Herbier de pathologie forestière du Centre de foresterie du Pacifique
Base de données de la collection du DAVFP
Recherche par : Numéro de spécimen du DAVFP
Numéro de spécimen du DAVFP 29706
DAVFP : 29706
Nom du champignon :
Cortinarius cf. hinnuleus var. minutalis J. Favre
Substrat :
Soil and Duff
Année de la récolte (a-m-j) :
Coords. de carte :
56.1750°N, 126.7000°O
Collectionneur :
Berch, S.
Auteur de l'identification :
Ammirati, J.; Liimatainen, K.
Endroit de la collection : Sustut Provincial Park and Protected Area, B.C.
Remarques :
on ground with Salix stolonifera Coville; field collection 17; raw potato smell, one cluster and one singleton; Ammirati says "The C. hinnuleus complex is still in need of careful study but your sequence data places your collections 17, 30, 33, 34, 37 close to C. hinnuleus var. minutalis according to a recent e-mail from Kare. This taxon can have a strong earthy odor, which you described as potato-like in field collection 17. Morphologically your collections are similar except for 30 which has a silky fibrillose pileus surface and a rather different aspect, together with somewhat smaller, more subgloboid basidiospores. In general, collection 17, 33, 34, 37, while morphologically similar to C. hinnuleus var. minatulis, have somewhat larger spores than this taxon. In Europe this is an alpine and arctic taxon with Salix. "
Données sur les versements dans la banque de gènes :
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