Pacific Forestry Centre's Forest Pathology Herbarium

DAVFP Collections Database

Hebeloma sacchariolens Quél.

DAVFP: 29594
Fungus name: Hebeloma sacchariolens Quél.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 2014-11-08
Map coordinates: 48.3900°N, 123.5800°W
Collector: Luther, K.
Determiner: Luther, K.
Collection location: Metchosin Boys and Girls Club, 3898 Metchosin Road, Victoria, V.I., B.C.
Remarks: Douglas-fir forest floor
Gene bank accession data: None
DAVFP: 25485
Fungus name: Hebeloma sacchariolens Quél.
Substrate: Soil and Duff
Year of collection (y-m-d): 1996-08-29
Map coordinates: 55.4457°N, 127.6563°W
Collector: Kroeger, P.
Determiner: Kroeger, P.
Collection location: Kispiox, B.C.
Remarks: Date Creek study site. Found on sites dominated by western hemlock. Subalpine fir, LP, hybrid spruce, SS, ES, WRC, paper birch, TA, & BCO also present. Okanagan Univ. Coll. ref - DC96.129-Ag.
Gene bank accession data: NCBI, JF899555, Guichon et al. 2011 (unpublished)
Map locations
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