Canadian Forest Service employee directory

Contact information for Canadian Forest Service employees across the country.

Name Title Centre
Abeysekera, Deepa Chemist Atlantic Forestry Centre
Abi-Aad, Sandra Program Officer, Market Development National Capital Region
Abolina, Evisa Senior Science Analyst National Capital Region
Abou Zaid, Mamdouh Research Scientist, Natural Products Chemistry Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Addy, Sarita Researcher Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Adegbamigbe, Adedurotimi Web Application Developer Northern Forestry Centre
Agatep, Cristina Fire Science Analyst Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Agblor, Shika Director, Operations Northern Forestry Centre
Agube, Vivian Policy Analyst Northern Forestry Centre
Albert, Martina Implementation Officer Atlantic Forestry Centre
Alfaro Sanchez, Raquel Research Scientist, Climate Change and Forest Ecology Northern Forestry Centre
Ali, Eliza Economist, Climate Change National Capital Region
Allen, Darren Forest Research Officer - - Biomass and Bioproducts Atlantic Forestry Centre
Allen, James Brett National Capital Region
Allen, Sandra Regional Coordinator - Pacific Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Allison, Jeremy Research Scientist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Alton, Lilly Insect Production Technologist Assistant Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Andrews-Castles, Thomas Entomology Technician Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Andrianirinarimanana ep A, Miray doctoral student Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Ansell, Matthew Forest Fire Modeling Specialist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Antwi, Effah Research Scientist, Ecosystems Ecology Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Appleton, Justin Administrative Support Northern Forestry Centre
Araujo, Jonathon 2BT External Review Panelist National Capital Region
Araya, Yikalo Forest Data Analyst Pacific Forestry Centre
Araya, Zelalem Analyst Co-op Student Pacific Forestry Centre
Armstrong, Catriona Special Advisor to the DG Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Armstrong, Samuel Student Research Assistant (Co-op) in Bark Beetles Pacific Forestry Centre
Arros, Pomme Senior Policy National Capital Region
Arsenault, André Forest Ecologist Atlantic Forestry Centre
Arseneau, Christy Science Director, Forest Health & Biodiversity Atlantic Forestry Centre
Ashrafizadeh, Elham Forestry Geo-Spatial Data Analyst Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Assinewe, Dean 2BT External Review Panelist National Capital Region
Aubin, Isabelle Forest Vegetation Ecologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Aubin, Myriam Biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Audet, Stephane Program officer National Capital Region
Avdic, Vanja Economist National Capital Region
Ayres, Gabrielle Research Mobilization Analyst Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Baines, Patricia Technical Support Scientific Atlantic Forestry Centre
Baker, Evelyne Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Bakka, Karima Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Balaberda, Amy-Lynne Post-Doctoral Research Scientist Northern Forestry Centre
Banfield, Ed Advisor, Forest Sector R & D Partnerships National Capital Region
Baral, Sharad Research Scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
Barber, Kevin Terrestrial Invertebrate Ecologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Barber, Quinn Fire Science Analyst Northern Forestry Centre
Barnes, Veronica Research Assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
Barros, Ceres Forest Fire Modeling Scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
Barsanti, Tim Forest Research Technologist Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Basler, Thomas Junior Forest Carbon Analyst Pacific Forestry Centre
Bater, Christopher Senior Remote Sensing Analyst Pacific Forestry Centre
Beatch, Alison Senior Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Beaudoin, André Research Scientist, Remote Sensing and Spatial Modeling Laurentian Forestry Centre
Beaudoin-Kwan, Danielle FSWEP Student Northern Forestry Centre
Beaumont, André Forestry technical assistant Laurentian Forestry Centre
Becker, Elisa Research Scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
Beckers, Justin Wildfire Applications Specialist Northern Forestry Centre
Bédard, Nicolas Research Assistant Laurentian Forestry Centre
Beemer, Paula Executive Assistant to the Management Team Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Bein, Aliya Forest Research Technician Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Béland, Jean-Michel Forest Biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Belanger, Sebastien Forest Entomologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Belhumeur, Megan Chemistry Lab Technician Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Béliveau, Catherine Biologist, Molecular Entomology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Bell, Colleen Junior Finance Officer Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Belleau, Evan Technician Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Beltran, Jimy Commerce Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Ben M'rad, Nour Administrative Assistant National Capital Region
Bennemann, Caroline Research assistant in forestry operations Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Bennett, Christina Forest Research Assistant Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Bennett, Taylor Research Assistant in Silviculture Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Benoit, Clemence Wildland Fire Research Analyst Laurentian Forestry Centre
Benson, Alanna Junior Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Bergeron, Marie-Josée Biologist, Molecular Genetics of Pathogenic Fungi Laurentian Forestry Centre
Bergeron, Mathieu Director, Planning, Partnerships and Operations Laurentian Forestry Centre
Berjuste, Savannah Division Assistant National Capital Region
Bernier, Kathia Biologist in molecular entomology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Bernier, Pierre Emeritus, Research Scientist, Forest Productivity Laurentian Forestry Centre
Bernier-Cardou, Michèle Senior Statistician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Berry, Louise Receptionist Pacific Forestry Centre
Bérubé, Jean Research Scientist, Forest Pest Management Laurentian Forestry Centre
Bessette, Simon Master student Laurentian Forestry Centre
Best, Stephanie Chemistry Technician Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Beverley, Megan Senior Economist National Capital Region
Bhalla, Sachin Web Advisor National Capital Region
Bhogal, Pal Senior Science and Program Advisor National Capital Region
Bilek, Paul Research Assistant Pacific Forestry Centre
Billings, Jacob Scientific Support Assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
Bilmer, Bart Director National Capital Region
Bilodeau, Christopher Cloud computing intern Laurentian Forestry Centre
Black, Emily Entomologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Blackburn, Cynthia HR Consultant - Contractor National Capital Region
Blackburn, Gwylim Insect Population Geneticist Pacific Forestry Centre
Blais, Martine Technician, Forest Research. Laurentian Forestry Centre
Blank, Martin Wood Fibre Production Technologist Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Bleiker, Katherine Research Scientist, Bark Beetle Ecology Pacific Forestry Centre
Blier, Pascal Junior Program Officer National Capital Region
Blondin, Stephanie Senior Analyst Northern Forestry Centre
Boakye, Emmanuel Research Analyst Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Boakye-Danquah, John Scientific Researcher Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Boddez, Ivy Student Northern Forestry Centre
Bogdanski, Bryan Research Economist, Industry, Trade and Economics Pacific Forestry Centre
Bognounou, Fidèle Forest agent in Forest Ecology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Boissoneau, Kenneth Insect Production Assistant Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Boissonneault, Lorne Manager, NGOs and Municipalities (East) Stream National Capital Region
Boisvenue, Céline Research Scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
Bolduc-Couture, Guillaume Forestry research assistant Laurentian Forestry Centre
Bonnell, Brian Manager, Portfolio Management and Performance National Capital Region
Bonnell, Pamela Administrative Assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
Bouaziz, Bilel Ph.D. student with the Research Affiliate Program (RAP) Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Boubeker, Sirine Collaborator - Phd student Laurentian Forestry Centre
Boucher, Dominique Biologist, Forest Ecology. Laurentian Forestry Centre
Boucher, Jonathan Researcher, Forests Fire Laurentian Forestry Centre
Boucher, Nicolas PhD Student Laurentian Forestry Centre
Boudewyn, Paul Research Officer Pacific Forestry Centre
Boulanger, Yan Research Scientist, Forest Ecology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Bourassa, Stéphane Technician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Bourdeau, Anne Manager Program Delivery Northern Forestry Centre
Bourdon, Caroline Enthomology Technician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Bourgeois, Juliette Master's student Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Bourgoin, Anthony Forest Project and Program Coordinator Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Bowden, Joseph Research Scientist Atlantic Forestry Centre
Bowman, Avy Insect Production and Quarantine Assistant Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Bowman, Susan Molecular Biologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Brah Moumouni, Maryam Student National Capital Region
Brandt, James Senior Science Advisor National Capital Region
Brehaut, Lucas Research Scientist-Wildfire Resilience Atlantic Forestry Centre
Brennan, James Junior policy analyst National Capital Region
Brescia, Shawn Co-op student Pacific Forestry Centre
Briard, Veronique IT Analyst National Capital Region
Brick, Stephanie Commerce Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Bridal, Lucy Scientific Support Technician Pacific Forestry Centre
Bright, Alexander Commerce Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Brisebois, Axel Student Atlantic Forestry Centre
Brissette, Nicole Executive Assistant National Capital Region
Broad, Jamie Forest Hydrology Technician Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Brodie, Elise Data Systems Analyst Pacific Forestry Centre
Brohm, Mark Senior Policy Advisor National Capital Region
Bron, Larissa Laboratory technician Northern Forestry Centre
Bronson, Spencer Remote Sensing Analyst Pacific Forestry Centre
Brookes, Alison Casual Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Brooks, Neal Scientific Support Assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
Brophy, Matthew Technician Atlantic Forestry Centre
Brown, Daniel Senior Program Officer National Capital Region
Brown, Jennifer Environmental Health Data Integration Scientist Atlantic Forestry Centre
Brown, Kendrick Research Scientist Northern Forestry Centre
Brunet, Alain Health and Safety Advisor Atlantic Forestry Centre
Brunet, Frederic PhD candidate Laurentian Forestry Centre
Budd, Mark Science Director, Forest Production & Protection Atlantic Forestry Centre
Burgess, Katherine Technician Atlantic Forestry Centre
Burke, Rhonda Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Burnup, Carol Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Burt, Cassandra Student Researcher Northern Forestry Centre
Buss, Jennifer Data Analyst Northern Forestry Centre
Butt, Gordon Forest Biologist Atlantic Forestry Centre
Buzzell, Michael Director, Forest Information Services Division National Capital Region
Cabana, Vincent Executive Assistant Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Cadelis, Alexandre Web programmer Laurentian Forestry Centre
Cai, Cassie Senior Policy Advisor National Capital Region
Callaghan, Diana Planning and Operations Assistant Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Campbell, Elizabeth Research Scientist - Forest Ecology and Climate Change (adaptation) Pacific Forestry Centre
Campbell, Holly Technician (through Forest Protection Limited) Atlantic Forestry Centre
Candau, Jean-Noel Research Scientist, Quantitative Ecology and Climate Change Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Cantin, Alan Forest Fire Research Project Leader Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Carifelle, Keyara Assistant Implementation Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Carlson, Dianne Manager, Strategic Wildfire Initiatives Northern Forestry Centre
Caron, Dominique Postdoctoral Modelling Researcher Pacific Forestry Centre
Carr, Richard Fire Research Analyst Northern Forestry Centre
Carriere, Gregoire Contractor Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Carvery, Jamie Correspondence Officer National Capital Region
Casale Galati, Giovanni Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Cassels, Chase Software Developer Pacific Forestry Centre
Cassidy, Alison Forest Carbon Project Assistant Pacific Forestry Centre
Castilla, Guillermo Remote Sensing Research Scientist Northern Forestry Centre
Castillo Ayala, Claudia Science Communication Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Chabot, Sabrina Administrative Assistant Northern Forestry Centre
Chadwick, Andrew Land Use Change Analyst Pacific Forestry Centre
Chamberlain, Joel Software Developer Pacific Forestry Centre
Chamoun, Elie Senior Advisor (Free Agent) Northern Forestry Centre
Chan, Aidan Forest Inventory Analyst Pacific Forestry Centre
Chapman, Kim Forest Ecologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Chapman, Robert Manager, Strategic Policy National Capital Region
Charland, Alexandre Forest Fire Systems Modeling Specialist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Charron, Guillaume Research Associate in Forest Pathology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Chartrand, Derek Chemistry Lab Technician Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Chauvin, Madeleine Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Chavardes, Raphael Research scientist, Wildfire Risk and Resilience Atlantic Forestry Centre
Chen, Hao Remote Sensing Research Associate Pacific Forestry Centre
Chen, Lule Programmer/Developer National Capital Region
Chen, Sihan IT Analyst, Software Solutions Pacific Forestry Centre
Chen, Zhixun Solutions Architect National Capital Region
Chevrier, Jean-Sébastien Manager, Policy, Communications and Data National Capital Region
Ching, Brighten PhD Student Atlantic Forestry Centre
Chiu, Christine Postdoctoral fellow Laurentian Forestry Centre
Chiu, Marian Senior Policy Advisor Northern Forestry Centre
Chohan, Aisha Student Researcher Northern Forestry Centre
Choukair, Mohamed Junior Program Officer National Capital Region
Churchill, Doreen Director - Corner Brook Research Facility Atlantic Forestry Centre
Clarke Hackett, Kerri Senior Planning Advisor National Capital Region
Clément, Sébastien Biologist, Forest Genomics Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Cloutier, André Computer programming Laurentian Forestry Centre
Coates, Laura Policy Advisor National Capital Region
Cogswell, Alexandria Technician Atlantic Forestry Centre
Collins, Luke Research Scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
Comeau, Roxanne Acting Director, Collaborative Research Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Conder, Nicholas Research Technician - Biological Control of Defoliating Insects Pacific Forestry Centre
Cooke, Barry Research Scientist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Cooke, Brendan Clerical Assistant Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Cooke, Tracey Director Forest Ecosystems Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Cooper, Linda Junior Program Officer National Capital Region
Corbett, Katelyn Guest Worker Atlantic Forestry Centre
Cornelsen, Cameron Entomologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Corona Salinas, Grace Project Coordinator National Capital Region
Correia, David Senior forest specialist in remote sensing Laurentian Forestry Centre
Côté, Chantal Biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Côté, Jean-François Research Scientist - Forest Inventory Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Cotton-Gagnon, Anne Forestry Research Officer Laurentian Forestry Centre
Coursolle, Carole Forest research assistante Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Couture Naud, Maude Senior Trade Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Coverley, Alexander Research Assistant Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Cranny, Morgan Remote Sensing Analyst Pacific Forestry Centre
Cranston, Carter software developer Pacific Forestry Centre
Crossman, Verna Science Policy Advisor National Capital Region
Crowley, Morgan Forest Fire Research Scientist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Cruickshank, Mike Research Scientist, Root Diseases Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Crumbaugh, Joe Analytical Laboratory Manager Northern Forestry Centre
Cubero Moya, Jose Market Access Policy Officer National Capital Region
Cui, Bowen Junior Economist Pacific Forestry Centre
Culhane, Jackline Assistant Implementation Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Cusson, Michel Research Scientist, Insect Physiology and Biochemistry Laurentian Forestry Centre
D'Eon, Steve Forestry Officer Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Dabros, Anna Research Scientist Northern Forestry Centre
Dagenais Roy, Veronique Project Officer National Capital Region
Dagnault, Sébastien Senior Advisor and Technical Services Supervisor Laurentian Forestry Centre
Daigle, Bernard Knowledge Transfer Specialist. Atlantic Forestry Centre
Dale, Angela Forest Research Officer Pacific Forestry Centre
Dallaire, Catlan Database Scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
Danford, Scott Program Officer National Capital Region
Dargent Bocanegra, Felipe Postdoctoral Research Scientist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Darko, Akua Interdisciplinary Research Analyst Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Darquié, Léa Invited Postdoctoral Researcher Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Das, Sourav Physical Scientist - Research Pacific Forestry Centre
Davies, Claire Economist National Capital Region
Davies, Marissa Lead Analyst, Forest Dynamics Northern Forestry Centre
Davignon, Hélène French Editor National Capital Region
Davis, Chad Policy Analyst Northern Forestry Centre
Dawe, Denyse Spatial data analyst Northern Forestry Centre
De Grandpré, Louis Research Scientist, Plant Ecology and Forest Dynamics Laurentian Forestry Centre
De Jong, Mark Fire Research Scientist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
De Jong-Westman, Alexandra 2BT External Review Panels National Capital Region
Deane, Patrick Forest Fire Research Specialist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Dearnley, Jamie Analytical Lab Manager Great Lakes Forestry Centre
DeBoer, Kaitlin Forest Systems Modelling Specialist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
DeBoer, Stephanie Senior Program Advisor Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Dedes, John Insect Production Facility Supervisor/Biologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Degenhardt, Dani Research Scientist Northern Forestry Centre
Delisle, Johanne Research Scientist, Forest Entomology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Demerais, Brigette Policy Analyst National Capital Region
DeMerchant, Ian Team Leader, Technological Services Group Atlantic Forestry Centre
Demers, Marc-Antoine Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Demidovich, Misha Insect Production Services Technologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Derbowka, Darren National Tree Seed Centre Coordinator Atlantic Forestry Centre
Derry, Victoria Forest Health Biologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Desantis, Edward Forest Science Climate Change Officer National Capital Region
Desaulniers, Edouard Data analyst in tree genetics and genomics Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Deschenes, Elise Forest Biologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Deshaies, Noemie Analyste principal(e) des politiques Laurentian Forestry Centre
DesRochers, Pierre Emeritus Scientist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Dewan, Sarah Program Operations Manager National Capital Region
Dick, Adam Director, Strategic Operations Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Dietrich, Rachel Fire Intelligence Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Ding, Allan Innovation Project Officer National Capital Region
Dinu, Claudia Senior Advisor on Grants and Contributions Northern Forestry Centre
Distranski, Nikki Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Dixon, Randolph Enterprise Architect Northern Forestry Centre
Dobbin, Jessica Casual Worker Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Domenicano, Susy A/ Executive Director National Capital Region
Doucet, Andrée Manager BioHeat National Capital Region
Doucet, Daniel Research Scientist, Molecular Insect Biology Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Downey, Margot Forest Information Liaison Officer National Capital Region
Doyle, Isaiah Software Developer Pacific Forestry Centre
Doyle, Megan Research Assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
Drake, Anna Research Scientist Northern Forestry Centre
Dranga, Stefana Forestry Officer Pacific Forestry Centre
Drolet, Logan Research assistant in entomology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Drouin, Lionel Owner National Capital Region
Drudge, Lisa Executive and Administrative Services Supervisor Atlantic Forestry Centre
Drugmand, Ben Scientific Support Technologist Pacific Forestry Centre
Duarte, Andre Galvao Forest Science Technologist Advisor Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Duarte, Brian Visiting scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
Dubois, Marie-Pier Web Developer Laurentian Forestry Centre
Duchesne, Isabelle Research Scientist - Fibre Characterization Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Dufault, Evelyne Director, Forest Sustainability Laurentian Forestry Centre
Duncan, Aileen A/ Manager, Science Policy Integration National Capital Region
Dunn, David Head Chemical Services Laboratory Pacific Forestry Centre
Durand, Jessica Laboratory Technician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Durnin-Vermette, Francis Physical Scientist - Research Northern Forestry Centre
Durocher, Christine Forest Information Officer National Capital Region
Dussault, Éric Technician, Forest Research Laurentian Forestry Centre
Duval-Mace, Nicolas Manager, Climate Change Policy National Capital Region
Dyk, Andrew Deforestation Monitoring Coordinator Pacific Forestry Centre
Eakett, Andrew Computer Programmer Analyst Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Echiverri, Laureen Research Scientist Northern Forestry Centre
Eddy, Brian G. Research Scientist, Ecosystems Analyst Atlantic Forestry Centre
Eddy, Ian Analytical Ecologist Pacific Forestry Centre
Edge, Christopher Research Scientist Atlantic Forestry Centre
Edwards, Sara Research Scientist Atlantic Forestry Centre
El Chababi, Maria Manager National Capital Region
El-Helou, Lara Planning Officer National Capital Region
Elferjani, Raed Knowledge exchange and Indigenous engagement officer Laurentian Forestry Centre
Elofson, Jon Team Leader, Application Development Northern Forestry Centre
Emilson, Caroline Forest Bioenergy Analyst Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Emilson, Erik Research Scientist, Forest Aquatic Ecology Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Emond, Susanne Senior Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Englefield, Peter Physical Sciences Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Erdle, Heidi Forest Liaison Tech Transfer Manager Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Erni, Sandy Research Scientist Fire Risk Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Errington, Ruth Peatland Technician Northern Forestry Centre
Escolastico Ortiz, Dennis Biologist - Microbial ecology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Evans, Lindsay A/Planning & Operations Officer National Capital Region
Eveleigh, Eldon Emeritus Scientist Atlantic Forestry Centre
Evens, Jordan Wildfire Applications Developer Northern Forestry Centre
Fahey, Janet Head, Finance and Administration National Capital Region
Fahey, Jordan Program Officer National Capital Region
Fallow, Kaitlyn Policy/Program Fellow Pacific Forestry Centre
Fang, Chengdong Forestry Development Officer Pacific Forestry Centre
Farness, Justin Laboratory technician Pacific Forestry Centre
Farr, Ken Senior Advisor National Capital Region
Farrell, James C.G. Tree Growth Impact Advisor Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Farstad, Allyson Student Restoration Assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
Fauteux, Samuel Policy Analyst Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Feau, Nicolas Research Scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
Fellows, Max computer scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
Fera, Jeff Forest Research Officer Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Fermin, Matthew FSWEP Forestry Assistant Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Ferrante, Darlene Planning Analyst National Capital Region
Fick, William Research Technician Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Fidgen, Jeff Forest Health Biologist Atlantic Forestry Centre
Fifield, Luke Volunteer Atlantic Forestry Centre
Fijarczyk, Anna Research scientist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Filewod, Benjamin Research Scientist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Filipescu, Cosmin Research Scientist Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Fischer, Patricia Planning and Operations Assistant Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Fisher, Kathryn 2BT Operations Analyst - Carbon Modelling Pacific Forestry Centre
Fleming, Rob Research Scientist, Biophysical Processes Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Fong, Morgan Program Officer National Capital Region
Fontaine-Topaloff, Justine Forest Ecologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Forbes, Glen Regional Liaison Officer Atlantic Forestry Centre
Forbes, Keldi Wildfire Research Economist Pacific Forestry Centre
Forner, Juliana Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Foroutan, Frohan Economist (PARDP) National Capital Region
Fortin, Mathieu Research Scientist Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Foster, Rodney Forest Research Biologist Atlantic Forestry Centre
Fournier, Ronald Insect Disturbance Geospatial Analyst Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Fox, Drake Senior Information and Statistics Officer National Capital Region
Francis, Ellen Manager, Environment Policy National Capital Region
Francis, Marlene Finance Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Francoeur, Isabel Web Programmer Laurentian Forestry Centre
Franklin, Cynthia Senior Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Fraser-Reid, Erin Forestry Adaptation Research and Knowledge Exchange Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Freedberg, Hannah Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Friel, Elizabeth Summer student Northern Forestry Centre
Friesen, Devon Economist National Capital Region
Frison, Monique Director General National Capital Region
Fullarton, Peter Director General Atlantic Forestry Centre
Furlonger, David Douglas Coop student Pacific Forestry Centre
Gagné, Caroline Sustainable Forest Management Indicators Specialist National Capital Region
Gagne, Justine Biologist in Forest Genomics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Gagné, Patrick Bioinformatician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Gagnier, Monica Silvicultural research assistant Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Gagnon, Bruno Manager National Capital Region
Gagnon, France Tree Genomics Collaborator Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Galarneau, Danny Director General Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Galea, Dominic Student Atlantic Forestry Centre
Garibaldi, Madeleine Research Scientist Northern Forestry Centre
Garner, Amanda NFI Laboratory Technician Pacific Forestry Centre
Gartrell, Michael Information System Specialist Northern Forestry Centre
Gascon, Gabrielle Director, Climate Change Research Northern Forestry Centre
Gaskin, Paul Director General National Capital Region
Gaumond, Robert Manager, FPT Program Delivery Stream National Capital Region
Gautam, Krishna H. Forest Sector Analyst National Capital Region
Gauthier, Deborah Chef Technician Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Gauthier, Everett Information Management Specialist Northern Forestry Centre
Gauthier, Marie-Krystel Forest Pathology Biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Gauthier, Martin-Michel Forestry Officer National Capital Region
Gauthier, Sylvie Research Scientist, Forest Succession Laurentian Forestry Centre
Gauvin, Mathieu Biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Gauvin, Samantha Manager, People and Wellness Northern Forestry Centre
Geigel, Josh Graphic Designer National Capital Region
Gélinas, Chantal Team Manager, Administrative Services Unit Laurentian Forestry Centre
Gervais, David Technician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Ghandeharian, Sacha Policy Analyst (PARDP) National Capital Region
Ghoussainy, Rana Junior Facilitator Consultant National Capital Region
Giasson, Louis-David Fibre characterization intern Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Giasson, Mischa Scientific Support Assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
Gilbert, Anne Director, Special Projects Northern Forestry Centre
Gillis, Justine MSc student Laurentian Forestry Centre
Gillmore, Lorene Regional Manager, Prairie and Northern Region Northern Forestry Centre
Girardin, Martin Research Scientist, Modeling and Forest Productivity Laurentian Forestry Centre
Giroux-Bougard, Xavier Analyste caribou Laurentian Forestry Centre
Giuliano, Camille Forest Research Analyst Pacific Forestry Centre
Glaus, Valentine Biologist in entomology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Glowinski, Brent Developer Operations Lead Northern Forestry Centre
Godbout, Alexandre IT Analyst, IT Software Solutions Laurentian Forestry Centre
Godbout, Julie Scientist, Postdoctoral Research Program Laurentian Forestry Centre
Godley, Dana Engineering and Scientific Support Pacific Forestry Centre
Goetz, Geoffrey Forest Fire Modeling Specialist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Gonzalez, Noemie Knowledge exchange and indigenous engagement officer Laurentian Forestry Centre
Good, Mackenzie Greenhouse/nursery Assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
Goodine, Gretta Field Nursery Technician Atlantic Forestry Centre
Goodrunning, Kaylynn Assistant Implementation Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Goodsman, Devin Entomologist Northern Forestry Centre
Goodwin, Joel Forest Entomology Assistant Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Gosselin, Caroline Head Forest Information Strategy National Capital Region
Gougeon, François Research Scientist - Digital Remote Sensing Pacific Forestry Centre
Gowen, Brent Microscopy Technician Pacific Forestry Centre
Grabka, Paige Invasive Species Research Assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
Graham, Abby Junior Program Officer National Capital Region
Grant, Alison Forest Health Biologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
GRAVES, Roger Technician Atlantic Forestry Centre
Gravier, Axel Forest research assistant Laurentian Forestry Centre
Gray, Mary Physical Scientist - Research Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Gray, Meghan Entomology Technologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Greco, Danielle Forest Biologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Green, Felysia General Technical Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Green, Jordan Casual Worker Atlantic Forestry Centre
Grenapin, Cedric Junior Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Grenier, Holly Chief of Staff National Capital Region
Grenier, Pier Alexandre Etudiant gradué en génomique forestière Laurentian Forestry Centre
Grenke, Jessica Policy Analyst (PARDP) National Capital Region
Grenon, Frank Chief of Forestry Science, Program and Policy Laurentian Forestry Centre
Gritter, Kelsey Physical Scientist Northern Forestry Centre
Gros Louis, Michel 2BT External Review Panelist National Capital Region
Gros-Louis, Marie-Claude Forestry program and Knowledge Exchange Liaison Officer Laurentian Forestry Centre
Gruber, Aniko Forest research assistant Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Guan, Aimin National Forest Information System Developer Pacific Forestry Centre
Guenette-Lamontagne, Dominique Senior Program Officer National Capital Region
Guignard, Quentin Applied Visual & Chemical Research Scientist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Guindon, Luc Chef de projets en télédétection Laurentian Forestry Centre
Gumieny, Darrell Program Officer National Capital Region
Gunaratna, Nishadi Commerce Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Guo, Xiao Jing Biostatistician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Guppy, Callum Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Hafer, Mark Physical Scientist - Carbon Accounting Pacific Forestry Centre
Haile, Bethany English Editor National Capital Region
Hajason, Jerry Research professional in soil science Laurentian Forestry Centre
Hakko, Antwan Programmer Analyst, Application Development National Capital Region
Hallett, Jason Research Forest Maintenance Worker Atlantic Forestry Centre
Hamel, Benoit Terrestrial Ecosystems Specialist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Hamelin, Richard Research scientist, forest pathology and genomics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Hammond, James Forest Ecosyst. Biologist, Dir. Coleoptera Ctre of Excellence Northern Forestry Centre
Hams, Terence National Forestry Database Statistical Lead Acting National Capital Region
Hanes, Chelene Wildland Fire Research Scientist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Hanninen, Shelley Archives Leader Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Hansen, Bryan 2BT External Review Panelist National Capital Region
Hararuk, Oleksandra Forest Carbon Research Scientist- Soils Northern Forestry Centre
Harbin, Kyle Forest Management Technician Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Hardy, Sandra Staffing/Classification Coordinator Northern Forestry Centre
Harel, Antoine External collaborator students not paid by RNCAN Laurentian Forestry Centre
Hargrove, Glenn Assistant Deputy Minister National Capital Region
Harper, Morgan Administrative Assistant Northern Forestry Centre
Harrison, Richard Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Harvie, Julia Forest Fire Modelling Specialist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Hatton, Terry Director General National Capital Region
Hay, Terry Technical Services Technician Atlantic Forestry Centre
Hays-Byl, Winnifred Director, Forest Innovation & Dynamics Pacific Forestry Centre
He, Hongxing Research Biologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Heartz, Shane Forest Research Biologist Atlantic Forestry Centre
Hebda, Nicholas researcher Northern Forestry Centre
Hébert, Christian Research Scientist, Forest Insect Ecology and Diversity Laurentian Forestry Centre
Hemprich, Sofie Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Henry, Bradley Scott Client Relations Officer National Capital Region
Hermosilla Gomez, Txomin Research Scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
Hernandez, Rennier Data Analyst National Capital Region
Hernandez, Rolando IT Technical Team Leader Pacific Forestry Centre
Hessenauer, Pauline Forest Genomic Biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Hethcoat, Matthew Senior Land Use Change Scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
Hewitt, Lana Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Hezit, Aicha Scientific Support Technician Pacific Forestry Centre
Higgins, Kellina Data analysis assistant Northern Forestry Centre
Higgs, Donald Geo-spatial data specialist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Hill, David Allen Forest Landscape Analyst, Remote Sensing Pacific Forestry Centre
Hill, Spencer Forest Data Analyst Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Hill, Wes Senior Finance Officer Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Hitchcock, Lindsay Executive Assistant National Capital Region
Hobart, Geordie Physical Scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
Hodge, Janice Pacific Forestry Centre
Hoepting, Michael Silviculture Research Forester Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Hoffman, Philip Insect Biodiversity Technician Northern Forestry Centre
Holland, Aidan Operations and Research Technician Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Holmes, Georgia FSWEP Forestry Assistant Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Holt, Morgan Forest Data Analyst National Capital Region
Hong, Jennifer Economist National Capital Region
Hong, Michael Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Hooey, Sharon Tissue Culture Technician Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Hook, Trisha Climate Change Impact Technician Northern Forestry Centre
Hope, Emily Forest Resource Economist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Horodecki, Chiara Guest Worker Atlantic Forestry Centre
Houet-Larouche, Clovis French Writer/Editor National Capital Region
Houlahan, Thomas Data analyst National Capital Region
Houle, Gabriel National IT Project Manager National Capital Region
Houston, Sydney Scientific support technician Pacific Forestry Centre
Howard, Richard Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Huber, John Research Scientist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Huberman, Yudel Research Biologist Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Hudson, Benjamin Manager, Carbon Accounting and Reporting Pacific Forestry Centre
Hudson, Danielle Physical hydrologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Hudson, Michelle Program Coordinator Northern Forestry Centre
Hughes, Cory Forest Officer Atlantic Forestry Centre
Hughes, Matthieu DevOps Engineer Northern Forestry Centre
Hulley, Taylor Commerce Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Humphries, Peter Cyber-Security Consultant National Capital Region
Huron, Paule Technician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Hutchings, Brandon Research Assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
Huynh, Nina Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Ibrahim, Omnia Gamal Forest Research Officer Pacific Forestry Centre
Ileperuma-Arachchi, Ilesha PhD student - guest worker Atlantic Forestry Centre
Iles, Maclean Allan Scientific Support Atlantic Forestry Centre
Imbrogno, Anthony Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Infante, Craeg Wildfire Applications Developer Northern Forestry Centre
Isaac-Renton, Miriam Research Scientist Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Isabel, Nathalie Research Scientist, Forest and Environmental Genomics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Isitt, Rylee Student - Guest Worker Atlantic Forestry Centre
Islam, Aminul Herbarium and Molecular Biology Research Technician Pacific Forestry Centre
Issa, Jawa Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Itimi-Elo, Oghene-Karo Junior Technical Advisor National Capital Region
Jabri, Mehdi Physical Scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
Jacubovich, Pablo Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Jain, Piyush Research Scientist Northern Forestry Centre
Jamal, Mahmud COOP Forestry Assistant Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Janjua, Jasneet Finance Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Jarvis, Samantha Junior Program Officer National Capital Region
Jastremski, Kathryn Senior Policy Analyst Laurentian Forestry Centre
Jawad, Abrar Casual Pacific Forestry Centre
Jeeves, Helena IT Team Leader Northern Forestry Centre
Jeffrey, Olivier Technologist scientific support Laurentian Forestry Centre
Jenner, Elena Human Resources Advisor Pacific Forestry Centre
Jennings, Angela Laboratory Assistant Pacific Forestry Centre
Jennings, Ryan Laboratory Technician Atlantic Forestry Centre
Jette, Anne Science Information Policy Analyst National Capital Region
JN Jacques, Sophia Delivery Support National Capital Region
John, Esme Research Biologist Pacific Forestry Centre
Johns, Rob Forest Insect Ecology Atlantic Forestry Centre
Johnson, Erica Senior Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Johnson, Katherine Research Technician Northern Forestry Centre
Johnson, Kelsey Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Johnston, Joshua Research Scientist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Johnston, Lynn Forest Fire Research Specialist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Jones, Emma Fire Analyst Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Jones, Travis Ind Eng & Forest Policy Analyst Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Jones, Trevor Research Scientist Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Joss, Brent Fibre Bio-Geoinformatics Analyst National Capital Region
Joyner, Nora Delivery Support National Capital Region
Julian, Maggie Senior Policy Analyst Northern Forestry Centre
Julien, Héryk Scientific data management specialist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Jurko, Natasha Physical Fire Scientist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Kalantari, Parvin Physical Scientist - Researcher Pacific Forestry Centre
Kambo, Dasvinder Forestry Liaison Section Leader National Capital Region
Kaur, Simrat Budworm Ecology Research Assistant Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Kebo, Sasha Spatial Analyst National Capital Region
Keeling, Christopher Forest Genomics Researcher Laurentian Forestry Centre
Keeping, Julia Research Assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
Kehler, Daphne Program Manager National Capital Region
Kelly, Josh Guest Worker Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Kennedy, Adam Support Officer National Capital Region
Keryliuk, Mim IM Assistant Northern Forestry Centre
Kesselman-Duffy, Lindsay Program Officer National Capital Region
Khouri, Marc Director, SSPED National Capital Region
Khushrushai, Roxana Junior Finance Officer Pacific Forestry Centre
Kielstra, Brian Cumulative Effects Research Scientist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Kievit, Abigail Software Developer Pacific Forestry Centre
Kievit, Josiah Software Developer Pacific Forestry Centre
Kilburn, Joshua Forest Technologist Atlantic Forestry Centre
Kim, Catherine Manager, Policy and Coordination National Capital Region
King, Jacob Forest Science Tech Specialist Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Kingsbury, Nancy Senior Policy Advisor and Project Manager Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Klain, Andrew Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Klutsch, Jennifer Research Scientist - Forest Entomology Northern Forestry Centre
Knapp, Jeff Program Officer National Capital Region
Kneeland, Molly Laboratory Technician Northern Forestry Centre
Knockwood, Mary Indigenous Programs Manager Atlantic Forestry Centre
Knowles, James Manager, Softwood Lumber and Trade Analytics National Capital Region
Koch, Madeline Forest Entomology Summer Student Northern Forestry Centre
Kokkinos, Melina Contractor Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Konowalec, Kyra Tree Ring Technician Northern Forestry Centre
Kostanowicz, Chantelle Entomology Technician Atlantic Forestry Centre
Krygier, Richard Intensive Fibre Management Specialist Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Kuehn, Peter Land Restoration Technician Atlantic Forestry Centre
Kull, Stephen Carbon Modeling Extension Forester Northern Forestry Centre
Kung, Brendan Software Developer Pacific Forestry Centre
Kuntzemann, Christine Climate Change Analyst Northern Forestry Centre
Kurz, Werner EMERITUS SCIENTIST Pacific Forestry Centre
Kyei-Poku, George Insect pathologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Labossiere, Francine Senior Program Officer National Capital Region
Labranche, Pierre-Alexandr Caribou analyst Laurentian Forestry Centre
Labrecque, Alain Biologist, Forest Entomology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Labrie, Philippe Technician, Forest Research Laurentian Forestry Centre
Lacarte, Samuel Fire Research Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Lacasse, Cindy Project Officer National Capital Region
Lachance, Marc Forest Fire Research Specialist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Ladouceur, Mikael Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Lafontaine, Rebecca Junior Facilitator Consultant National Capital Region
Laganière, Jérôme Research Scientist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Lake, Lyse-Anne Project Officer National Capital Region
Lake, Nickolas Research Assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
Lakhdari, Mehdi Economist National Capital Region
Lalande, Veronique Manager, Sustainable Forest Management Integration Hub National Capital Region
Lalonde, Mathieu Manager, Grants and Contributions Northern Forestry Centre
Lalonde, Ryan Science Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Lalumière, Antoine Forest Research Technician Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Lamache, Chloe Fire Science Technologist/Specialist Northern Forestry Centre
Lamarque, Laurent Research Scientist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Lambert, Francois Assistant technique Laurentian Forestry Centre
Lamothe, Manuel Biologist, Forest Genomics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Lamoureux, Michel Health, Safety and Environment Advisor Laurentian Forestry Centre
Landry, Nicholas Policy Analyst (PARDP) National Capital Region
Landry-Doran, Jacob Aaron Field and laboratory assistant Northern Forestry Centre
Lang, Keenan Policy Analyst Northern Forestry Centre
Langor, David Entomologist, Biodiversity and Pest Management Northern Forestry Centre
Lanti-Traikovski, Alex Forestry Research Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Lapierre, Samuel Forest genetics technician Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Large, Florence Elder in Residence Northern Forestry Centre
Large, Jonathan Fire Intelligence Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Larivière, Lynne Program Policy Advisor National Capital Region
Larocque, Allen Physical Sciences Specialist Pacific Forestry Centre
LaRocque, Guy Research Scientist, Modeling and Forest Productivity Laurentian Forestry Centre
Larouche, Louis-Olivier Technician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Last, Fawn Science Information Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Lau, Nicole Physical Scientist Northern Forestry Centre
Lauer, Katherine Research Assistant Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Laverdière, Jean-Philippe Summer Student, Forest Genetics Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Lavigne, Jonathan Restoration Interpreter Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Lavigne, Mike Ecophysiologist Atlantic Forestry Centre
Lavigne, Patricia Biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Lavoie, Lucie Senior Forester Atlantic Forestry Centre
Lavoie, Suzanne Fire specialist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Lawrence, Kevin Geographical Information Systems Analyst Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Le Noble, Sophie Senior Analyst, Climate Change Policy National Capital Region
Le Vallée-Valdés, Samuel Junior Political Analyst Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Leach, Jason Research Scientist, Forest Ecohydrology Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Leal, Isabel Research Scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
Leblanc, Jean-Denis Forestry Officer, Stand Dynamics Great Lakes Forestry Centre
LeBlanc, Robert Forest Change Modeling Analyst Atlantic Forestry Centre
Lebon, Maurice Manager, Information and Technology Management Laurentian Forestry Centre
Lebrun, Rejean Research Director - Ecosystems Dynamic Division Laurentian Forestry Centre
Leclair, Gaetan Organic Chemist Atlantic Forestry Centre
Leclerc, Ludovic Research assistant Laurentian Forestry Centre
Leclerc, Yoana Master Student Laurentian Forestry Centre
Leconte, Ariste Administrative Assistant National Capital Region
Lecours, Maurice Wildfire Knowledge Exchange Advisor Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Lee, Gloria Jean 2BT External Review Panelist National Capital Region
Lee, Jacob Support Officer National Capital Region
Lee, Melissa Senior Planning Advisor, Resources National Capital Region
Lee, Nickolas Scientific Support Technician Pacific Forestry Centre
Lefebvre, Jenna Science and Program Branch Portfolio Manager National Capital Region
Légaré, Jean-François Technician, Forest research Laurentian Forestry Centre
Lejour, Dominique Forest Research Technician Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Lenz, Patrick Research Scientist Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Lepage, Brittany Program Officer National Capital Region
Lepage, Pierre-Luc Policy Analyst Laurentian Forestry Centre
Lessard, Jean-Martin Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Letourneau, Dominique Fire research technician Northern Forestry Centre
Letourneau, John Technical Services Supervisor Atlantic Forestry Centre
Létourneau, Mathieu Chemist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Levasseur, Caroline Biologist Forest Genomic Laurentian Forestry Centre
Levasseur, Jean-François Director National Capital Region
Levasseur, Patrick Physical Scientist Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Levasseur, Yannick Junior Technical Advisor National Capital Region
Levesque, Sandrine Administrative Assistant Laurentian Forestry Centre
Lévesque-Tremblay, Véronique Biologist, Forest Genomics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Lewis, Amanda CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Laurentian Forestry Centre
Lewis, Andrew GIS Forest Technician Atlantic Forestry Centre
Lewis, Xavier Scientific Support Technician Pacific Forestry Centre
Lewkowicz-Lalonde, Andje Project Manager Pacific Forestry Centre
Li, Andrew Software Developer Pacific Forestry Centre
Li, Chao Landscape Dynamics Research Scientist Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Li, Cindy Laboratory Assistant Northern Forestry Centre
Li, Dionne Senior Finance Assistant Northern Forestry Centre
Li, Mu Han Forest Carbon Co-op student Pacific Forestry Centre
Li, Zhen Insect Production Technician Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Liboiron, Marie Anick Knowledge Exhange Specialist National Capital Region
Light, Michael Forest Research Technician Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Lim, Meghan Economist National Capital Region
Liston, Lyndsey Scientific Support Assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
Little, John Spatial Data Analyst - Fire Mg Northern Forestry Centre
Littleton, Lisa Chemistry Technician Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Liu, Cathy Senior Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Liu, Jun-Jun Molecular Forest Pathologist Pacific Forestry Centre
Liu, Ning Forest Systems Modelling Specialist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Liu, Yuehong Labo. Tech. Insect Patholgy Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Lloy, Charlene Project Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Longhurst, Vicki Administrative Assistant Pacific Forestry Centre
LongJohn, Reece Indigenous Fire Stewardship Northern Forestry Centre
Longpre, Trevor National Coordinator, Indigenous Forestry Initiatives National Capital Region
Lopatka, Carson Wildfire Science Technician Northern Forestry Centre
Lorin, Marie Noelle Administrative assistant Laurentian Forestry Centre
Loughheed, Francis Senior Policy Advisor National Capital Region
Lovelace, Ashley Insect Rearing Technician Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Low, Brian Manager, National Forest Information System Pacific Forestry Centre
Lumbala, Melisa Junior Program Officer National Capital Region
Lussier, Jean-Martin Research Scientist, Silviculture and Forest Productivity Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Luther, Thomas Research Assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
Lynham, Tim WildfireSat Knowledge Exchange Specialist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Lynn, Craig Commerce Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Ma, Andrew Molecular Biologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
MacAfee, Katalijn Director - Forest Ecosystems Great Lakes Forestry Centre
MacConnell, Jennifer Senior Program Officer National Capital Region
MacDonald, Heather Interdisciplinary social scientist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
MacDonald, Joanne Research Scientist-Tree Dev. Physiologist Atlantic Forestry Centre
MacDougall, Ainsley Economist National Capital Region
Mackenzie, Laura Director National Capital Region
MacKenzie, Maria Senior program officer National Capital Region
MacKinnon, Wayne GIS Forester Atlantic Forestry Centre
MacLean, Troy Regional Finance Officer Pacific Forestry Centre
Macnab, Bruce Head, Wildland Fire Information Systems Northern Forestry Centre
MacPherson, Leah Forest Fire Analyst Great Lakes Forestry Centre
MacQuarrie, Christian Research Scientist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Madden, Krystal Wildlife Research Technican Northern Forestry Centre
Mader, Caitlin Forest Disturbance Analyst Northern Forestry Centre
Madore, Myriam Finance and Administration Clerk Laurentian Forestry Centre
Magee, Haley Forest Research Assistant Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Magistrale, Anna FWSEP Student Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Magnan, Michael Computer Scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
Main, Danielle Forest Development Officer Pacific Forestry Centre
Majic, Angela Senior Policy Advisor Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Major, Ian Genomics Research Scientist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Major, John Research Scientist Atlantic Forestry Centre
Malayny, Abby Forest Research Technician Atlantic Forestry Centre
Malcolm, John Analyst/Advisor Atlantic Forestry Centre
Malek, Agnes Program Officer National Capital Region
Malet, Xavier Cloud computing and scientific database specialist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Malo, Melissa Forest Research assistant Laurentian Forestry Centre
Maltais, Véronique Knowledge exchange and Indigenous engagement officer Laurentian Forestry Centre
Maltais, Xavier Research assistant Laurentian Forestry Centre
Mandour, Fares Forest Research Technician Northern Forestry Centre
Manka, Francis Forest Biologist, Research Laurentian Forestry Centre
Mansuy, Nicolas Forest Landscape Restoration Researcher Northern Forestry Centre
Manvailer Goncalves, Vinicius Physical Scientist Northern Forestry Centre
Marchal, Jean Analyste en recherche sur les incendies de végétation Laurentian Forestry Centre
Marchand, Maryse Forest Biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Marcoux, Mariah Wildlife Research Technician Northern Forestry Centre
Marcucci, James Social Science Researcher Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Marfo, Crenda Researcher Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Marquis, Benjamin Research Scientist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Marsh, Jenna Executive Advisor to the Director General Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Marshall, Ginny Wildfire Analyst Northern Forestry Centre
Martel, Véronique Research Scientist Entomology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Martin, Joel Business Analyst National Capital Region
Martin, Kaleb Summer Field Assistant Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Martineau, Christine Research Scientist Microbiome Genomics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Martino, Laurene Laboratory Technician Northern Forestry Centre
Maryns, Léa Research Assistant Laurentian Forestry Centre
Maryshev, Gavriil Software Devleoper Pacific Forestry Centre
Maslowski, Natalie Fire Research Analyst Pacific Forestry Centre
Massoda Tonye, Salomon Scientific Data Management Specialist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Mathers, Kade FSWEP student Northern Forestry Centre
Mathews, Nicholas Commissionaire Pacific Forestry Centre
Mathey, Anne-Hélène Executive Director National Capital Region
Mationg-Smith, Asia Student Researcher Northern Forestry Centre
Matula, Erin Guest Worker Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Mayo, Peter Insect Chemical Ecology Atlantic Forestry Centre
Mazerolle, Daniel Director General Pacific Forestry Centre
Mbenoun, Michael Forest Pathology Researcher Northern Forestry Centre
McBeath, Alec Forest Economist, Industry Trade and Economics Pacific Forestry Centre
McCaffrey, Kathryn Editor National Capital Region
McCaig, Madison Forest Biologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
McCarthy, Keenan Policy Analyst National Capital Region
McCarthy, Samuel Administrative Assistant National Capital Region
McCuaig, Theodore Greenhouse Assistant Pacific Forestry Centre
McFayden, Colin Forest Fire Knowledge Exchange Project Leader Great Lakes Forestry Centre
McGee, Dayna Policy Advisor National Capital Region
McGrath, Laura Administrative Services and Program Support Atlantic Forestry Centre
McGregor, Alexis Student Researcher Northern Forestry Centre
McGuchan, Evan Land Restoration Assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
McInnes, Rory Geo-spatial Technologist Atlantic Forestry Centre
McInnis, Chantal Receptionist Northern Forestry Centre
McIntire, Eliot Research Scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
McKenney, Dan Director, Integrated Ecology and Economics Great Lakes Forestry Centre
McKillop, Declan Invasive species research assistant (Entomology) Atlantic Forestry Centre
McMillan, Melanie Senior Policy Advisor Northern Forestry Centre
McNalty, Catherine Tree Ring Technician Northern Forestry Centre
McPhee, Donnie Forestry Officer - Coordinator National Tree Seed Centre Atlantic Forestry Centre
McPherson, Audrey Technician Pacific Forestry Centre
McTavish, Heather Policy Analyst National Capital Region
McVittie, Dawn Wildland Fire Information Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Meades, Susan Spatial Data Assistant Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Meaker-Williamson, Marisa Policy Advisor National Capital Region
Meehan, Matthew Research scientist, forest entomology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Meng, Lingrui Student Researcher Northern Forestry Centre
Mercier, Caroline Senior Program Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Metsaranta, Juha Research Scientist Northern Forestry Centre
Meunier, Sebastien Forestry Res. Proj. Leader Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Michaelian, Michael Forest Health Technician Northern Forestry Centre
Michaud, Fanny Biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Milito, Joanne Finance Services Clerk Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Milli, Celeste Visiting Scientist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Millier, Naomi Technical Support Atlantic Forestry Centre
Mintz, Julie Records Assistant Pacific Forestry Centre
Miskelly, James Forestry Officer Pacific Forestry Centre
Mitchell, Jessie Research Technician. Pacific Forestry Centre
Mitchell, Joshua Senior Advisor Indigenous Fire Policy Northern Forestry Centre
Mitchell, Kelly Health, Safety and Environmental Officer Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Mizzi, Shannon Executive Assistant Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Moeini, Omid Physical Data Scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
Mohammad, Mohammad Senior Research Advisor National Capital Region
Mohammed, Noor Salesforce Tester National Capital Region
Moisan, Marie-Ange PhD Student Laurentian Forestry Centre
Moise, Eric Research Scientist Atlantic Forestry Centre
Monjezi-Kochak, Kayvon Technician Atlantic Forestry Centre
Moody, Ileana Junior Remote Sensing Developer Pacific Forestry Centre
Mooney, Christa Senior Policy Advisor National Capital Region
Moore, Brett Fire Response Manager / Wildfire Intelligence and Predictive Services Northern Forestry Centre
Moore, Daniel Administrative Assistant National Capital Region
Morel, Andrew Senior Policy Advisor National Capital Region
Morency, Marie-Josée Biologist, Forest Genomics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Morgan, Brenna Junior Technical Advisor National Capital Region
Morin, Benoit Biologist-Laboratory Services Atlantic Forestry Centre
Morin, Jessalyn Forest Science Technologist Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Morin, Mary Ann 2BT External Review Panelist National Capital Region
Morissette, Julienne Director, Wildland Fire Research Northern Forestry Centre
Morken, Scott Computer Programmer Pacific Forestry Centre
Morneau, Marie-Soleil Biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Morrison, Kim Fire Science Analyst Pacific Forestry Centre
Moser, Keanna Insect Rearing Technologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Motevassel, Hadi reclamation student Northern Forestry Centre
Mouck, Laura Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Movchan, Dmytro Physical Scientist Northern Forestry Centre
Muhi, Badar Auditor National Capital Region
Mulligan, Lawrence Operations Technician
Munoz Alvarez, Diego Senior Economic Research Analyst Laurentian Forestry Centre
Murat, Annonciade Junior Economist National Capital Region
Murdoch, Terra Laboratory Assistant Pacific Forestry Centre
Murray, Kathleen Casual Laurentian Forestry Centre
Murray, Meagan Scientific Support Assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
Murray, Susan Physical Sciences Specialist Pacific Forestry Centre
Mvolo, Cyriac Research Scientist Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Nadeau, Simon Biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Nadeau, Solange Senior Forest Sociologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Nahwegahbow, Joanna Interdisciplinary Science Data Assistant Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Najem, Sara Support Officer National Capital Region
Nakai, Naoko Senior Program Officer National Capital Region
Naluzny, Kathleen Editor National Capital Region
Nason, Sarah Knowledge Exchange and Outreach Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Nealis, Vince Researcher Pacific Forestry Centre
Neilson, Eric Wildlife Research Scientist Northern Forestry Centre
Neilson, Eric Forest Carbon Analyst Pacific Forestry Centre
Nelson, Stephanie Ecosystem Biologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Nesdoly, Andrea 2BT Spatial Analyst Carbon Modeling Pacific Forestry Centre
Netecha, Anna FSWEP Student Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Newell, John Forest research assistant Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Newton, Dr. Peter Research Scientist, Productivity Assessment and Modeling Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Nguefouet Nguimeya, Joy Patrick intern web development and databases Laurentian Forestry Centre
Ngueho Yemele, Martin Senior Program Officer National Capital Region
Nguyen, Catherine Administrative Assistant Pacific Forestry Centre
Nguyen, James Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Nicholson, Emily Forest Officer Atlantic Forestry Centre
Nicholson, Keenan Geospatial Research Assistant Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Nicolae, Ioan Forest officer Laurentian Forestry Centre
Nicoletta, Vittorio Wildland Fire Research Analyst Laurentian Forestry Centre
Niemeyer, Alannah Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Nilausen, Chelsea Economist National Capital Region
Nisole, Audrey Biologist in molecular entomology Laurentian Forestry Centre
No Runner, Alyssa Student Researcher Northern Forestry Centre
Noel, Don Greenhouse Helper Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Noksana, Kanelsa Student Researcher Northern Forestry Centre
Nolan, Maxime Forest technician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Normand, Lia Undergraduate Research Assistant Laurentian Forestry Centre
Norris, Charlotte Forest Soils Research Scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
Norton, Michael Director General Northern Forestry Centre
Noseworthy, Meghan Research Manager Pacific Forestry Centre
Nyemtsev, Rostyslav Program Officer National Capital Region
O'Blenes, Madison Indigenous Fire Stewardship Northern Forestry Centre
O'Brien, Patrick FSEWP summer student Northern Forestry Centre
O'Donnell, Eamon Cathal Economist National Capital Region
O'Donnell, Patrick Senior Advisor, Application Development National Capital Region
Ochoa, Isabelle Entomology Technologist/Specialist-Scient Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Ogez, Pascal Forest Management Coordinator Laurentian Forestry Centre
Ogut, Funda Research Scientist Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Oladipo, Segun IT Analyst, Database Management Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Oliver, Jacqueline Computer Programmer Analyst Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Omendja, Kangakola Federal Land Natural Resource Specialist Pacific Forestry Centre
Oosterhoff, Meaghan Student Researcher Northern Forestry Centre
Opazo, Marcel Administrative Assistant Pacific Forestry Centre
Ortiz Aristizabal, Alejandro Junior Program Officer National Capital Region
Ortlepp, Stephanie Monitoring Analyst Pacific Forestry Centre
Oshier, Romi Senior Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Ouellet-Pariseau, Marie Wildfire Science Technician Northern Forestry Centre
Ouellette, Erick IT Team Leader SS Northern Forestry Centre
Oxford, Paul Research Forest Worker Atlantic Forestry Centre
Pagé, Benoit Leader, Statistical Services National Capital Region
Pahlavanlu, Paniz Senior Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Palarchio, Quintin Program Officer National Capital Region
Palmer, Shawn Scientific Support Technicien Atlantic Forestry Centre
Panagiotidis, Kristen Policy Analyst (PARDP) National Capital Region
Pandeya, Bijay Dendrochronologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Panwar, Raagini Policy Analyst (PARDP) National Capital Region
Papadopol, Pia Guest Worker Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Paquet, Jean-François Forester in charge of work on federal land Laurentian Forestry Centre
Paquet-Pelchat, Vincent Technical Advisor National Capital Region
Paquette, Melanie Administrative Assistant National Capital Region
Paré, David Research Scientist, biogeochemistry & productivity of ecosystems Laurentian Forestry Centre
Parent, Colin Senior Program Officer National Capital Region
Parent, Michel B. Knowledge Projects Coordinator National Capital Region
Parisien, Marc-André Research Scientist Northern Forestry Centre
Park, Hyeone Economist National Capital Region
Park, Lucia Junior Economist National Capital Region
Parker, Hailie Finance Clerk Atlantic Forestry Centre
Pascual Puigdevall, Jesus Research Professional Laurentian Forestry Centre
Patel, Bhargav Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Payne, Lara Research officer Pacific Forestry Centre
Payne, Nick Research Scientist, Atmospheric Studies Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Pedlar, John Forest Landscape Biologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Peery, Rhiannon Bioinformatic Specialist Pacific Forestry Centre
Pelletier, Annick Executive Assistant to the Director General Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Pelletier, Françoise Forest Genetics Technician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Pelletier, Gervais Biologist, Forest Genomics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Penney, Andrew Forest Research Project Leader Atlantic Forestry Centre
Perbet, Pauline Senior analyst in remote sensing et forest ecology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Perez, Nathan FSWEP student Northern Forestry Centre
Perkins, Gerald Vegetation and Soils Field Technician Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Perrakis, Daniel Research Scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
Perrault, Kerry Insect Production Research Assistant Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Peter, Brian Manager, Forest Programs Pacific Forestry Centre
Petersen Pelletier, Malaika Laboratory Assistant Pacific Forestry Centre
Peterson, Brayden Forest carbon data analyst Pacific Forestry Centre
Phillipos, Mark Data Engineer Northern Forestry Centre
Phippen, Stan Forestry Liaison Section Leader Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Piché, Julie Graphic Designer National Capital Region
Picq, Sandrine Postdoctoral Fellow, Insect Populations Genomics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Piercey, Douglas Geospatial Specialist Atlantic Forestry Centre
Pinzon, Jaime Restoration Ecology Scientist Northern Forestry Centre
Plummer, Cameron Web Assistant National Capital Region
Pohl, Greg Insect/Disease Identification Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Pohl-Lyle, Max Geospatial Research Assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
Poitras, Heather Elder in Residence Northern Forestry Centre
Polachirackal, Vivin Sales Force Developer Level 2 National Capital Region
Polchies, Jenna Guest Worker Atlantic Forestry Centre
Polimenakos, Sofia Graphic Designer National Capital Region
Pope, Andrew Senior Program Officer National Capital Region
Potts, Dara Program Officer National Capital Region
Potvin, Amélie Laboratory Technician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Potvin, Serge Finance Officer Laurentian Forestry Centre
Pouliot, Esther Technician, Forest Research Laurentian Forestry Centre
Primavera, Mark Forest Ecology Technician Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Prokopec, Jack Policy Analyst Northern Forestry Centre
Protheroe, Thomas Harvey Software Developer Pacific Forestry Centre
Provenzano, Kyleigh Executive Assistant Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Purcell-Pilgrim, Ryan Research Assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
Pureswaran, Deepa Research Scientist, Forest Insect Ecology Atlantic Forestry Centre
Purohit, Avee Junior Economist National Capital Region
Qiu, Haoyu FSWEP student Northern Forestry Centre
Quan, Guoxing Molecular Entomologist Research Scientist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Rabearison, Toky Postdoctoral fellow in microbial ecology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Rae, Kristen Division Assistant National Capital Region
Rampley, Greg Chief, Bioproducts and Supply Chain Economics National Capital Region
Ramsfield, Tod Forest Pathologist Research Scientist Northern Forestry Centre
Rancourt, Benjamin IT Analyst Pacific Forestry Centre
Rao, Sophie Software Developer Pacific Forestry Centre
Raposo, Carmina Entomology Assistant Pacific Forestry Centre
Rastello, Kevan Mountain Pine Beetle Expansion 2 Pacific Forestry Centre
Ratcliffe, Blaise Forestry Research Officer Pacific Forestry Centre
Ratsimandresiarivo, Maya Disraëli PhD candidate Laurentian Forestry Centre
Reeves, Rebecca-Lynn Video and Communications Assistant Northern Forestry Centre
Regimbald, Melanie Manager Gs&Cs and Performance Northern Forestry Centre
Régnière, Jacques Research Scientist, Insect Population Dynamics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Reisi Gahrouei, Omid Phd Student Laurentian Forestry Centre
Reitsma, Emily Fire Field Technician Northern Forestry Centre
Rhainds, Marc Research Scientist Atlantic Forestry Centre
Richardson, Ash Senior Data Scientist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Riel, Bill Research Officer Pacific Forestry Centre
Rioux-Labelle, Hélène Isabelle Administrative Assistant Laurentian Forestry Centre
Roberge, Amélie Director General Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Robert, Etienne Visiting Researcher Laurentian Forestry Centre
Robertson-Clark, Fiona Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Rochefort, Richard Consultant Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Rocheleau-Duplain, Mathias Technician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Rocray, Pierre-Emile 2BT External Review Panelist National Capital Region
Rodrigue, Sebastien Spatial Database Analyst Northern Forestry Centre
Rodway, Anthony Spatial Analyst Pacific Forestry Centre
Roe, Amanda Research Scientist Insect Production and Quarantine Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Rollin, France Manager, Operations Management of Digital Information Services National Capital Region
Romanenko, Kateryna Biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Roscoe, Lucas Research Scientist Atlantic Forestry Centre
Ross, Grace Analytical Chemistry technician Pacific Forestry Centre
Ross, Jodie Senior Project Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Roth, Gary Technical & Field Support Worker Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Rouleau, Véronique Research Biologist in Environmental Genomics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Rowe, Sydney Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Rowland, Jodi Senior Manager National Capital Region
Roy, Braeden Programmer Analyst, Application Development Atlantic Forestry Centre
Roy, Mabroor Laboratory Technician Northern Forestry Centre
Roy, Vincent Collaborative Research Director Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Roy Proulx, Samuel Student Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Royer, Lucie Research Scientist, Population Dynamics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Rubinoff, Ezra Casual Worker, Forest Land-use Change Monitoring Pacific Forestry Centre
Rudolph, Tyler Forest Integrity Specialist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Rumson, Joel Research Assistant in Silviculture Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Rupp-Eke, Carmen Manager, Indigenous and Municipalities (West) Stream National Capital Region
Russo, Glenda Forest Inventory Officer Pacific Forestry Centre
Ryan, Margarita Senior Program Officer National Capital Region
Sadiq, Talha Senior Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Sahdra, Gurtej Commerce Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Saint-Amant, Rémi Scientific Data Design and Organization Specialist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Saito, Yosuke Data Engineer Northern Forestry Centre
Sakhrani, Shreya Junior Economist (Research and Modelling) Pacific Forestry Centre
Salvail, Jared Wood Fibre Development Technician Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Sambaraju, Kishan Research Scientist, Forest Pest Modelling Laurentian Forestry Centre
Sanders, Cara 2BT External Review Panelist National Capital Region
Sandoval, Victor Support Analyst, Infrastructure Operations National Capital Region
Sandwith, Joshua Forest Science Technologist Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Sang, Zihaohan Post-doctoral researcher Northern Forestry Centre
Sangha, Amrit Executive Assistant Pacific Forestry Centre
Sankey, Stacey Senior Policy Advisor Northern Forestry Centre
Santala, Kierann Forest Biologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Santos O'Keefe, Carla Executive Assistant Northern Forestry Centre
Sasseville Charette, Emilie Knowledge Management and Research Analyst National Capital Region
Sattler, Derek Forest Research Project Leader Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Saulnier, Laurie Senior Policy Analyst Atlantic Forestry Centre
Saunders, Laura Forestry Assistant Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Scafe, Michael Forestry Data Analyst Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Scarr, Taylor Director Integrated Pest Management Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Schacker, Matthew Innovation Program Officer National Capital Region
Schappert, John Program Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Schiller, Andrea Federal Lands Natural Resources Specialist Pacific Forestry Centre
Schmitz, Timothy Program Advisor National Capital Region
Schouten, Cora Policy Anlyst National Capital Region
Schryer Lafreniere, Marie-Pier Junior Graphic Designer National Capital Region
Schultz, Teagan Web developer Northern Forestry Centre
Scott, Laura Regional Liaison Officer Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Seed, Evan Policy analyst (PARDP) National Capital Region
Séguin, Armand Research Scientist, Forest Genomics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Seigner, Vincent Technologist in scientific support Laurentian Forestry Centre
Selvaraj, Charumitha Coop Student Northern Forestry Centre
Sementilli, Eric Editorial Coordinator National Capital Region
Senbore, Omotayo Senior Program Officer National Capital Region
Sete, Paula Laboratory Technician Pacific Forestry Centre
Seymour, Stephanie Indigenous Engagement and Science Advisor Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Shabani, Maral Program Operations Officer National Capital Region
Shafiq, Izwani Junior Program Officer National Capital Region
Shakeri, Zahed Wildland Fire Research Analyst Laurentian Forestry Centre
Shamoun, Simon Research Scientist- Forest Pathology & Pest Management Pacific Forestry Centre
Shand, Angus Land-Use Change Specialist, Deforestation Monitoring Pacific Forestry Centre
Shanks, Evan CS-Disturbance Modelling Group Atlantic Forestry Centre
Sharma, Deepali Junior Project Officer Pacific Forestry Centre
Shaw, Levi Graduate Student in Silviculture Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Shaw, Sam Student Grower Atlantic Forestry Centre
Shay, Philip-Edouard Sylviculture Research Forester Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Sheppard, Madeline Field and Laboratory Assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
Sheppard, Sevrenne Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Sherwood, Emma Wildland Fire Analyst Northern Forestry Centre
Shewchenko, Leeza Forest Carbon Co-op Student Pacific Forestry Centre
Sidders, Derek Regional Coordinator and Program Manager Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Simard, Christine Laboratory Technician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Simbi, Marie-Ange Contractor Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Simpson, Brian Head/Wildfire Intelligence and Predictive Services Northern Forestry Centre
Simpson, Mackenzie IT Analyst Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Sims, Sarah Insect Production Services Technologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Sinclair, Savannah Executive Assistant Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Singh, Preetpal Entomologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Siu, Kevin Fire Analyst Programmer Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Skakun, Rob Remote Sensing Analyst Northern Forestry Centre
Skinner, Andrea Project Lead - Forestry Minor Use Pesticides National Capital Region
Skretting, Tristan Fire Research Technician Atlantic Forestry Centre
Sloane, Meghan Fire Research Data Technologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Smenderovac, Emily Watershed Ecologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Smiley, Byron Manager, National Forest Inventory Pacific Forestry Centre
Smith, Greg Bark Beetle Ecologist Pacific Forestry Centre
Smith, Gregory Director National Capital Region
Smith, Oakley Research Assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
Smyth, Carolyn Research Scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
Soares, Hannah Research Technician Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Song, Alex National Forest Inventory data management specialist Pacific Forestry Centre
Soro, André VISITING SCIENTIST Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Soubeyrand, Maxence Postdoctorat Laurentian Forestry Centre
Soucy, Nargiza Program Officer National Capital Region
Souliere, Isabell Part time worker Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Souza da Silva, Mariana PhD student in forest genomics Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Spady, Christine Senior Trade Policy Advisor National Capital Region
Sparkes, Tracy Ann Marie Executive Assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
Spearing, Melissa Biologist Atlantic Forestry Centre
Sponarski, Carly Research Scientist Northern Forestry Centre
St-Germain, Jean-Luc Manager, Pest Risk Management National Capital Region
St-Laurent, Maxime Policy Analyst National Capital Region
St-Pierre, Ariane Policy Analyst National Capital Region
St-Pierre, Dominic Director General Laurentian Forestry Centre
St.Amour, Jacob Insect Production Services Technologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Stampe Munck, Vienna Research Assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
Starr, Sommer Guest worker Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Stastny, Michael Forest Insect Ecologist Atlantic Forestry Centre
Staton, Stephanie Finance and Admin Officer National Capital Region
Stennes, Brad Director Policy, Planning and Operations Pacific Forestry Centre
Stinson, Graham Director, Forest Information Pacific Forestry Centre
Stockdale, Chris Fire research scientist Northern Forestry Centre
Stone, Forest Dendroecologist Pacific Forestry Centre
Stone, Mugdha Invasive Species Research Assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
Stone, Rebekah Research Assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
Straby, Joanne Forest Information Coordination Officer National Capital Region
Stralberg, Diana Researcher - Climate Change Northern Forestry Centre
Strand, Jeannette National Forest Information System Database Administrator Pacific Forestry Centre
Strickland, Guy Remote Sensing & GIS Analyst Atlantic Forestry Centre
Studens, Kala Forest Systems Statistician Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Subedi, Nirmal Wildfire Research Economist Pacific Forestry Centre
Subedi, Susan Policy Analyst Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Suddaby, Rod Fire Management Systems Analyst Northern Forestry Centre
Sullivan, Robert Machinery Maintenance Assistant Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Sumampong, Grace Research Technician Pacific Forestry Centre
Sun, Lili Forest Economist, Industry Trade and Economics Pacific Forestry Centre
Sutherland, Sharon Health, Safety & Security Officer Pacific Forestry Centre
Swan, Joseph Forest Entomology Assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
Swanburg, Taylor Molecular Biology Technician Atlantic Forestry Centre
Swanson, Robert Science Policy Officer National Capital Region
Sweeney, Jon Research Scientist Atlantic Forestry Centre
Swystun, Tom Forest systems modelling specialist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Tailfeathers, Deserae Student Researcher Northern Forestry Centre
Taje, Elizabeth Administrative Assistant Northern Forestry Centre
Tanguay, Philippe Research Scientist, Molecular Forest Pathologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Tanney, Joey Research Scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
Tardif, Jonathan Director Laurentian Forestry Centre
Tartaix, France Program Manager National Capital Region
Tauvette, Martin Program Operations Manager National Capital Region
Taylor, Carmen Policy Advisor National Capital Region
Taylor, Emily FSWEP Student National Capital Region
Taylor, Steve Research Scientist, Forest Fire Pacific Forestry Centre
Teasdale, Pierre-Jonathan Director National Capital Region
Teeuwsen, Nicole Forest Research Technician Northern Forestry Centre
Tennant, Mark Scientific Research assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
Tester, Monica Senior Grants and Contribution Advisor Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Thakkar, Sureshkumar Sales Force Developer Level 2 National Capital Region
Thandi, Gurp Geographic Information Systems Technician Pacific Forestry Centre
Thatcher, Jill Executive Assistant to the Management Team Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Théberge, Delphine Research Assistant (RAP) Laurentian Forestry Centre
Thériault, Julie Program Officer National Capital Region
Thibeault, Aurely Administrative assistant.. Laurentian Forestry Centre
Thiffault, Nelson Research Scientist Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Thomas, Maxime Trainee - microbial ecology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Thompson, Daniel Forest Fire Research Scientist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Thompson, Morgan Forestry Data Specialist Pacific Forestry Centre
Thompson, Nichelle Junior Project Officer National Capital Region
Thomson, Ivy Information Management Coordinator Atlantic Forestry Centre
Thomson, Jessica Senior Advisor National Capital Region
Thorsteinsson, Russell Forest Inventory Officer Pacific Forestry Centre
Thwaites, Alicia SINEWS Program Administrator Northern Forestry Centre
Tinis, Sally Deforestation Specialist Pacific Forestry Centre
Toliao, Andrea Business Architect National Capital Region
Tolwinski, Kasia Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Tomar, Kajal Web Software Developer Northern Forestry Centre
Tomm, Bradley Forest Health Technician Northern Forestry Centre
Tompalski, Piotr Research Scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
Toonders, Kayley Commerce Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Torres, Camila Administrative assistant Laurentian Forestry Centre
Touchette, Lyne Biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Tourrilhes, Julie Junior Program Officer National Capital Region
Tousignant, Aude Popularization and knowledge exchange officer Laurentian Forestry Centre
Tremblay, Alain Forest worker Laurentian Forestry Centre
Tremblett, Nathan Guest Worker Atlantic Forestry Centre
Trepanier, Kaitlyn Lab Technician Northern Forestry Centre
Trofymow, Tony Research Scientist - Soil Ecology Pacific Forestry Centre
Trowbridge, Cory Graduate student Atlantic Forestry Centre
Trudeau, Claudette Director Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Trudeau, Simon Entomology Technician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Trus, Julie Fire Risk Research Analyst Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Tso, Tia Planning Analyst National Capital Region
Tucker, Peter Greenhouse/Nursery Labourer Atlantic Forestry Centre
Turbelin, Anna Post Doctoral Research Scientist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Turgeon, Jean Research Scientist, Insect Biology & Ecology Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Turin, Tessa Laboratory Technician Northern Forestry Centre
Turner, Kacie Program Officer National Capital Region
Tuthill, Jennifer Program Officer National Capital Region
Twist, Jordan Indigenous Fire Stewardship Northern Forestry Centre
Uchmanowicz, Erika Policy Advisor National Capital Region
Uddin, Moonwere Development assistant Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Unka, Kailyn Reclamation Student Northern Forestry Centre
Vaisbord, Madeleine Deforestation Monitoring Analyst Pacific Forestry Centre
Valk, Kieran Scientific Support Assistant Atlantic Forestry Centre
Van Bogaert, Rik Forest Science Climate Change Officer National Capital Region
Van Der Kamp, Derek Research scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
van der Meer, Berni Forest genomics and health biologist Atlantic Forestry Centre
van Deventer, Francois Director, Atlantic Tree Improvement Council Atlantic Forestry Centre
Van Dongen, Angeline Reclamation Technician Northern Forestry Centre
Van Elslander, Jonathan Physical Scientist - Research Pacific Forestry Centre
Van Hezewijk, Brian Research Scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
Van Hinte, Alison Senior Policy Analyst National Capital Region
van Lier, Olivier Remote Sensing Specialist Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Van Lunen, Theodore Senior Science Advisor Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Van Rooyen, Kate Technician Atlantic Forestry Centre
van Wyngaarden, Laura Policy Advisor National Capital Region
Vandemark, Cole Reclamation Student Northern Forestry Centre
Vasbinder, Wendy Manager, Market Access and Trade National Capital Region
Vasileiou, Theodora Administrative Assistant Northern Forestry Centre
Vaughn, Rob Plant Biologist Atlantic Forestry Centre
Vekeman, Melissa Research and Operations Technician Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Venier, Lisa Research Scientist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Verbisky, Richard Senior Advisor, International Affairs National Capital Region
Verge, Isabelle Project manager National Capital Region
Vermeeren, Katrina Senior Policy Analyst Pacific Forestry Centre
Viau, Christine Division Administrative Assistant National Capital Region
Vicente, Sonia Chief, MPBI Implementation Pacific Forestry Centre
Villemaire, Philippe Analyst, Geomatics and Remote Sensing Laurentian Forestry Centre
Voicu, Mihai Physical Scientist Northern Forestry Centre
Vorobey, Olga Web Designer Northern Forestry Centre
Voscort, Luca Casual worker Atlantic Forestry Centre
Vujakovic, Nina Technical Assistant Northern Forestry Centre
Wagers, Steven Remote Sensing Analyst Northern Forestry Centre
Wagner, Lorie Policy and Reporting Analyst National Capital Region
Wainio-Keizer, Kerrie Environmental Technician Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Waite, Olivia Forestry Officer Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Wakeford, Darren Health and Safety Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Waldron, Kaysandra Research Scientist, Forest Ecosystems Response to Stresses Laurentian Forestry Centre
Walker, Jessica Scientific Support Technician Pacific Forestry Centre
Walsworth, Nicholas Fire Physical Scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
Wang, Weiwei Research Scientist Northern Forestry Centre
Wang, Xianli Fire Research Scientist Northern Forestry Centre
Wardlaw, Ashlyn Insect Pest Management Technician Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Wardman, Bennett Student Research Assistant Pacific Forestry Centre
Waring, Vince Technical Resources Supervisor Pacific Forestry Centre
Warner, Lyn Sr Planning Advisor, Renewal National Capital Region
Warren, Jamie Forest Biologist Atlantic Forestry Centre
Watt, Gerri-Lynn Commerce Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Watt, Jaime Spatial Analyst (Wildfire) Pacific Forestry Centre
Watters, Amanda Consultant National Capital Region
Webb, Jessica Program Officer National Capital Region
Weber, Jim Forest Health Monitoring Technician Northern Forestry Centre
Webster, Kara Research Scientist - Forest Soil Ecologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Wehrmann, Susan Delivery Support National Capital Region
Weibelzahl, Jordan Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Weldon, Tom soil and water conservation technician Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Wellington, Nadine Policy Analyst PARDP National Capital Region
Wenger, Charity Student Researcher Northern Forestry Centre
West, Chris Geospatial Scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
Wheatley, Matthew Director, Ecosystem Health Science Program, Northern Forestry Centre
Wheeler, Joelle Finance Clerk Pacific Forestry Centre
Wheeler, Melissa National Advisor, Forest Information Web Management National Capital Region
Whelan, Benjamin Senior Manager, Program Delivery National Capital Region
Whelan, Maureen Manager, International Affairs National Capital Region
White, Joanne Research Scientist, Forest Inventory and Analysis Pacific Forestry Centre
White, Thomas Director, Entomology & Phytosanitary Research Pacific Forestry Centre
Whitman, Ellen Forest Fire Research Scientist Northern Forestry Centre
Whittaker, Brittney Policy Advisor National Capital Region
Wiebe, Philip Project Biologist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Wiggins, Donald Molecular Forest Pathology Technician Pacific Forestry Centre
Wijerathna, Asha Post Doctoral Research Scientist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Williams, Holly Molecular Pathology Technician Pacific Forestry Centre
Williams, Martin Forest Genomics Research Scientist Atlantic Forestry Centre
Williams, Robert Software Developer Pacific Forestry Centre
Williamson, Miranda Manager, Build Green with Wood National Capital Region
Wilmot, Madeleine Forestry Geomatics Technical Support Pacific Forestry Centre
Wilson, Katherine Administrative Assistant Northern Forestry Centre
Wilson, Laure Operational Programs Manager Northern Forestry Centre
Wilson, Ray Indigenous Engagement Officer Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Wilton, Peter Contractor Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Wirta, Alexandria Vegetation and Soils Field Technician Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Woldetensae, Tinsae Contractor Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Wolfe, Jaime SINEWS Program Manager Northern Forestry Centre
Wolfe, Jared Science Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Wong, Crystal Finance Clerk Northern Forestry Centre
Wong, Linda Research Economist Pacific Forestry Centre
Woodman, Samuel Physical Scientist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Woods, Ciaran Casual Worker - forest pathology technician Pacific Forestry Centre
Woodward, Amanda Data Analyst National Capital Region
Wotton, Mike Research Scientist, Forest Fire Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Wozney, Nicole Forest Research Assistant Northern Forestry Centre
Wulder, Mike Research Scientist, Forest Inventory and Analysis Pacific Forestry Centre
Wylie, Patrick Senior Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Xi, Zhouxin Remote Sensing Scientist Northern Forestry Centre
Xie, Sheng Research Scientist Pacific Forestry Centre
Xu, Zach Economist, Climate Change National Capital Region
Yakiwchuk, Brian Forest Data Analyst Pacific Forestry Centre
Yan, Krista Finance Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Yang, Jasper Junior Economist (Research and Modelling) Pacific Forestry Centre
Yap, Catherine COOP Forestry Assistant Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
Ye, Yinan Forest Information Analyst Pacific Forestry Centre
Yemshanov, Denys Research Scientist - Quantitative Spatial Modeler Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Yoga, Sarah Policy Analyst National Capital Region
Young, Catherine Editorial Assistant Northern Forestry Centre
Young, David Indigenous Engagement and Science Advisor Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Young, Erika Research Scientist - Forest Soils Atlantic Forestry Centre
Yu, Leona Junior Economist Pacific Forestry Centre
Yuan, Joyce Jingyao Manager, Economic Analysis National Capital Region
Zahara, Alex Indigenous Fire Stewardship Northern Forestry Centre
Zamany, Arezoo Genomics Research Services Supervisor Pacific Forestry Centre
Zammit, Karlee Fire Research Analyst Northern Forestry Centre
Zamora, Lee Projects Officer National Capital Region
Zerb, Jessica Forestry Officer Northern Forestry Centre
Zhang, Gary Computer Programmer, Scientific Model Applications Pacific Forestry Centre
Zhao, Kai Data Scientist Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Zhu, Xinbiao Integrated Risk Modeller Atlantic Forestry Centre
Zomaya, Dicho Technologist (Scientific Support) Great Lakes Forestry Centre