Canadian Forest Service employee directory

Nathalie Isabel

Research Scientist, Forest and Environmental Genomics
Laurentian Forestry Centre
1055 Du P.E.P.S. Street, P.O. Box 10380
Québec, Quebec, G1V 4C7

Tel.: (418) 648-7137


Research on molecular breeding and evolution.

Development of molecular markers of candidate genes in several tree species (especially conifers). The detailed genetics maps assembled from those markers can then be put to great use in breeding programs as they facilitate the tracking of adaptative and economic traits such as growth-related traits.

Development of new methods for the estimation of genetic diversity among different tree species and study of the gene flow between exotic and native tree species.

She is adjunct professor and research associate of the Canada Research Chair in Forest and Environmental Genomics at Université Laval.


Bachelor’s degree in forest resources management (1988), master’s degree in forest science (1991) and Ph.D. in molecular genetics (1995) from Université Laval.


Canadian Forest Service research projects

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