Statistical data

Forest inventory

Boreal Plains


The Boreal Plains ecozone extends east from Peace River, British Columbia, through central Alberta and Saskatchewan, to the southeastern corner of Manitoba. It has fewer lakes and a higher percentage of non-forested land than the neighbouring Boreal Shield ecozone. The climate is strongly influenced by continental conditions, with cold winters and moderately warm summers.

The Boreal Plains are 57.4% forested. Fires are common, and most plant species are fire-adapted.

Forest area by classification (hectares) Footnote 1
Forest land 38,454.65
Other wooded land 4,277.86
Other land with tree cover 5,549.88
Forest type (forest land only) Footnote 2
Coniferous 55.1%
Broadleaf 27.6%
Mixedwood 13.5%
Temporarily non-treed 3.8%
Predominant tree genus (forest land only)—volume
Spruce 38.3%
Pine 13.9%
Fir 0.3%
Larch 3.7%
Cedar and other conifers 0.0%
Poplar 42.4%
Birch 1.4%
Maple 0.1%
Other hardwoods 0.0%
Unspecified hardwoods 0.0%
Unclassified 0.0%
Land use (thousand hectares)
Agriculture 12,750.1
Conservation 7,181.1
Forestry 39,514.5
Industrial 724.9
Infrastructure 409.1
National Defence 1,054.5
Recreation 71.4
Settlement 999.0
Unknown 4,413.5
Total 67,118.1