Canadian Forest Service employee directory
Contact information for Canadian Forest Service employees across the country.
Name | Title | Centre |
Abeysekera, Deepa | Chemist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Abi-Aad, Sandra | Program Officer, Market Development | National Capital Region |
Abolina, Evisa | Senior Science Analyst | National Capital Region |
Abou Zaid, Mamdouh | Research Scientist, Natural Products Chemistry | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Addy, Sarita | Researcher | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Adegbamigbe, Adedurotimi | Web Application Developer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Agatep, Cristina | Fire Science Analyst | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Agbantey, Jean Philippe | Policy Analyst (PARDP) | National Capital Region |
Agblor, Shika | Director, Operations | Northern Forestry Centre |
Agha, Adel | Software Developer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Agube, Vivian | Policy Analyst | Northern Forestry Centre |
Albert, Martina | Implementation Officer | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Alfaro Sanchez, Raquel | Research Scientist, Climate Change and Forest Ecology | Northern Forestry Centre |
Ali, Eliza | Economist, Climate Change | National Capital Region |
Allen, Darren | Forest Research Officer - - Biomass and Bioproducts | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Allen, James Brett | National Capital Region | |
Allen, Sandra | Regional Coordinator - Pacific | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Allison, Jeremy | Research Scientist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Alton, Lilly | Insect Production Technologist Assistant | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Andrews-Castles, Thomas | Entomology Technician | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Andrianirinarimanana ep A, Miray | doctoral student | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Ansell, Matthew | Forest Fire Modeling Specialist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Antwi, Effah | Research Scientist, Ecosystems Ecology | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Appleton, Justin | Administrative Support | Northern Forestry Centre |
Araujo, Jonathon | 2BT External Review Panelist | National Capital Region |
Araya, Yikalo | Forest Data Analyst | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Armstrong, Catriona | Special Advisor to the DG | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Arros, Pomme | Senior Policy | National Capital Region |
Arsenault, André | Forest Ecologist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Arseneau, Christy | Science Director, Forest Health & Biodiversity | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Ashrafizadeh, Elham | Forestry Geo-Spatial Data Analyst | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Assinewe, Dean | 2BT External Review Panelist | National Capital Region |
Aubin, Isabelle | Forest Vegetation Ecologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Aubin, Myriam | Biologist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Audet, Stephane | Program officer | National Capital Region |
Avdic, Vanja | Economist | National Capital Region |
Ayres, Gabrielle | Research Mobilization Analyst | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Baines, Patricia | Technical Support Scientific | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Baker, Evelyne | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Bakka, Karima | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Balaberda, Amy-Lynne | Post-Doctoral Research Scientist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Banfield, Ed | Advisor, Forest Sector R & D Partnerships | National Capital Region |
Baral, Sharad | Research Scientist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Barber, Kevin | Terrestrial Invertebrate Ecologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Barros, Ceres | Forest Fire Modeling Scientist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Barsanti, Tim | Forest Research Technologist | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Basler, Thomas | Junior Forest Carbon Analyst | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Bater, Christopher | Senior Remote Sensing Analyst | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Beatch, Alison | Senior Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Beaudoin, André | Research Scientist, Remote Sensing and Spatial Modeling | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Beaudoin-Kwan, Danielle | FSWEP Student | Northern Forestry Centre |
Beaumont, André | Forestry technical assistant | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Becker, Elisa | Research Scientist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Beckers, Justin | Wildfire Applications Specialist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Bédard, Nicolas | Research Assistant | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Beemer, Paula | Executive Assistant to the Management Team | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Bein, Aliya | Forest Research Technician | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Béland, Jean-Michel | Forest Biologist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Belanger, Jennifer | Program Administration Officer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Belanger, Sebastien | Forest Entomologist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Belhumeur, Megan | Chemistry Lab Technician | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Béliveau, Catherine | Biologist, Molecular Entomology | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Bell, Colleen | Junior Finance Officer | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Belleau, Evan | Technician | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Beltran, Jimy | Commerce Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Ben M'rad, Nour | Administrative Assistant | National Capital Region |
Bennemann, Caroline | Research assistant in forestry operations | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Bennett, Christina | Forest Research Assistant | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Bennett, Taylor | Research Assistant in Silviculture | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Benoit, Clemence | Wildland Fire Research Analyst | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Benson, Alanna | Junior Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Bergeron, Marie-Josée | Biologist, Molecular Genetics of Pathogenic Fungi | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Bergeron, Mathieu | Director, Planning, Partnerships and Operations | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Bergerud, Ryder | Software Developer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Berjuste, Savannah | Division Assistant | National Capital Region |
Bernier, Kathia | Biologist in molecular entomology | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Bernier, Pierre | Emeritus, Research Scientist, Forest Productivity | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Bernier-Cardou, Michèle | Senior Statistician | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Berry, Louise | Receptionist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Bérubé, Jean | Research Scientist, Forest Pest Management | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Bessette, Simon | Master student | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Best, Stephanie | Chemistry Technician | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Beverley, Megan | Senior Economist | National Capital Region |
Bhalla, Sachin | Web Advisor | National Capital Region |
Bhogal, Pal | Senior Science and Program Advisor | National Capital Region |
Bilek, Paul | Research Assistant | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Billings, Jacob | Scientific Support Assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Bilmer, Bart | Director | National Capital Region |
Bilodeau, Christopher | Cloud computing intern | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Black, Emily | Entomologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Blackburn, Cynthia | HR Consultant - Contractor | National Capital Region |
Blackburn, Gwylim | Insect Population Geneticist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Blais, Martine | Technician, Forest Research. | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Blank, Martin | Wood Fibre Production Technologist | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Bleiker, Katherine | Research Scientist, Bark Beetle Ecology | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Blier, Pascal | Junior Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Blondin, Stephanie | Senior Analyst | Northern Forestry Centre |
Boakye, Emmanuel | Research Analyst | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Boddez, Ivy | Student | Northern Forestry Centre |
Bogdanski, Bryan | Research Economist, Industry, Trade and Economics | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Bognounou, Fidèle | Forest agent in Forest Ecology | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Boissoneau, Kenneth | Insect Production Assistant | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Boissonneault, Lorne | Manager, NGOs and Municipalities (East) Stream | National Capital Region |
Boisvenue, Céline | Research Scientist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Boland, Ashlyn | Student Assistant | Northern Forestry Centre |
Bolduc-Couture, Guillaume | Forestry research assistant | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Bonnell, Brian | Manager, Portfolio Management and Performance | National Capital Region |
Bonnell, Pamela | Administrative Assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Bouaziz, Bilel | Ph.D. student with the Research Affiliate Program (RAP) | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Boubeker, Sirine | Collaborator - Phd student | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Boucher, Dominique | Biologist, Forest Ecology. | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Boucher, Jonathan | Researcher, Forests Fire | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Boucher, Nicolas | PhD Student | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Boudewyn, Paul | Research Officer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Boulanger, Yan | Research Scientist, Forest Ecology | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Bourassa, Stéphane | Technician | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Bourdeau, Anne | Manager Program Delivery | Northern Forestry Centre |
Bourdon, Caroline | Enthomology Technician | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Bourgeois, Juliette | Master's student | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Bourgoin, Anthony | Forest Project and Program Coordinator | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Bowden, Joseph | Research Scientist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Bowman, Avy | Insect Production and Quarantine Assistant | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Bowman, Susan | Molecular Biologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Brah Moumouni, Maryam | Student | National Capital Region |
Brandt, James | Senior Science Advisor | National Capital Region |
Brehaut, Lucas | Research Scientist-Wildfire Resilience | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Brescia, Shawn | Co-op student | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Briard, Veronique | IT Analyst | National Capital Region |
Brick, Stephanie | Commerce Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Bridal, Lucy | Scientific Support Technician | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Brisebois, Axel | Student | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Brissette, Nicole | Executive Assistant | National Capital Region |
Broad, Jamie | Forest Hydrology Technician | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Brodie, Elise | Data Systems Analyst | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Brohm, Mark | Senior Policy Advisor | National Capital Region |
Bron, Larissa | RAP student in paleoecology | Northern Forestry Centre |
Bronson, Spencer | Remote Sensing Analyst | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Brookes, Alison | Casual | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Brooks, Neal | Scientific Support Assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Brophy, Matthew | Technician | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Brosseau, Benjamin | Technician | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Brown, Daniel | Senior Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Brown, Jennifer | Environmental Health Data Integration Scientist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Brown, Kendrick | Research Scientist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Brunet, Alain | Health and Safety Advisor | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Brunet, Frederic | PhD candidate | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Budd, Mark | Science Director, Forest Production & Protection | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Burgess, Katherine | Technician | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Burke, Rhonda | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Burnup, Carol | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Burt, Cassandra | Student Researcher | Northern Forestry Centre |
Buss, Jennifer | Data Analyst | Northern Forestry Centre |
Butt, Gordon | Forest Biologist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Buzzell, Michael | Director, Forest Information Services Division | National Capital Region |
Cabana, Vincent | Executive Assistant | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Cadelis, Alexandre | Web programmer | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Callaghan, Diana | Planning and Operations Assistant | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Campbell, Elizabeth | Research Scientist - Forest Ecology and Climate Change (adaptation) | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Campbell, Holly | Technician (through Forest Protection Limited) | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Candau, Jean-Noel | Research Scientist, Quantitative Ecology and Climate Change | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Cantin, Alan | Forest Fire Research Project Leader | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Carifelle, Keyara | Assistant Implementation Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Carlson, Dianne | Manager, Strategic Wildfire Initiatives | Northern Forestry Centre |
Caron, Dominique | Postdoctoral Modelling Researcher | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Caron, Vanessa | Forest Carbon Analyst | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Carr, Richard | Fire Research Analyst | Northern Forestry Centre |
Carriere, Gregoire | Contractor | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Carter, Brooke | Research Assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Carvery, Jamie | Correspondence Officer | National Capital Region |
Casale Galati, Giovanni | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Cassidy, Alison | Forest Carbon Project Assistant | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Castilla, Guillermo | Remote Sensing Research Scientist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Castillo Ayala, Claudia | Science Communication Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Chabot, Sabrina | Administrative Assistant | Northern Forestry Centre |
Chadwick, Andrew | Land Use Change Analyst | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Chamoun, Elie | Senior Advisor (Free Agent) | Northern Forestry Centre |
Chan, Aidan | Forest Inventory Analyst | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Chapman, Kim | Forest Ecologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Chapman, Robert | Manager, Strategic Policy | National Capital Region |
Charland, Alexandre | Forest Fire Systems Modeling Specialist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Charron, Guillaume | Research Associate in Forest Pathology | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Chartrand, Derek | Chemistry Lab Technician | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Chavardes, Raphael | Research scientist, Wildfire Risk and Resilience | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Chaves Cardoso, Jessica | Physical Scientist Research | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Chen, Hao | Remote Sensing Research Associate | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Chen, Lule | Programmer/Developer | National Capital Region |
Chen, Sihan | IT Analyst, Software Solutions | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Chen, Yuang | Software Engineer Co-op Student | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Chevrier, Jean-Sébastien | Manager, Policy, Communications and Data | National Capital Region |
Ching, Brighten | PhD Student | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Chiu, Marian | Senior Policy Advisor | Northern Forestry Centre |
Chohan, Aisha | Student Researcher | Northern Forestry Centre |
Choukair, Mohamed | Junior Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Churchill, Doreen | Director - Corner Brook Research Facility | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Clarke Hackett, Kerri | Senior Planning Advisor | National Capital Region |
Clément, Sébastien | Biologist, Forest Genomics | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Cloutier, André | Computer programming | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Coates, Laura | Policy Advisor | National Capital Region |
Cogswell, Alexandria | Technician | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Collins, Luke | Research Scientist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Comeau, Roxanne | Acting Director, Collaborative Research | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Conder, Nicholas | Research Technician - Biological Control of Defoliating Insects | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Cooke, Barry | Research Scientist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Cooke, Tracey | Director Forest Ecosystems | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Cooper, Linda | Junior Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Corbett, Katelyn | Guest Worker | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Cornelsen, Cameron | Entomologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Corona Salinas, Grace | Project Coordinator | National Capital Region |
Correia, David | Senior forest specialist in remote sensing | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Côté, Chantal | Biologist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Côté, Jean-François | Research Scientist - Forest Inventory | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Cotton-Gagnon, Anne | Forestry Research Officer | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Coursolle, Carole | Forest research assistante | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Couture Naud, Maude | Senior Trade Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Coverley, Alexander | Research Assistant | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Craner, Matthew | MacEwan intern | Northern Forestry Centre |
Cranny, Morgan | Remote Sensing Analyst | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Cranston, Carter | software developer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Crossman, Verna | Science Policy Advisor | National Capital Region |
Crowley, Morgan | Forest Fire Research Scientist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Cruickshank, Mike | Research Scientist, Root Diseases | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Crumbaugh, Joe | Analytical Laboratory Manager | Northern Forestry Centre |
Cubero Moya, Jose | Market Access Policy Officer | National Capital Region |
Cusson, Michel | Research Scientist, Insect Physiology and Biochemistry | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
D'Eon, Steve | Forestry Officer | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Da Cunha Juchem, Isabel | Forest Biologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Dabros, Anna | Research Scientist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Dagenais Roy, Veronique | Project Officer | National Capital Region |
Dagnault, Sébastien | Senior Advisor and Technical Services Supervisor | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Dahleh, Rand | Commerce Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Daigle, Bernard | Knowledge Transfer Specialist. | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Dale, Angela | Forest Research Officer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Dallaire, Catlan | Database Scientist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Dallner, Tyler | Guest Worker | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Dargent Bocanegra, Felipe | Postdoctoral Research Scientist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Darko, Akua | Interdisciplinary Research Analyst | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Darquié, Léa | Invited Postdoctoral Researcher | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Darychuk, Sara | Forest Carbon Analyst | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Das, Sourav | Physical Scientist - Research | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Davies, Claire | Economist | National Capital Region |
Davies, Marissa | Lead Analyst, Forest Dynamics | Northern Forestry Centre |
Davignon, Hélène | French Editor | National Capital Region |
Davis, Chad | Policy Analyst | Northern Forestry Centre |
Dawe, Denyse | Spatial data analyst | Northern Forestry Centre |
De Grandpré, Louis | Research Scientist, Plant Ecology and Forest Dynamics | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
De Jong, Mark | Fire Research Scientist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
De Jong-Westman, Alexandra | 2BT External Review Panels | National Capital Region |
Deane, Patrick | Forest Fire Research Specialist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Dearborn, Kenneth | guest worker | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Dearnley, Jamie | Analytical Lab Manager | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
DeBoer, Kaitlin | Forest Systems Modelling Specialist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
DeBoer, Stephanie | Senior Program Advisor | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Dedes, John | Insect Production Facility Supervisor/Biologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Degenhardt, Dani | Research Scientist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Delisle, Johanne | Research Scientist, Forest Entomology | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Demerais, Brigette | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
DeMerchant, Ian | Team Leader, Technological Services Group | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Demers, Marc-Antoine | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Demidovich, Misha | Insect Production Services Technologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Derbowka, Darren | National Tree Seed Centre Coordinator | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Derry, Victoria | Forest Health Biologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Desantis, Edward | Forest Science Climate Change Officer | National Capital Region |
Desaulniers, Edouard | Data analyst in tree genetics and genomics | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Deschenes, Elise | Forest Biologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Deshaies, Noemie | Analyste principal(e) des politiques | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
DesRochers, Pierre | Emeritus Scientist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Dewan, Sarah | Program Operations Manager | National Capital Region |
Dhanani, Hanah | Policy Analyst (PARDP) | National Capital Region |
Dick, Adam | Director, Strategic Operations | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Dietrich, Rachel | Fire Intelligence Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Ding, Allan | Innovation Project Officer | National Capital Region |
Dinu, Claudia | Senior Advisor on Grants and Contributions | Northern Forestry Centre |
Distranski, Nikki | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Dixon, Randolph | Enterprise Architect | Northern Forestry Centre |
Dobbin, Jessica | Casual Worker | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Domenicano, Susy | A/ Executive Director | National Capital Region |
Donovan, Shawn | Scientific Support Technician | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Dosanjh, Monique | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Doucet, Andrée | Manager BioHeat | National Capital Region |
Doucet, Daniel | Research Scientist, Molecular Insect Biology | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Downey, Margot | Forest Information Liaison Officer | National Capital Region |
Doyle, Isaiah | Software Developer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Doyle, Megan | Research Assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Drake, Anna | Research Scientist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Dranga, Stefana | Forestry Officer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Drolet, Logan | Research assistant in entomology | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Drouin, Lionel | Owner | National Capital Region |
Drudge, Lisa | Executive and Administrative Services Supervisor | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Drugmand, Ben | Scientific Support Technologist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Dubois, Marie-Pier | Web Developer | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Duchesne, Isabelle | Research Scientist - Fibre Characterization | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Dufault, Evelyne | Director, Forest Sustainability | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Duncan, Aileen | A/ Manager, Science Policy Integration | National Capital Region |
Dunn, David | Head Chemical Services Laboratory | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Durand, Jessica | Laboratory Technician | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Durnin-Vermette, Francis | Physical Scientist - Research | Northern Forestry Centre |
Durocher, Christine | Forest Information Officer | National Capital Region |
Dussault, Éric | Technician, Forest Research | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Duval-Mace, Nicolas | Manager, Climate Change Policy | National Capital Region |
Dyk, Andrew | Deforestation Monitoring Coordinator | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Eakett, Andrew | Computer Programmer Analyst | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Echiverri, Laureen | Research Scientist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Eddy, Brian G. | Research Scientist, Ecosystems Analyst | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Eddy, Ian | Analytical Ecologist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Edge, Christopher | Research Scientist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Edwards, Sara | Research Scientist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
El Chababi, Maria | Manager | National Capital Region |
El-Helou, Lara | Admin Services Manager | National Capital Region |
Elferjani, Raed | Knowledge exchange and Indigenous engagement officer | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Elofson, Jon | Team Leader, Application Development | Northern Forestry Centre |
Emilson, Caroline | Forest Bioenergy Analyst | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Emilson, Erik | Research Scientist, Forest Aquatic Ecology | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Emond, Susanne | Senior Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Englefield, Peter | Physical Sciences Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Erdle, Heidi | Forest Liaison Tech Transfer Manager | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Erni, Sandy | Research Scientist Fire Risk | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Errington, Ruth | Peatland Technician | Northern Forestry Centre |
Escolastico Ortiz, Dennis | Biologist - Microbial ecology | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Esfahani, Fatemeh | Land Use Change Analyst | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Evans, Lindsay | A/Planning & Operations Officer | National Capital Region |
Eveleigh, Eldon | Emeritus Scientist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Evens, Jordan | Wildfire Applications Developer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Fahey, Jordan | Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Fallow, Kaitlyn | Policy/Program Fellow | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Fang, Chengdong | Forestry Development Officer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Farness, Justin | Laboratory technician | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Farrell, James C.G. | Forest Project and Program Coordinator | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Fauteux, Samuel | Policy Analyst | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Feau, Nicolas | Research Scientist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Fellows, Max | computer scientist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Fera, Jeff | Forest Research Officer | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Fermin, Matthew | FSWEP Forestry Assistant | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Ferrante, Darlene | Planning Analyst | National Capital Region |
Fick, William | Research Technician | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Fidgen, Jeff | Forest Health Biologist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Fifield, Luke | Volunteer | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Fijarczyk, Anna | Research scientist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Filewod, Benjamin | Research Scientist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Filipescu, Cosmin | Research Scientist | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Fischer, Patricia | Planning and Operations Assistant | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Fisher, Kathryn | 2BT Operations Analyst - Carbon Modelling | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Fleming, Rob | Research Scientist, Biophysical Processes | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Fong, Morgan | Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Fontaine-Topaloff, Justine | Forest Ecologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Forbes, Glen | Regional Liaison Officer | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Forbes, Keldi | Wildfire Research Economist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Forner, Juliana | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Foroutan, Frohan | Economist (PARDP) | National Capital Region |
Fortin, Mathieu | Research Scientist | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Foster, Rodney | Forest Research Biologist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Fournier, Ronald | Insect Disturbance Geospatial Analyst | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Fox, Drake | Senior Information and Statistics Officer | National Capital Region |
Francis, Ellen | Manager, Environment Policy | National Capital Region |
Francis, Marlene | Finance | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Francoeur, Isabel | Web Programmer | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Franklin, Cynthia | Senior Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Fraser-Reid, Erin | Forestry Adaptation Research and Knowledge Exchange Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Freedberg, Hannah | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Friel, Elizabeth | Summer student | Northern Forestry Centre |
Friesen, Devon | Economist | National Capital Region |
Frison, Monique | Director General | National Capital Region |
Fullarton, Peter | Director General | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Furlonger, David Douglas | Coop student | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Gagné, Caroline | Sustainable Forest Management Indicators Specialist | National Capital Region |
Gagne, Justine | Biologist in Forest Genomics | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Gagné, Patrick | Bioinformatician | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Gagnier, Monica | Silvicultural research assistant | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Gagnon, Bruno | Manager | National Capital Region |
Gagnon, France | Tree Genomics Collaborator | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Galarneau, Danny | Director General | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Galea, Dominic | Student | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Gallant, Lisa-Anne | Executive Assistant | National Capital Region |
Garibaldi, Madeleine | Research Scientist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Garner, Amanda | NFI Laboratory Technician | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Gartrell, Michael | Information System Specialist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Gascon, Gabrielle | Director, Climate Change Research | Northern Forestry Centre |
Gaskin, Paul | Director General | National Capital Region |
Gaumond, Robert | Manager, FPT Program Delivery Stream | National Capital Region |
Gautam, Krishna H. | Forest Sector Analyst | National Capital Region |
Gauthier, Deborah | Chef Technician | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Gauthier, Everett | Information Management Specialist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Gauthier, Marie-Krystel | Forest Pathology Biologist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Gauthier, Martin-Michel | Forestry Officer | National Capital Region |
Gauthier, Sylvie | Research Scientist, Forest Succession | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Gauvin, Mathieu | Biologist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Gauvin, Samantha | Manager, People and Wellness | Northern Forestry Centre |
Geigel, Josh | Graphic Designer | National Capital Region |
Gélinas, Chantal | Team Manager, Administrative Services Unit | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Gervais, David | Technician | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Ghandeharian, Sacha | Policy Analyst (PARDP) | National Capital Region |
Ghoussainy, Rana | Junior Facilitator Consultant | National Capital Region |
Giasson, Louis-David | Fibre characterization intern | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Giasson, Mischa | Scientific Support Assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Gies, Valerie | Data Advisor | National Capital Region |
Gilbert, Anne | Director, Special Projects | Northern Forestry Centre |
Gillis, Justine | MSc student | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Gillis, Shannon | Research Assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Gillmore, Lorene | Regional Manager, Prairie and Northern Region | Northern Forestry Centre |
Girardin, Martin | Research Scientist, Modeling and Forest Productivity | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Giroux-Bougard, Xavier | Analyste caribou | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Giuliano, Camille | Forest Research Analyst | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Glaus, Valentine | Biologist in entomology | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Glowinski, Brent | Developer Operations Lead | Northern Forestry Centre |
Godbout, Alexandre | IT Analyst, IT Software Solutions | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Godbout, Julie | Scientist, Postdoctoral Research Program | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Godley, Dana | Engineering and Scientific Support | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Goetz, Geoffrey | Forest Fire Modeling Specialist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Gonzalez, Noemie | Knowledge exchange and indigenous engagement officer | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Good, Mackenzie | Greenhouse/nursery Assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Goodine, Gretta | Field Nursery Technician | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Goodrunning, Kaylynn | Assistant Implementation Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Goodsman, Devin | Entomologist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Goodwin, Joel | Forest Entomology Assistant | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Gosselin, Caroline | Head Forest Information Strategy | National Capital Region |
Goudiaby, Venceslas | Casual Worker | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Gougeon, François | Research Scientist - Digital Remote Sensing | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Gowen, Brent | Microscopy Technician | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Grabka, Paige | Invasive Species Research Assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Graham, Abby | Junior Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Grant, Alison | Forest Health Biologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
GRAVES, Roger | Technician | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Gray, Mary | Physical Scientist - Research | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Gray, Meghan | Entomology Technologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Greco, Danielle | Forest Biologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Green, Felysia | General Technical | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Green, Jordan | Casual Worker | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Grenapin, Cedric | Junior Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Grenier, Holly | Chief of Staff | National Capital Region |
Grenier, Pier Alexandre | Etudiant gradué en génomique forestière | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Grenke, Jessica | Policy Analyst (PARDP) | National Capital Region |
Grenon, Frank | Chief of Forestry Science, Program and Policy | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Gritter, Kelsey | Physical Scientist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Gros Louis, Michel | 2BT External Review Panelist | National Capital Region |
Gros-Louis, Marie-Claude | Forestry program and Knowledge Exchange Liaison Officer | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Gruber, Aniko | Forest research assistant | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Guan, Aimin | National Forest Information System Developer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Guenette-Lamontagne, Dominique | Senior Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Guignard, Quentin | Applied Visual & Chemical Research Scientist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Guindon, Luc | Chef de projets en télédétection | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Gumieny, Darrell | Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Guo, Xiao Jing | Biostatistician | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Guppy, Callum | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Hafer, Mark | Physical Scientist - Carbon Accounting | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Haile, Bethany | English Editor | National Capital Region |
Hajason, Jerry | Analyst in soil science | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Hakko, Antwan | Programmer Analyst, Application Development | National Capital Region |
Hallett, Jason | Research Forest Maintenance Worker | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Hamel, Benoit | Terrestrial Ecosystems Specialist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Hamelin, Richard | Research scientist, forest pathology and genomics | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Hammond, James | Forest Ecosyst. Biologist, Dir. Coleoptera Ctre of Excellence | Northern Forestry Centre |
Hams, Terence | National Forestry Database Statistical Lead Acting | National Capital Region |
Hanes, Chelene | Wildland Fire Research Scientist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Hanninen, Shelley | Archives Leader | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Hansen, Bryan | 2BT External Review Panelist | National Capital Region |
Hararuk, Oleksandra | Forest Carbon Research Scientist- Soils | Northern Forestry Centre |
Harbin, Kyle | Forest Management Technician | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Hardy, Sandra | Staffing/Classification Coordinator | Northern Forestry Centre |
Harel, Antoine | External collaborator students not paid by RNCAN | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Hargrove, Glenn | Assistant Deputy Minister | National Capital Region |
Harper, Morgan | Administrative Assistant | Northern Forestry Centre |
Harrison, Richard | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Hartley-Nakao, Akira | Spatial Analyst (Wildfire) | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Harvie, Julia | Forest Fire Modelling Specialist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Hatton, Terry | Director General | National Capital Region |
Hay, Terry | Technical Services Technician | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Hays-Byl, Winnifred | Director, Forest Innovation & Dynamics | Pacific Forestry Centre |
He, Hongxing | Research Biologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Heartz, Shane | Forest Research Biologist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Hebda, Nicholas | researcher | Northern Forestry Centre |
Hébert, Christian | Research Scientist, Forest Insect Ecology and Diversity | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Hemprich, Sofie | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Hennigar, Christopher | Forest Research Project Leader | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Henry, Bradley Scott | Client Relations Officer | National Capital Region |
Hermosilla Gomez, Txomin | Research Scientist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Hernandez, Rennier | Data Analyst | National Capital Region |
Hernandez, Rolando | IT Technical Team Leader | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Hessenauer, Pauline | Forest Genomic Biologist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Hethcoat, Matthew | Senior Land Use Change Scientist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Hewitt, Lana | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Hezit, Aicha | Scientific Support Technician | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Higgins, Kellina | Data analysis assistant | Northern Forestry Centre |
Higgs, Donald | Geo-spatial data specialist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Hill, David Allen | Forest Landscape Analyst, Remote Sensing | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Hill, Spencer | Forest Data Analyst | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Hill, Wes | Senior Finance Officer | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Hitchcock, Lindsay | Executive Assistant | National Capital Region |
Hobart, Geordie | Physical Scientist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Hodge, Janice | Pacific Forestry Centre | |
Hoepting, Michael | Silviculture Research Forester | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Hoffman, Philip | Insect Biodiversity Technician | Northern Forestry Centre |
Holland, Aidan | Operations and Research Technician | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Holmes, Georgia | FSWEP Forestry Assistant | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Holt, Morgan | Forest Data Analyst | National Capital Region |
Hong, Jennifer | Economist | National Capital Region |
Hong, Michael | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Hooey, Sharon | Tissue Culture Technician | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Hook, Trisha | Climate Change Impact Technician | Northern Forestry Centre |
Hope, Emily | Forest Resource Economist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Horodecki, Chiara | Guest Worker | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Houet-Larouche, Clovis | French Writer/Editor | National Capital Region |
Houlahan, Thomas | Data analyst | National Capital Region |
Houle, Gabriel | National IT Project Manager | National Capital Region |
Houston, Sydney | Scientific support technician | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Howard, Christina | Lead Analyst, Carbon Mitigation | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Howard, Richard | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Huber, John | Research Scientist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Huberman, Yudel | Research Biologist | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Hudson, Benjamin | Manager, Carbon Accounting and Reporting | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Hudson, Danielle | Physical hydrologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Hudson, Michelle | Program Coordinator | Northern Forestry Centre |
Hughes, Cory | Forest Officer | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Hughes, Matthieu | DevOps Engineer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Hulley, Taylor | Commerce Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Humphries, Peter | Cyber-Security Consultant | National Capital Region |
Huron, Paule | Technician | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Hutchings, Brandon | Research Assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Huynh, Nina | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Ibrahim, Omnia Gamal | Forest Research Officer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Ileperuma-Arachchi, Ilesha | PhD student - guest worker | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Iles, Maclean Allan | Scientific Support | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Imbrogno, Anthony | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Infante, Craeg | Wildfire Applications Developer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Isaac-Renton, Miriam | Research Scientist | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Isabel, Nathalie | Research Scientist, Forest and Environmental Genomics | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Isitt, Rylee | Student - Guest Worker | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Islam, Aminul | Herbarium and Molecular Biology Research Technician | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Issa, Jawa | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Itimi-Elo, Oghene-Karo | Junior Technical Advisor | National Capital Region |
Iyer, Rahul | Forest Operations Research Assistant | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Jabri, Mehdi | Physical Scientist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Jacubovich, Pablo | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Jain, Piyush | Research Scientist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Jamal, Mahmud | COOP Forestry Assistant | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Jarvis, Samantha | Junior Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Jastremski, Kathryn | Senior Policy Analyst | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Jawad, Abrar | Casual | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Jeanneau, Amélie | Research scientist, wildland fire | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Jeeves, Helena | IT Team Leader | Northern Forestry Centre |
Jeffrey, Olivier | Technologist scientific support | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Jenner, Elena | Human Resources Advisor | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Jennings, Angela | Laboratory Assistant | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Jennings, Ryan | Laboratory Technician | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Jette, Anne | Science Information Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
JN Jacques, Sophia | Delivery Support | National Capital Region |
John, Esme | Research Biologist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Johns, Rob | Forest Insect Ecology | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Johnson, Erica | Senior Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Johnson, Katherine | Research Technician | Northern Forestry Centre |
Johnson, Kelsey | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Johnston, Joshua | Research Scientist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Johnston, Lynn | Forest Fire Research Specialist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Jones, Emma | Fire Analyst | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Jones, Travis | Ind Eng & Forest Policy Analyst | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Jones, Trevor | Research Scientist | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Joss, Brent | Fibre Bio-Geoinformatics Analyst | National Capital Region |
Joyner, Nora | Delivery Support | National Capital Region |
Julian, Maggie | Senior Policy Analyst | Northern Forestry Centre |
Julien, Héryk | Scientific data management specialist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Jurko, Natasha | Physical Fire Scientist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Kachura, Madeline | DendroEcologist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Kalantari, Parvin | Physical Scientist - Researcher | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Kambo, Dasvinder | Forestry Liaison Section Leader | National Capital Region |
Kaur, Simrat | Budworm Ecology Research Assistant | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Kebo, Sasha | Spatial Analyst | National Capital Region |
Keeling, Christopher | Forest Genomics Researcher | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Keeping, Julia | Research Assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Kehler, Daphne | Program Manager | National Capital Region |
Kelly, Josh | Guest Worker | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Kennedy, Adam | Support Officer | National Capital Region |
Keryliuk, Mim | IM Assistant | Northern Forestry Centre |
Kesselman-Duffy, Lindsay | Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Khouri, Marc | Director, SSPED | National Capital Region |
Khushrushai, Roxana | Junior Finance Officer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Kielstra, Brian | Cumulative Effects Research Scientist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Kievit, Josiah | Software Developer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Kilburn, Joshua | Forest Technologist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Kim, Catherine | Manager, Policy and Coordination | National Capital Region |
King, Jacob | Forest Science Tech Specialist | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Kingsbury, Nancy | Senior Policy Advisor and Project Manager | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Klain, Andrew | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Klutsch, Jennifer | Research Scientist - Forest Entomology | Northern Forestry Centre |
Knapp, Jeff | Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Knight, Alexandra | Executive Assistant | National Capital Region |
Knockwood, Mary | Indigenous Programs Manager | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Knowles, James | Manager, Softwood Lumber and Trade Analytics | National Capital Region |
Koch, Madeline | Forest Entomology Summer Student | Northern Forestry Centre |
Kokkinos, Melina | Contractor | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Konowalec, Kyra | Tree Ring Technician | Northern Forestry Centre |
Kostanowicz, Chantelle | Entomology Technician | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Krygier, Richard | Intensive Fibre Management Specialist | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Kuehn, Peter | Land Restoration Technician | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Kull, Stephen | Carbon Modeling Extension Forester | Northern Forestry Centre |
Kung, Brendan | Software Developer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Kuntzemann, Christine | Climate Change Analyst | Northern Forestry Centre |
Kurz, Werner | EMERITUS SCIENTIST | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Kyei-Poku, George | Insect pathologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Labossiere, Francine | Senior Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Labranche, Pierre-Alexandr | Caribou analyst | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Labrecque, Alain | Biologist, Forest Entomology | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Labrie, Philippe | Technician, Forest Research | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Lacarte, Samuel | Fire Research Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Lacasse, Cindy | Project Officer | National Capital Region |
Lachance, Marc | Forest Fire Research Specialist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Ladouceur, Mikael | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Lafontaine, Rebecca | Junior Facilitator Consultant | National Capital Region |
Laganière, Jérôme | Research Scientist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Lake, Lyse-Anne | Project Officer | National Capital Region |
Lake, Nickolas | Research Assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Lakhdari, Mehdi | Economist | National Capital Region |
Lalande, Veronique | Manager, Sustainable Forest Management Integration Hub | National Capital Region |
Lalonde, Mathieu | Manager, Grants and Contributions | Northern Forestry Centre |
Lalonde, Ryan | Science Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Lalumière, Antoine | Forest Research Technician | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Lamache, Chloe | Fire Science Technologist/Specialist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Lamarque, Laurent | Research Scientist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Lamb, Rosanna | Policy Analyst | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Lambert, Francois | Assistant technique | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Lamothe, Manuel | Biologist, Forest Genomics | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Lamoureux, Michel | Health, Safety and Environment Advisor | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Landry, Nicholas | Policy Analyst (PARDP) | National Capital Region |
Landry-Doran, Jacob Aaron | Field and laboratory assistant | Northern Forestry Centre |
Lang, Keenan | Policy Analyst | Northern Forestry Centre |
Langor, David | Entomologist, Biodiversity and Pest Management | Northern Forestry Centre |
Lanti-Traikovski, Alex | Forestry Research Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Lapierre, Samuel | Forest genetics technician | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Large, Florence | Elder in Residence | Northern Forestry Centre |
Large, Jonathan | Fire Intelligence Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Larivière, Lynne | Program Policy Advisor | National Capital Region |
Larocque, Allen | Physical Sciences Specialist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
LaRocque, Guy | Research Scientist, Modeling and Forest Productivity | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Larouche, Louis-Olivier | Technician | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Last, Fawn | Science Information Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Lau, Nicole | Physical Scientist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Lauer, Katherine | Research Assistant | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Laverdière, Jean-Philippe | Summer Student, Forest Genetics | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Lavigne, Jonathan | Restoration Interpreter | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Lavigne, Mike | Ecophysiologist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Lavigne, Patricia | Biologist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Lavoie, Lucie | Senior Forester | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Lavoie, Suzanne | Fire specialist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Lawrence, Kevin | Geographical Information Systems Analyst | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Le Noble, Sophie | Senior Analyst, Climate Change Policy | National Capital Region |
Le Vallée-Valdés, Samuel | Junior Political Analyst | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Leach, Jason | Research Scientist, Forest Ecohydrology | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Leal, Isabel | Research Scientist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Leblanc, Jean-Denis | Forestry Officer, Stand Dynamics | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
LeBlanc, Robert | Forest Change Modeling Analyst | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Lebon, Maurice | Manager, Information and Technology Management | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Lebrun, Rejean | Research Director - Ecosystems Dynamic Division | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Leclair, Gaetan | Organic Chemist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Leclerc, Ludovic | Research assistant | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Leclerc, Yoana | Master Student | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Leconte, Ariste | Administrative Assistant | National Capital Region |
Lecours, Maurice | Wildfire Knowledge Exchange Advisor | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Lee, Gloria Jean | 2BT External Review Panelist | National Capital Region |
Lee, Jacob | Support Officer | National Capital Region |
Lee, Melissa | Senior Planning Advisor, Resources | National Capital Region |
Lee, Nickolas | Scientific Support Technician | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Lefebvre, Jenna | Science and Program Branch Portfolio Manager | National Capital Region |
Légaré, Jean-François | Technician, Forest research | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Lejour, Dominique | Forest Research Technician | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Lenz, Patrick | Research Scientist | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Lepage, Brittany | Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Lepage, Pierre-Luc | Policy Analyst | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Lessard, Jean-Martin | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Letourneau, Dominique | Fire research technician | Northern Forestry Centre |
Letourneau, John | Technical Services Supervisor | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Létourneau, Mathieu | Chemist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Levasseur, Caroline | Biologist Forest Genomic | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Levasseur, Jean-François | Director | National Capital Region |
Levasseur, Patrick | Physical Scientist | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Levasseur, Yannick | Junior Technical Advisor | National Capital Region |
Levesque, Sandrine | Administrative Assistant | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Lévesque-Tremblay, Véronique | Biologist, Forest Genomics | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Lewis, Amanda | CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Lewis, Andrew | GIS Forest Technician | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Lewis, Xavier | Scientific Support Technician | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Lewkowicz-Lalonde, Andje | Project Manager | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Li, Chao | Landscape Dynamics Research Scientist | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Li, Cindy | Laboratory Assistant | Northern Forestry Centre |
Li, Dionne | Senior Finance Assistant | Northern Forestry Centre |
Li, Mu Han | Forest Carbon Co-op student | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Li, Zhen | Insect Production Technician | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Liboiron, Marie Anick | Knowledge Exhange Specialist | National Capital Region |
Light, Michael | Forest Research Technician | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Lim, Meghan | Economist | National Capital Region |
Liston, Lyndsey | Scientific Support Assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Little, John | Spatial Data Analyst - Fire Mg | Northern Forestry Centre |
Littleton, Lisa | Chemistry Technician | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Liu, Cathy | Senior Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Liu, Jun-Jun | Molecular Forest Pathologist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Liu, Ning | Forest Systems Modelling Specialist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Liu, Yuehong | Labo. Tech. Insect Patholgy | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Lloy, Charlene | Project Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Longhurst, Vicki | Administrative Assistant | Pacific Forestry Centre |
LongJohn, Reece | Indigenous Fire Stewardship | Northern Forestry Centre |
Longpre, Trevor | National Coordinator, Indigenous Forestry Initiatives | National Capital Region |
Lopatka, Carson | Wildfire Science Technician | Northern Forestry Centre |
Lorin, Marie Noelle | Administrative assistant | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Loughheed, Francis | Senior Policy Advisor | National Capital Region |
Lovelace, Ashley | Insect Rearing Technician | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Low, Brian | Manager, National Forest Information System | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Lumbala, Melisa | Junior Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Lussier, Jean-Martin | Research Scientist, Silviculture and Forest Productivity | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Luther, Thomas | Research Assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Lynn, Craig | Commerce Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Ma, Andrew | Molecular Biologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
MacAfee, Katalijn | Director - Forest Ecosystems | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
MacConnell, Jennifer | Senior Program Officer | National Capital Region |
MacDonald, Heather | Interdisciplinary social scientist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
MacDonald, Joanne | Research Scientist-Tree Dev. Physiologist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
MacDougall, Ainsley | Economist | National Capital Region |
Mackenzie, Laura | Director | National Capital Region |
MacKenzie, Maria | Senior program officer | National Capital Region |
MacKinnon, Wayne | GIS Forester | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
MacLean, Troy | Regional Finance Officer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Macnab, Bruce | Head, Wildland Fire Information Systems | Northern Forestry Centre |
MacPherson, Leah | Forest Fire Analyst | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
MacQuarrie, Christian | Research Scientist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Madden, Krystal | Wildlife Research Technican | Northern Forestry Centre |
Mader, Caitlin | Forest Disturbance Analyst | Northern Forestry Centre |
Madore, Myriam | Finance and Administration Clerk | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Magee, Haley | Forest Research Assistant | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Magistrale, Anna | FWSEP Student | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Magnan, Michael | Computer Scientist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Main, Danielle | Forest Development Officer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Majic, Angela | Senior Policy Advisor | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Major, Ian | Genomics Research Scientist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Major, John | Research Scientist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Malayny, Abby | Forest Research Technician | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Malcolm, John | Analyst/Advisor | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Malek, Agnes | Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Malet, Xavier | Cloud computing and scientific database specialist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Malo, Melissa | Forest Research assistant | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Maltais, Véronique | Knowledge exchange and Indigenous engagement officer | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Maltais, Xavier | Research assistant | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Mandour, Fares | Forest Research Technician | Northern Forestry Centre |
Manka, Francis | Forest Biologist, Research | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Mansuy, Nicolas | Forest Landscape Restoration Researcher | Northern Forestry Centre |
Manvailer Goncalves, Vinicius | Physical Scientist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Marchal, Jean | Analyste en recherche sur les incendies de végétation | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Marchand, Maryse | Forest Biologist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Marcoux, Mariah | Wildlife Research Technician | Northern Forestry Centre |
Marcucci, James | Social Science Researcher | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Marquis, Benjamin | Research Scientist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Marsh, Jenna | Executive Advisor to the Director General | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Marshall, Ginny | Wildfire Analyst | Northern Forestry Centre |
Martel, Véronique | Research Scientist Entomology | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Martin, Joel | Business Analyst | National Capital Region |
Martin, Kaleb | Summer Field Assistant | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Martineau, Christine | Research Scientist Microbiome Genomics | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Martino, Laurene | Laboratory Technician | Northern Forestry Centre |
Maryshev, Gavriil | Software Devleoper | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Maslowski, Natalie | Fire Research Analyst | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Massoda Tonye, Salomon | Scientific Data Management Specialist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Mathers, Kade | FSWEP student | Northern Forestry Centre |
Mathews, Nicholas | Commissionaire | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Mathey, Anne-Hélène | Executive Director | National Capital Region |
Mationg-Smith, Asia | Student Researcher | Northern Forestry Centre |
Mayo, Peter | Insect Chemical Ecology | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Mazerolle, Daniel | Director General | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Mbenoun, Michael | Forest Pathology Researcher | Northern Forestry Centre |
McBeath, Alec | Forest Economist, Industry Trade and Economics | Pacific Forestry Centre |
McCaffrey, Kathryn | Editor | National Capital Region |
McCaig, Madison | Forest Biologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
McCarthy, Keenan | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
McCarthy, Samuel | Administrative Assistant | National Capital Region |
McCuaig, Theodore | Greenhouse Assistant | Pacific Forestry Centre |
McFayden, Colin | Forest Fire Knowledge Exchange Project Leader | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
McGee, Dayna | Policy Advisor | National Capital Region |
McGrath, Laura | Administrative Services and Program Support | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
McGregor, Alexis | Student Researcher | Northern Forestry Centre |
McGuchan, Evan | Land Restoration Assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
McInnes, Rory | Geo-spatial Technologist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
McInnis, Chantal | Receptionist | Northern Forestry Centre |
McIntire, Eliot | Research Scientist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
McKenney, Dan | Director, Integrated Ecology and Economics | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
McKillop, Declan | Invasive species research assistant (Entomology) | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
McMillan, Melanie | Senior Policy Advisor | Northern Forestry Centre |
McNalty, Catherine | Tree Ring Technician | Northern Forestry Centre |
McPherson, Audrey | Technician | Pacific Forestry Centre |
McTavish, Heather | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
McVittie, Dawn | Wildland Fire Information Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Meades, Susan | Spatial Data Assistant | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Meaker-Williamson, Marisa | Policy Advisor | National Capital Region |
Meehan, Matthew | Research scientist, forest entomology | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Mendes, Victor | Software Developer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Meng, Lingrui | Student Researcher | Northern Forestry Centre |
Menon, Neha | Software Developer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Mercier, Caroline | Senior Program Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Mercier, Frederick | Forest research assistant | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Metsaranta, Juha | Research Scientist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Meunier, Sebastien | Forestry Res. Proj. Leader | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Michaelian, Michael | Forest Health Technician | Northern Forestry Centre |
Michaud, Fanny | Biologist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Milito, Joanne | Finance Services Clerk | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Milli, Celeste | Visiting Scientist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Millier, Naomi | Technical Support | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Mintz, Julie | Records Assistant | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Miskelly, James | Forestry Officer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Mitchell, Jessie | Research Technician. | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Mitchell, Joshua | Senior Advisor Indigenous Fire Policy | Northern Forestry Centre |
Mitchell, Kelly | Health, Safety and Environmental Officer | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Mizzi, Shannon | Executive Assistant | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Moeini, Omid | Physical Data Scientist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Mohammad, Mohammad | Senior Research Advisor | National Capital Region |
Mohammed, Noor | Salesforce Tester | National Capital Region |
Moisan, Marie-Ange | PhD Student | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Moise, Eric | Research Scientist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Monjezi-Kochak, Kayvon | Technician | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Moody, Ileana | Junior Remote Sensing Developer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Mooney, Christa | Senior Policy Advisor | National Capital Region |
Moore, Brett | Fire Response Manager / Wildfire Intelligence and Predictive Services | Northern Forestry Centre |
Moore, Daniel | Administrative Assistant | National Capital Region |
Morel, Andrew | Senior Policy Advisor | National Capital Region |
Morency, Marie-Josée | Biologist, Forest Genomics | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Morgan, Brenna | Junior Technical Advisor | National Capital Region |
Morin, Benoit | Biologist-Laboratory Services | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Morin, Jessalyn | Forest Science Technologist | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Morin, Mary Ann | 2BT External Review Panelist | National Capital Region |
Morissette, Julienne | Director, Wildland Fire Research | Northern Forestry Centre |
Morken, Scott | Computer Programmer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Morneau, Marie-Soleil | Biologist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Morrison, Kim | Fire Science Analyst | Pacific Forestry Centre |
MORRISON, Roderick Norman | Interoperability Scientist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Moser, Keanna | Insect Rearing Technologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Motevassel, Hadi | reclamation student | Northern Forestry Centre |
Mouck, Laura | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Movchan, Dmytro | Physical Scientist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Muhi, Badar | Auditor | National Capital Region |
Mulligan, Lawrence | Operations Technician | |
Munoz Alvarez, Diego | Senior Economic Research Analyst | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Murat, Annonciade | Junior Economist | National Capital Region |
Murray, Kathleen | Casual | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Murray, Meagan | Scientific Support Assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Murray, Susan | Physical Sciences Specialist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Mvolo, Cyriac | Research Scientist | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Nadeau, Simon | Biologist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Nadeau, Solange | Senior Forest Sociologist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Nahwegahbow, Joanna | Interdisciplinary Science Data Assistant | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Najem, Sara | Support Officer | National Capital Region |
Nakai, Naoko | Senior Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Naluzny, Kathleen | Editor | National Capital Region |
Nason, Sarah | Knowledge Exchange and Outreach Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Ndiaye, Mamadou | Remote sensing and geomatics analyst | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Nealis, Vince | Researcher | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Neilson, Eric | Wildlife Research Scientist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Neilson, Eric | Forest Carbon Analyst | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Nelson, Stephanie | Ecosystem Biologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Nesdoly, Andrea | 2BT Spatial Analyst Carbon Modeling | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Netecha, Anna | FSWEP Student | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Neufeld, Jacob | Laboratory Technician | Northern Forestry Centre |
Newell, John | Forest research assistant | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Newton, Dr. Peter | Research Scientist, Productivity Assessment and Modeling | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Nguefouet Nguimeya, Joy Patrick | intern web development and databases | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Ngueho Yemele, Martin | Senior Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Nguyen, Catherine | Administrative Assistant | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Nguyen, James | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Nicholson, Emily | Forest Officer | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Nicholson, Keenan | Geospatial Research Assistant | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Nicolae, Ioan | Forest officer | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Nicoletta, Vittorio | Wildland Fire Research Analyst | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Niemeyer, Alannah | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Nilausen, Chelsea | Economist | National Capital Region |
Nisole, Audrey | Biologist in molecular entomology | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
No Runner, Alyssa | Student Researcher | Northern Forestry Centre |
Noel, Don | Greenhouse Helper | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Noksana, Kanelsa | Student Researcher | Northern Forestry Centre |
Nolan, Maxime | Forest technician | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Normand, Lia | Undergraduate Research Assistant | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Norris, Charlotte | Forest Soils Research Scientist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Norton, Michael | Director General | Northern Forestry Centre |
Noseworthy, Meghan | Research Manager | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Nyemtsev, Rostyslav | Program Officer | National Capital Region |
O'Blenes, Madison | Indigenous Fire Stewardship | Northern Forestry Centre |
O'Brien, Patrick | FSEWP summer student | Northern Forestry Centre |
O'Donnell, Eamon Cathal | Economist | National Capital Region |
O'Donnell, Patrick | Senior Advisor, Application Development | National Capital Region |
Ochoa, Isabelle | Entomology Technologist/Specialist-Scient | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Ogez, Pascal | Forest Management Coordinator | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Ogut, Funda | Research Scientist | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Oladipo, Segun | IT Analyst, Database Management | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Oliver, Jacqueline | Computer Programmer Analyst | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Omendja, Kangakola | Federal Land Natural Resource Specialist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Oosterhoff, Meaghan | Student Researcher | Northern Forestry Centre |
Opazo, Marcel | Administrative Assistant | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Ortiz Aristizabal, Alejandro | Junior Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Ortlepp, Stephanie | Monitoring Analyst | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Oshier, Romi | Senior Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Ouellet-Pariseau, Marie | Wildfire Science Technician | Northern Forestry Centre |
Ouellette, Erick | IT Team Leader SS | Northern Forestry Centre |
Oxford, Paul | Research Forest Worker | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Pagé, Benoit | Leader, Statistical Services | National Capital Region |
Pahlavanlu, Paniz | Senior Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Palarchio, Quintin | Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Palmer, Shawn | Scientific Support Technicien | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Panagiotidis, Kristen | Policy Analyst (PARDP) | National Capital Region |
Pandeya, Bijay | Dendrochronologist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Panwar, Raagini | Policy Analyst (PARDP) | National Capital Region |
Papadopol, Pia | Guest Worker | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Paquet, Jean-François | Forester in charge of work on federal land | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Paquet-Pelchat, Vincent | Technical Advisor | National Capital Region |
Paquette, Melanie | Administrative Assistant | National Capital Region |
Paré, David | Research Scientist, biogeochemistry & productivity of ecosystems | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Parent, Colin | Senior Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Parent, Michael Bernard | Knowledge Projects Coordinator | National Capital Region |
Parisien, Marc-André | Research Scientist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Park, Hyeone | Economist | National Capital Region |
Park, Lucia | Junior Economist | National Capital Region |
Parker, Hailie | Finance Clerk | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Pascual Puigdevall, Jesus | Research Professional | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Patel, Bhargav | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Payne, Lara | Research officer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Payne, Nick | Research Scientist, Atmospheric Studies | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Pederson, Erin | Reclamation Technician | Northern Forestry Centre |
Pedlar, John | Forest Landscape Biologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Peery, Rhiannon | Bioinformatic Specialist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Pelletier, Annick | Executive Assistant to the Director General | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Pelletier, Françoise | Forest Genetics Technician | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Pelletier, Gervais | Biologist, Forest Genomics | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Penney, Andrew | Forest Research Project Leader | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Perbet, Pauline | Senior analyst in remote sensing et forest ecology | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Perez, Nathan | FSWEP student | Northern Forestry Centre |
Perkins, Gerald | Vegetation and Soils Field Technician | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Perrakis, Daniel | Research Scientist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Perrault, Kerry | Insect Production Research Assistant | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Peter, Brian | Manager, Forest Programs | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Petersen Pelletier, Malaika | Laboratory Assistant | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Peterson, Brayden | Forest carbon data analyst | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Phillipos, Mark | Data Engineer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Phippen, Stan | Forestry Liaison Section Leader | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Phouangpraseuth, Pheophanh | Planning Officer (Finance) | National Capital Region |
Piché, Julie | Graphic Designer | National Capital Region |
Picq, Sandrine | Postdoctoral Fellow, Insect Populations Genomics | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Piercey, Douglas | Geospatial Specialist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Pinzon, Jaime | Restoration Ecology Scientist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Plummer, Cameron | Web Assistant | National Capital Region |
Pohl, Greg | Insect/Disease Identification Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Poitras, Heather | Elder in Residence | Northern Forestry Centre |
Polachirackal, Vivin | Sales Force Developer Level 2 | National Capital Region |
Polchies, Jenna | Guest Worker | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Polimenakos, Sofia | Graphic Designer | National Capital Region |
Pope, Andrew | Senior Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Porter, Kevin | Senior Research Lead | National Capital Region |
Potvin, Amélie | Laboratory Technician | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Potvin, Marianne | Molecular biologist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Potvin, Serge | Finance Officer | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Pouliot, Esther | Technician, Forest Research | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Primavera, Mark | Forest Ecology Technician | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Prokopec, Jack | Policy Analyst | Northern Forestry Centre |
Protheroe, Thomas Harvey | Software Developer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Provenzano, Kyleigh | Executive Assistant | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Purcell-Pilgrim, Ryan | Research Assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Pureswaran, Deepa | Research Scientist, Forest Insect Ecology | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Purohit, Avee | Junior Economist | National Capital Region |
Quan, Guoxing | Molecular Entomologist Research Scientist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Rabearison, Toky | Postdoctoral fellow in microbial ecology | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Rae, Kristen | Division Assistant | National Capital Region |
Rampley, Greg | Chief, Bioproducts and Supply Chain Economics | National Capital Region |
Ramsfield, Tod | Forest Pathologist Research Scientist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Rancourt, André | Senior Commerce Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Rao, Sophie | Software Developer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Raposo, Carmina | Entomology Assistant | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Rastello, Kevan | Mountain Pine Beetle Expansion 2 | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Ratcliffe, Blaise | Forestry Research Officer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Ratsimandresiarivo, Maya Disraëli | PhD candidate | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Reed Metayer, Edouard | PhD student in forest genetics | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Reeves, Rebecca-Lynn | Video and Communications Assistant | Northern Forestry Centre |
Régnière, Jacques | Research Scientist, Insect Population Dynamics | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Reimann Baston, Rodrigo | Forest Carbon Analyst | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Reisi Gahrouei, Omid | Phd Student | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Reitsma, Emily | Fire Field Technician | Northern Forestry Centre |
Rhainds, Marc | Research Scientist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Richardson, Ash | Senior Data Scientist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Riel, Bill | Research Officer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Rioux-Labelle, Hélène Isabelle | Administrative Assistant | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Roberge, Amélie | Director General | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Robert, Etienne | Visiting Researcher | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Robertson-Clark, Fiona | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Rochefort, Richard | Consultant | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Rocheleau-Duplain, Mathias | Technician | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Rocray, Pierre-Emile | 2BT External Review Panelist | National Capital Region |
Rodrigue, Sebastien | Spatial Database Analyst | Northern Forestry Centre |
Rodway, Anthony | Spatial Analyst | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Roe, Amanda | Research Scientist Insect Production and Quarantine | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Rogeau, Marie-Pierre | Wildland fire officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Rollin, France | Manager, Operations Management of Digital Information Services | National Capital Region |
Romanenko, Kateryna | Biologist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Roscoe, Lucas | Research Scientist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Ross, Grace | Analytical Chemistry technician | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Ross, Jodie | Senior Project Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Roth, Gary | Technical & Field Support Worker | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Rouleau, Véronique | Research Biologist in Environmental Genomics | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Rowe, Sydney | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Rowland, Jodi | Senior Manager | National Capital Region |
Roy, Braeden | Programmer Analyst, Application Development | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Roy, Mabroor | Laboratory Technician | Northern Forestry Centre |
Roy, Vincent | Collaborative Research Director | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Royer, Lucie | Research Scientist, Population Dynamics | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Rubinoff, Ezra | Casual Worker, Forest Land-use Change Monitoring | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Rudolph, Tyler | Forest Integrity Specialist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Rumson, Joel | Research Assistant in Silviculture | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Rupp-Eke, Carmen | Manager, Indigenous and Municipalities (West) Stream | National Capital Region |
Russo, Glenda | Forest Inventory Officer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Ryan, Margarita | Senior Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Sadiq, Talha | Senior Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Sahdra, Gurtej | Commerce Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Saint-Amant, Rémi | Scientific Data Design and Organization Specialist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Saito, Yosuke | Data Engineer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Sakhrani, Shreya | Junior Economist (Research and Modelling) | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Salvail, Jared | Wood Fibre Development Technician | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Sambaraju, Kishan | Research Scientist, Forest Pest Modelling | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Sanders, Cara | 2BT External Review Panelist | National Capital Region |
Sandoval, Victor | Support Analyst, Infrastructure Operations | National Capital Region |
Sandwith, Joshua | Forest Science Technologist | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Sang, Zihaohan | Post-doctoral researcher | Northern Forestry Centre |
Sangha, Amrit | Executive Assistant | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Sankey, Stacey | Senior Policy Advisor | Northern Forestry Centre |
Santala, Kierann | Forest Biologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Santos O'Keefe, Carla | Executive Assistant | Northern Forestry Centre |
Sasseville Charette, Emilie | Knowledge Management and Research Analyst | National Capital Region |
Sattler, Derek | Forest Research Project Leader | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Saulnier, Laurie | Senior Policy Analyst | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Saunders, Laura | Forestry Assistant | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Savoie, Noah | Casual | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Scafe, Michael | Forestry Data Analyst | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Scarr, Taylor | Director Integrated Pest Management | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Schacker, Matthew | Innovation Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Schappert, John | Program Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Schiller, Andrea | Federal Lands Natural Resources Specialist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Schmitz, Timothy | Program Advisor | National Capital Region |
Schneider, Marcel | Forestry Liaison Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Schouten, Cora | Policy Anlyst | National Capital Region |
Schultz, Teagan | Web developer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Scott, Laura | Regional Liaison Officer | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Seed, Evan | Policy analyst (PARDP) | National Capital Region |
Séguin, Armand | Research Scientist, Forest Genomics | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Seigner, Vincent | Technologist in scientific support | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Selvaraj, Charumitha | Coop Student | Northern Forestry Centre |
Sementilli, Eric | Editorial Coordinator | National Capital Region |
Senbore, Omotayo | Senior Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Senthivasan, Shreeram | Fire Research Data Analyst Modeller | Northern Forestry Centre |
Sete, Paula | Laboratory Technician | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Seymour, Stephanie | Indigenous Engagement and Science Advisor | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Shabani, Maral | Program Operations Officer | National Capital Region |
Shafiq, Izwani | Junior Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Shakeri, Zahed | Wildland Fire Research Analyst | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Shamoun, Simon | Research Scientist- Forest Pathology & Pest Management | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Shand, Angus | Land-Use Change Specialist, Deforestation Monitoring | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Shanks, Evan | CS-Disturbance Modelling Group | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Sharma, Deepali | Junior Project Officer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Shaw, Levi | Graduate Student in Silviculture | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Shay, Philip-Edouard | Sylviculture Research Forester | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Sheppard, Madeline | Field and Laboratory Assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Sheppard, Sevrenne | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Sherwood, Emma | Wildland Fire Analyst | Northern Forestry Centre |
Sidders, Derek | Regional Coordinator and Program Manager | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Simard, Christine | Laboratory Technician | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Simpson, Brian | Head/Wildfire Intelligence and Predictive Services | Northern Forestry Centre |
Simpson, Mackenzie | IT Analyst | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Sims, Sarah | Insect Production Services Technologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Sinclair, Savannah | Executive Assistant | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Singh, Preetpal | Entomologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Siu, Kevin | Fire Analyst Programmer | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Skakun, Rob | Remote Sensing Analyst | Northern Forestry Centre |
Skinner, Andrea | Project Lead - Forestry Minor Use Pesticides | National Capital Region |
Skretting, Tristan | Fire Research Technician | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Sloane, Meghan | Fire Research Data Technologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Smenderovac, Emily | Watershed Ecologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Smiley, Byron | Manager, National Forest Inventory | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Smith, Greg | Bark Beetle Ecologist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Smith, Gregory | Director | National Capital Region |
Smith, Michael | Forest Officer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Smith, Oakley | Research Assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Smyth, Carolyn | Research Scientist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Sniderhan, Anastasia | Research Scientist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Soares, Hannah | Research Technician | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Song, Alex | National Forest Inventory data management specialist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Soro, André | VISITING SCIENTIST | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Soubeyrand, Maxence | Postdoctorat | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Soucy, Nargiza | Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Souliere, Isabell | Part time worker | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Souza da Silva, Mariana | PhD student in forest genomics | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Spady, Christine | Senior Trade Policy Advisor | National Capital Region |
Sparkes, Tracy Ann Marie | Executive Assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Spearing, Melissa | Biologist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Sponarski, Carly | Research Scientist | Northern Forestry Centre |
St-Germain, Jean-Luc | Manager, Pest Risk Management | National Capital Region |
St-Pierre, Ariane | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
St-Pierre, Dominic | Director General | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
St.Amour, Jacob | Insect Production Services Technologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Stampe Munck, Vienna | Research Assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Starr, Sommer | Guest worker | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Stastny, Michael | Forest Insect Ecologist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Staton, Stephanie | Finance and Admin Officer | National Capital Region |
Stennes, Brad | Director Policy, Planning and Operations | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Stinson, Graham | Director, Forest Information | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Stockdale, Chris | Fire research scientist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Stone, Forest | Dendroecologist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Stone, Mugdha | Invasive Species Research Assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Stone, Rebekah | Research Assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Straby, Joanne | Forest Information Coordination Officer | National Capital Region |
Stralberg, Diana | Researcher - Climate Change | Northern Forestry Centre |
Strand, Jeannette | National Forest Information System Database Administrator | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Strickland, Guy | Remote Sensing & GIS Analyst | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Studens, Kala | Forest Systems Statistician | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Subedi, Nirmal | Wildfire Research Economist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Subedi, Susan | Policy Analyst | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Suddaby, Rod | Fire Management Systems Analyst | Northern Forestry Centre |
Sullivan, Robert | Machinery Maintenance Assistant | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Sumampong, Grace | Research Technician | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Sun, Lili | Forest Economist, Industry Trade and Economics | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Sutherland, Sharon | Health, Safety & Security Officer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Swan, Joseph | Forest Entomology Assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Swanburg, Taylor | Molecular Biology Technician | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Swanson, Robert | Science Policy Officer | National Capital Region |
Sweeney, Jon | Research Scientist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Swystun, Tom | Forest systems modelling specialist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Tailfeathers, Deserae | Student Researcher | Northern Forestry Centre |
Taje, Elizabeth | Administrative Assistant | Northern Forestry Centre |
Tanguay, Philippe | Research Scientist, Molecular Forest Pathologist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Tanney, Joey | Research Scientist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Tardif, Jonathan | Director | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Tartaix, France | Program Manager | National Capital Region |
Tauvette, Martin | Program Operations Manager | National Capital Region |
Taylor, Carmen | Policy Advisor | National Capital Region |
Taylor, Steve | Research Scientist, Forest Fire | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Teasdale, Pierre-Jonathan | Director | National Capital Region |
Teeuwsen, Nicole | Forest Research Technician | Northern Forestry Centre |
Tennant, Mark | Scientific Research assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Tester, Monica | Senior Grants and Contribution Advisor | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Thakkar, Sureshkumar | Sales Force Developer Level 2 | National Capital Region |
Thandi, Gurp | Geographic Information Systems Technician | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Thatcher, Jill | Executive Assistant to the Management Team | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Théberge, Delphine | Research Assistant (RAP) | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Thériault, Julie | Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Thibeault, Aurely | Administrative assistant.. | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Thiffault, Nelson | Research Scientist | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Thomas, Maxime | Trainee - microbial ecology | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Thompson, Daniel | Forest Fire Research Scientist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Thompson, Morgan | Forestry Data Specialist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Thompson, Nichelle | Junior Project Officer | National Capital Region |
Thomson, Ivy | Information Management Coordinator | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Thomson, Jessica | Senior Advisor | National Capital Region |
Thorsteinsson, Russell | Forest Inventory Officer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Thwaites, Alicia | SINEWS Program Administrator | Northern Forestry Centre |
Tinis, Sally | Deforestation Specialist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Toliao, Andrea | Business Architect | National Capital Region |
Tolwinski, Kasia | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Tomar, Kajal | Web Software Developer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Tomm, Bradley | Forest Health Technician | Northern Forestry Centre |
Tompalski, Piotr | Research Scientist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Toonders, Kayley | Commerce Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Torres, Camila | Administrative assistant | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Touchette, Lyne | Biologist | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Tourrilhes, Julie | Junior Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Tousignant, Aude | Popularization and knowledge exchange officer | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Tremblay, Alain | Forest worker | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Tremblett, Nathan | Guest Worker | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Trepanier, Kaitlyn | Lab Technician | Northern Forestry Centre |
Trofymow, Tony | Research Scientist - Soil Ecology | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Trowbridge, Cory | Graduate student | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Trudeau, Claudette | Director | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Trudeau, Simon | Analyste de données scientifiques | National Capital Region |
Trus, Julie | Fire Risk Research Analyst | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Tso, Tia | Planning Analyst | National Capital Region |
Tucker, Peter | Greenhouse/Nursery Labourer | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Turbelin, Anna | Post Doctoral Research Scientist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Turgeon, Jean | Research Scientist, Insect Biology & Ecology | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Turin, Tessa | Laboratory Technician | Northern Forestry Centre |
Turner, Kacie | Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Tuthill, Jennifer | Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Twist, Jordan | Indigenous Fire Stewardship | Northern Forestry Centre |
Uchmanowicz, Erika | Policy Advisor | National Capital Region |
Uddin, Moonwere | Development assistant | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Unka, Kailyn | Reclamation Student | Northern Forestry Centre |
Vaisbord, Madeleine | Deforestation Monitoring Analyst | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Valk, Kieran | Scientific Support Assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Van Bogaert, Rik | Forest Science Climate Change Officer | National Capital Region |
Van Der Kamp, Derek | Research scientist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
van der Meer, Berni | Forest genomics and health biologist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
van Deventer, Francois | Director, Atlantic Tree Improvement Council | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Van Dongen, Angeline | Reclamation Technician | Northern Forestry Centre |
Van Elslander, Jonathan | Physical Scientist - Research | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Van Hezewijk, Brian | Research Scientist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Van Hinte, Alison | Senior Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
van Lier, Olivier | Remote Sensing Specialist | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Van Lunen, Theodore | Senior Science Advisor | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Van Rooyen, Kate | Technician | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
van Wyngaarden, Laura | Policy Advisor | National Capital Region |
Vasbinder, Wendy | Manager, Market Access and Trade | National Capital Region |
Vasileiou, Theodora | Administrative Assistant | Northern Forestry Centre |
Vaughn, Rob | Plant Biologist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Vekeman, Melissa | Research and Operations Technician | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Venier, Lisa | Research Scientist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Verbisky, Richard | Senior Advisor, International Affairs | National Capital Region |
Verge, Isabelle | Project manager | National Capital Region |
Vermeeren, Katrina | Senior Policy Analyst | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Viau, Christine | Division Administrative Assistant | National Capital Region |
Vicente, Sonia | Chief, MPBI Implementation | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Villemaire, Philippe | Analyst, Geomatics and Remote Sensing | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Voicu, Mihai | Physical Scientist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Vorobey, Olga | Web Designer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Voscort, Luca | Casual worker | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Vucetic, Luka | Manager of IT, PER | National Capital Region |
Vujakovic, Nina | Technical Assistant | Northern Forestry Centre |
Wagers, Steven | Remote Sensing Analyst | Northern Forestry Centre |
Wagner, Lorie | Policy and Reporting Analyst | National Capital Region |
Wainio-Keizer, Kerrie | Environmental Technician | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Waite, Olivia | Forestry Officer | Canadian Wood Fibre Centre |
Wakeford, Daren | Health and Safety Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Waldron, Kaysandra | Research Scientist, Forest Ecosystems Response to Stresses | Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Walker, Jessica | Scientific Support Technician | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Walsworth, Nicholas | Spatial Analyst | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Walters, Izek | Research Assistant | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Wang, Weiwei | Research Scientist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Wang, Xianli | Fire Research Scientist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Wardlaw, Ashlyn | Insect Pest Management Technician | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Wardman, Bennett | Student Research Assistant | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Waring, Vince | Technical Resources Supervisor | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Warner, Lyn | Sr Planning Advisor, Renewal | National Capital Region |
Warren, Jamie | Forest Biologist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Watt, Gerri-Lynn | Commerce Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Watt, Jaime | Spatial Analyst (Wildfire) | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Watters, Amanda | Consultant | National Capital Region |
Webb, Jessica | Program Officer | National Capital Region |
Weber, Jim | Forest Health Monitoring Technician | Northern Forestry Centre |
Webster, Kara | Research Scientist - Forest Soil Ecologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Wehrmann, Susan | Delivery Support | National Capital Region |
Weibelzahl, Jordan | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Weldon, Tom | soil and water conservation technician | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Wellington, Nadine | Policy Analyst PARDP | National Capital Region |
Wenger, Charity | Student Researcher | Northern Forestry Centre |
West, Chris | Geospatial Scientist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Wheatley, Matthew | Director, Ecosystem Health Science Program, | Northern Forestry Centre |
Wheeler, Joelle | Finance Clerk | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Wheeler, Melissa | National Advisor, Forest Information Web Management | National Capital Region |
Whelan, Benjamin | Senior Manager, Program Delivery | National Capital Region |
Whelan, Maureen | Manager, International Affairs | National Capital Region |
White, Joanne | Research Scientist, Forest Inventory and Analysis | Pacific Forestry Centre |
White, Thomas | Director, Entomology & Phytosanitary Research | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Whitman, Ellen | Forest Fire Research Scientist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Whittaker, Brittney | Policy Advisor | National Capital Region |
Wiebe, Philip | Project Biologist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Wiggins, Donald | Molecular Forest Pathology Technician | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Wijerathna, Asha | Post Doctoral Research Scientist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Williams, Holly | Molecular Pathology Technician | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Williams, Martin | Forest Genomics Research Scientist | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Williams, Robert | Software Developer | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Williamson, Miranda | Manager, Build Green with Wood | National Capital Region |
Wilmot, Madeleine | Forestry Geomatics Technical Support | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Wilson, Emmerson | Science Analyst | National Capital Region |
Wilson, Katherine | Administrative Assistant | Northern Forestry Centre |
Wilson, Laure | Operational Programs Manager | Northern Forestry Centre |
Wilson, Ray | Indigenous Engagement Officer | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Wilton, Peter | Contractor | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Wirta, Alexandria | Vegetation and Soils Field Technician | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Wittmann, Tess | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Woldetensae, Tinsae | Contractor | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Wolfe, Jaime | SINEWS Program Manager | Northern Forestry Centre |
Wolfe, Jared | Science Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Wong, Crystal | Finance Clerk | Northern Forestry Centre |
Wong, Linda | Research Economist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Woodman, Samuel | Physical Scientist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Woods, Ciaran | Casual Worker - forest pathology technician | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Woodward, Amanda | Data Analyst | National Capital Region |
Wotton, Mike | Research Scientist, Forest Fire | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Wulder, Mike | Research Scientist, Forest Inventory and Analysis | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Wylie, Patrick | Senior Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Xi, Zhouxin | Remote Sensing Scientist | Northern Forestry Centre |
Xie, Sheng | Research Scientist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Xu, Zach | Economist, Climate Change | National Capital Region |
Yakiwchuk, Brian | Forest Data Analyst | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Yan, Krista | Finance Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Yang, Jasper | Junior Economist (Research and Modelling) | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Ye, Yinan | Forest Information Analyst | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Yemshanov, Denys | Research Scientist - Quantitative Spatial Modeler | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Yoga, Sarah | Policy Analyst | National Capital Region |
Young, Catherine | Editorial Assistant | Northern Forestry Centre |
Young, David | Policy Analyst | Northern Forestry Centre |
Young, Erika | Research Scientist - Forest Soils | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Yu, Leona | Junior Economist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Yuan, Joyce Jingyao | Manager, Economic Analysis | National Capital Region |
Zahara, Alex | Indigenous Fire Stewardship | Northern Forestry Centre |
Zamany, Arezoo | Genomics Research Services Supervisor | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Zammit, Karlee | Fire Research Analyst | Northern Forestry Centre |
Zamora, Lee | Projects Officer | National Capital Region |
Zerb, Jessica | Forestry Officer | Northern Forestry Centre |
Zhang, Gary | Computer Programmer, Scientific Model Applications | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Zhang, Jin | Forest Information Analyst | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Zhang, Xiaoqing | Economist | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Zhao, Kai | Data Scientist | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
Zhu, Jacob | Software Engineer Co-op Student | Pacific Forestry Centre |
Zhu, Xinbiao | Integrated Risk Modeller | Atlantic Forestry Centre |
Zomaya, Dicho | Technologist (Scientific Support) | Great Lakes Forestry Centre |
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