Pacific Forestry Centre's Forest Pathology Herbarium

DAVFP Collections Database

Collection locations

Cortinarius cf. hinnuleus var. minutalis J. Favre

Table of collection locations
DAVFP Map coordinates Collection location
29706 56.1750°N 126.7000°W Sustut Provincial Park and Protected Area, B.C.
29708 56.1750°N 126.7000°W Sustut Provincial Park and Protected Area, B.C.
29709 56.1750°N 126.7000°W Sustut Provincial Park and Protected Area, B.C.
29710 56.1750°N 126.7000°W Sustut Provincial Park and Protected Area, B.C.
29712 56.1750°N 126.7000°W Sustut Provincial Park and Protected Area, B.C.
29713 56.1750°N 126.7000°W Sustut Provincial Park and Protected Area, B.C.