Levels-of-Growing-Stock Study (LOGS)

Study objectives

Study objectives were to determine how the amount of growing stock retained in repeatedly thinned stands of Douglas-fir effects:

  • Cumulative volume production
  • Tree size development
  • Growth/growing stock ratios

Each installation followed the common work plan:

  • 8 thinning regimes plus control, replicated 3 times = 27 plots (0.08 ha), each with a 10.1 m treated buffer surround (0.16 ha)
  • treatment regimes differ in the amount of basal area allowed to accumulate in the growing stock (the amount of growth retained is a predetermined percentage of the gross basal area increase of the unthinned control plots)
  • treatment plots are calibration thinned at establishment to a common stocking density
  • treatment interval is dictated by local site productivity (stand height increment of 3.05 m)

Project status

  • On-going

Team members

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