Canadian Forest Service employee directory
Kevin Porter
Senior Research Lead
National Capital Region
Science Policy Integration Branch
1350 Regent Street, P.O. Box 4000
New Brunswick,
E3B 5P7
Tel.: (613) 999-9999
- Joined the Canadian Forest Service in 1983
- Lead the Knowledge Synthesis Group at the Atlantic Forestry Centre
- Develop science-based information products
- Integrate and synthesize science knowledge and data for use in policy analysis and forest management decision-making
- Develop risk analysis/modeling approaches for use by the forest pest management community
- Conduct studies to reduce uncertainty associated with forest pest risks
Areas of Knowledge:
- Pest risk analysis
- Landscape ecology
- Forest modeling
- Computer science
- Geographic Information Systems
Areas of Interest:
- Spatial risk modeling
- Landscape ecology
- Forest pest impacts
- Chair, National Forest Pest Strategy Information and Information Management Technical Advisory Group
- National Forest Pest Strategy Risk Analysis Technical Advisory Group
- Brown Spruce Longhorn Beetle Survey Sub-Committee
Current Graduate Student Advisory Committees:
- Jeffrey Musgrave, M.Sc. in Mathematics (2009), University of New Brunswick
- Chris Hennigar, Ph.D. in Forestry (2009), University of New Brunswick
- Javed Iqbal, Ph.D. candidate in Forestry, University of New Brunswick
- Natural Resources Canada – Canadian Forest Service Sector Merit Award for Exceptional Achievement (2007)
- Natural Resources Canada – Canadian Forest Service Sector Merit Award for Creativity and Innovation (2007)
- Natural Resources Canada – Canadian Forest Service Sector Merit Award for Collaboration and Partnership (2006)
- Natural Resources Canada Departmental Award (2006)
- Natural Resources Canada – Canadian Forest Service Sector Merit Award for Team Achievement (2001)
- Natural Resources Canada Y2K Appreciation Award (2000)
- Forestry Canada – Maritimes Region Award for Technical Service (1991)
Current Research Projects
- Risk Analysis Framework for the National Forest Pest Strategy
- Eastern Spruce Budworm Risk Analysis
- Brown Spruce Longhorn Beetle Integrated Pest Management Project
- Spruce Budworm Decision Support System
- Spread Modeling for Forest Invasive Alien Species
- National Invasive Alien Species (CanFIAS) Database and Document Library
- Information Management Framework for the National Forest Pest Strategy
- B.Sc. in Computer Science (1983), University of New Brunswick
- Honorary Research Associate, University of New Brunswick Forestry and Environmental Management Faculty
- Date modified: