Forest statistical data

Current data on various forestry-related topics in Canada, including carbon inventory, forest inventory, economy, natural disturbances and sustainable forest management.
National greenhouse gas inventory: For forest lands affected by land-use change
Trends in greenhouse gas total emissions due to deforestation and total removals due to afforestation.
National greenhouse gas inventory: For managed forests
Trends in annual greenhouse gas emissions and removals and the area of managed forests.
Domestic consumption
Trends in the domestic consumption for a range of forest products, calculated by Natural Resources Canada–Canadian Forest Service.
Forest insects
Trends in the area of moderate to severe defoliation (including beetle-killed trees) by insects in Canada.
Forest fires
Trends in the area burned and the number of forest fires in Canada.
Canadian housing starts
Trends in the number of housing starts in Canada.
Contribution to national GDP
Trends in the forest sector's contribution to nominal and real GDP.
Revenue from goods manufactured
Trends in revenue from goods manufactured in the forestry and logging, pulp and paper product manufacturing, and wood product manufacturing sub-sectors.
Forest sector employment
Trends in the number of jobs and in wages and salaries in Canada's forest sector.
Total salaries and wages for direct and indirect labor in the forest sector
Trends in wages and salaries, which are the earnings, in cash or in kind, of Canadian residents for work performed before deduction of income taxes and contributions to pension funds, employment insurance and other social insurance schemes.
Forest inventory
Forest inventory in Canada consists of ongoing data collection relating in particular to forest composition and use.
Domestic production
Trends in the domestic production for a range of forest products.
Domestic investment
Trends in capital and repair expenditures in Canada's forest sector.
Forest Management
Forest harvesting
Trends in forest area harvested and wood volume harvested on private and Crown lands in Canada.
Artificial forest regeneration
Trends in the area seeded, area planted and number of seedlings planted in Canada.
Third-party certification
Trends in forest area certified to third-party standards of sustainable forest management.
Balance and export markets
Trends in the balance of trade for a range of forest products. Trends in Canada’s exports value to world markets for all forest products.
Exports quantity
Trends in Canada’s exports quantity for a range of forest products.
Exports value
Trends in Canada’s exports value for a range of forest products.
Imports quantity
Trends in quantity of canadian imports for a range of forest products.
Imports value
Trends in value of Canadian imports for a range of forest products.
Maple products
Trends in the maple products imported to Canada and exported by Canada, in quantity and value.
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