to a long cylindrical collulum; conidia hyaline, filiform, falcate or sigmoid, (18)20–26(29) × (1)1.5–2 μm, germination not observed on CMA, MEA, OA, or WA. ASCOMATA on dead (often brittle) twigs and branches still attached to living stem of host, usually found in lower crown where self-pruning occurs. External appearance: outline circular to slightly undulate when viewed from above, pseudostipitate, black, texture leathery to pebbly, erumpent from bark, occurring singly to gregariously; young ascomata spherical to peg-shaped, becoming urceolate to discoid with maturity; 1.25–2 mm diam when mature and fresh or rehydrated, up to 1.3 mm tall, pedicel up to 350 μm tall and more evident in young ascomata. COVERING STROMA often opening first by slit then 3–6(9) irregular radial fissures in humid conditions with outline appearing stellate and revealing disc-shaped, pale orange to orange grey (5A3–5B2) hymenium, subsequently retracting and covering the hymenium in dry conditions and reopening when humid conditions arise, (40)46–75(90) μm thick, +/- consistent thickness enveloping ascomata, sometimes thinner towards base, composed of three distinct layers: outer layer carbonaceous, textura angularis, 13.5–23 µm wide, composed of (1)2–3(4) rows of dark brown (6F6) to black, melanized, thick-walled (1–2 μm), globose to angular cells, (4.5)6.5–11(12) × (4.5)6–9(9.5) µm; middle layer textura angularis, 12–26 µm wide, composed of (4)5–6(7) rows of hyaline, thin- to thick-walled (1 μm), globose to angular cells, (4.5)5.5–9(10.5) × (4)4.5–7.5(9) µm, embedded in gel; inner layer textura angularis, 9–34 µm wide, composed of 2–4 rows of brown (5F8) thin- to thick-walled (1 µm), globose to angular cells, (4.5)5–8(8.5) × (4)5–6.5(7.5) µm. MEDULLARY EXCIPULUM well developed, 500–700 μm deep, comprised of hyaline branching hyphae embedded in gelatinous substrate, crystalline material often present, especially towards base. SUBHYMENIUM 18–30 μm thick, hyaline, textura intricata. PARAPHYSES exceeding length of asci, 1–2 μm wide, thin-walled, hyaline, filiform, unbranched, septate, apices rounded to clavate or occasionally ossiform, 3–4.5(5) μm wide, frequently linked near the base by hyphal bridges. ASCI arising from croziers, maturing sequentially, (120)125–150(165) × (12)13–15.5(17) μm, cylindrical-clavate, apex obtuse to rounded, thin-walled, inamyloid, eight-spored. ASCOSPORES biseriate, sometime uniseriate towards base, (22)25–30(31) × (4.5)5–6(6.5) μm, ellipsoidal-fusiform to fusiform-clavate, apical end often more obtuse to clavate with basal end acute, hyaline, 0–1-septate, 2-septate ascospores rarely observed, septum median or supramedian, covered with (1.5)2.5–3.5(4.5) µm thick gelatinous sheath
Gene bank accession data: None
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