Canadian Forest Service employee directory

John Dedes

Insect Production Facility Supervisor/Biologist
Great Lakes Forestry Centre
1219 Queen Street East
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, P6A 2E5

Tel.: (705) 541-5673


John Dedes, a native of Hamilton, Ontario started work at Great Lakes Forestry Centre (GLFC) as a Forestry technician in 1986 with the Microbial Pathogens Unit (MPU) under the direction of Dr. K. van Frankenhuyzen. He had recently graduated from Sault College of Applied Arts and Technology with diplomas from the Forestry Technician and Geological Engineering Technician programs. At that time, the research of the MPU was mainly focused on the development of the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis as a suitable replacement for chemical insecticides. He conducted many field trials across Canada during the spring and summer seasons and toxin/strain oriented research during the rest of the year. In the process, he tested and maintained many different insect species and colonies. 

In addition to his responsibilities with the MPU, John joined the Good Laboratory Practices team at GLFC in 2004. He completed the necessary training to become an auditor and conducts routine inspections on experiments following OECD quality assurance guidelines.

Eventually, in 2005, the combination of insect handling and quality assurance experience lead to John’s success in becoming the supervisor of the GLFC insect production facility.

John is currently enrolled at Lake Superior State University in Sault Ste. Marie Michigan and is working towards obtaining an Independent Study Degree in science.

In 2009, Insect Production Services was presented with the Natural Resources Canada Departmental Achievement Award because of the team’s outstanding achievements in their specialized area.


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