Biomass production and fire regimes

Research activities

The research activities for this project can be classified in the following four categories:

  1. To develop improved knowledge and understanding of the dynamics of fire regimes and forest ecosystems and hence biomass production, and of the relationship between fire disturbance patterns and forest age distribution.
    • Fire frequency and fire cycle: definitions and computation
    • Analysis of historical fire regimes
  2. To refine and develop applications for the SEM-LAND model.
    • Incorporation of climate effect on forest growth rate
    • Incorporation of fire effects
    • Incorporation of fire suppression
  3. To adapt the SEM–LAND model to Saskatchewan conditions.
  4. Collaborative research to bridge the gaps between ecological theories and forest resource management.
    • Improved understanding of the relationship between fire disturbance patterns and forest age distribution.

Project status

  • On-going

Team members