Aubin, Myriam |
Biologist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Beaudoin, André |
Research Scientist, Remote Sensing and Spatial Modeling |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Beaumont, André |
Forestry technical assistant |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Bédard, Nicolas |
Research Assistant |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Béland, Jean-Michel |
Forest Biologist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Belanger, Sebastien |
Forest Entomologist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Béliveau, Catherine |
Biologist, Molecular Entomology |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Benoit, Clemence |
Wildland Fire Research Analyst |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Bergeron, Marie-Josée |
Biologist, Molecular Genetics of Pathogenic Fungi |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Bergeron, Mathieu |
Director, Planning, Partnerships and Operations |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Bernier, Kathia |
Biologist in molecular entomology |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Bernier, Pierre |
Emeritus, Research Scientist, Forest Productivity |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Bernier-Cardou, Michèle |
Senior Statistician |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Bérubé, Jean |
Research Scientist, Forest Pest Management |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Bessette, Simon |
Master student |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Bilodeau, Christopher |
Cloud computing intern |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Blais, Martine |
Technician, Forest Research. |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Bognounou, Fidèle |
Forest agent in Forest Ecology |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Bolduc-Couture, Guillaume |
Forestry research assistant |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Boubeker, Sirine |
Collaborator - Phd student |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Boucher, Dominique |
Biologist, Forest Ecology. |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Boucher, Jonathan |
Researcher, Forests Fire |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Boucher, Nicolas |
PhD Student |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Boulanger, Yan |
Research Scientist, Forest Ecology |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Bourassa, Stéphane |
Technician |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Bourdon, Caroline |
Enthomology Technician |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Brosseau, Benjamin |
Technician |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Brunet, Frederic |
PhD candidate |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Cadelis, Alexandre |
Web programmer |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Charron, Guillaume |
Research Associate in Forest Pathology |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Cloutier, André |
Computer programming |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Correia, David |
Senior forest specialist in remote sensing |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Côté, Chantal |
Biologist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Cotton-Gagnon, Anne |
Forestry Research Officer |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Cusson, Michel |
Research Scientist, Insect Physiology and Biochemistry |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Dagnault, Sébastien |
Senior Advisor and Technical Services Supervisor |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
De Grandpré, Louis |
Research Scientist, Plant Ecology and Forest Dynamics |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Delisle, Johanne |
Research Scientist, Forest Entomology |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Deshaies, Noemie |
Analyste principal(e) des politiques |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
DesRochers, Pierre |
Emeritus Scientist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Drolet, Logan |
Research assistant in entomology |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Dubois, Marie-Pier |
Web Developer |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Dufault, Evelyne |
Director, Forest Sustainability |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Durand, Jessica |
Laboratory Technician |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Dussault, Éric |
Technician, Forest Research |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Elferjani, Raed |
Knowledge exchange and Indigenous engagement officer |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Escolastico Ortiz, Dennis |
Biologist - Microbial ecology |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Fijarczyk, Anna |
Research scientist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Francoeur, Isabel |
Web Programmer |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Gagne, Justine |
Biologist in Forest Genomics |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Gagné, Patrick |
Bioinformatician |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Gauthier, Marie-Krystel |
Forest Pathology Biologist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Gauthier, Sylvie |
Research Scientist, Forest Succession |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Gauvin, Mathieu |
Biologist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Gélinas, Chantal |
Team Manager, Administrative Services Unit |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Gervais, David |
Technician |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Gillis, Justine |
MSc student |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Girardin, Martin |
Research Scientist, Modeling and Forest Productivity |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Giroux-Bougard, Xavier |
Analyste caribou |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Glaus, Valentine |
Biologist in entomology |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Godbout, Alexandre |
IT Analyst, IT Software Solutions |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Godbout, Julie |
Scientist, Postdoctoral Research Program |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Gonzalez, Noemie |
Knowledge exchange and indigenous engagement officer |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Grenier, Pier Alexandre |
Etudiant gradué en génomique forestière |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Grenon, Frank |
Chief of Forestry Science, Program and Policy |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Gros-Louis, Marie-Claude |
Forestry program and Knowledge Exchange Liaison Officer |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Guindon, Luc |
Chef de projets en télédétection |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Guo, Xiao Jing |
Biostatistician |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Hajason, Jerry |
Analyst in soil science |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Hamelin, Richard |
Research scientist, forest pathology and genomics |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Harel, Antoine |
External collaborator students not paid by RNCAN |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Hébert, Christian |
Research Scientist, Forest Insect Ecology and Diversity |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Hessenauer, Pauline |
Forest Genomic Biologist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Huron, Paule |
Technician |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Isabel, Nathalie |
Research Scientist, Forest and Environmental Genomics |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Jastremski, Kathryn |
Senior Policy Analyst |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Jeanneau, Amélie |
Research scientist, wildland fire |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Jeffrey, Olivier |
Technologist scientific support |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Julien, Héryk |
Scientific data management specialist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Keeling, Christopher |
Forest Genomics Researcher |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Labranche, Pierre-Alexandr |
Caribou analyst |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Labrecque, Alain |
Biologist, Forest Entomology |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Labrie, Philippe |
Technician, Forest Research |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Laganière, Jérôme |
Research Scientist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Lamarque, Laurent |
Research Scientist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Lambert, Francois |
Assistant technique |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Lamothe, Manuel |
Biologist, Forest Genomics |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Lamoureux, Michel |
Health, Safety and Environment Advisor |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
LaRocque, Guy |
Research Scientist, Modeling and Forest Productivity |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Larouche, Louis-Olivier |
Technician |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Lavigne, Patricia |
Biologist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Lavoie, Suzanne |
Fire specialist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Lebon, Maurice |
Manager, Information and Technology Management |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Lebrun, Rejean |
Research Director - Ecosystems Dynamic Division |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Leclerc, Ludovic |
Research assistant |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Leclerc, Yoana |
Master Student |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Légaré, Jean-François |
Technician, Forest research |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Lepage, Pierre-Luc |
Policy Analyst |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Létourneau, Mathieu |
Chemist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Levasseur, Caroline |
Biologist Forest Genomic |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Levesque, Sandrine |
Administrative Assistant |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Lévesque-Tremblay, Véronique |
Biologist, Forest Genomics |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Lewis, Amanda |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Lorin, Marie Noelle |
Administrative assistant |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Madore, Myriam |
Finance and Administration Clerk |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Major, Ian |
Genomics Research Scientist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Malet, Xavier |
Cloud computing and scientific database specialist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Malo, Melissa |
Forest Research assistant |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Maltais, Véronique |
Knowledge exchange and Indigenous engagement officer |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Maltais, Xavier |
Research assistant |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Manka, Francis |
Forest Biologist, Research |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Marchal, Jean |
Analyste en recherche sur les incendies de végétation |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Marchand, Maryse |
Forest Biologist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Martel, Véronique |
Research Scientist Entomology |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Martineau, Christine |
Research Scientist Microbiome Genomics |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Massoda Tonye, Salomon |
Scientific Data Management Specialist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Meehan, Matthew |
Research scientist, forest entomology |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Mercier, Frederick |
Forest research assistant |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Michaud, Fanny |
Biologist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Moisan, Marie-Ange |
PhD Student |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Morency, Marie-Josée |
Biologist, Forest Genomics |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Morneau, Marie-Soleil |
Biologist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Munoz Alvarez, Diego |
Senior Economic Research Analyst |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Murray, Kathleen |
Casual |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Nadeau, Simon |
Biologist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Nadeau, Solange |
Senior Forest Sociologist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Ndiaye, Mamadou |
Remote sensing and geomatics analyst |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Nguefouet Nguimeya, Joy Patrick |
intern web development and databases |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Nicolae, Ioan |
Forest officer |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Nicoletta, Vittorio |
Wildland Fire Research Analyst |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Nisole, Audrey |
Biologist in molecular entomology |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Nolan, Maxime |
Forest technician |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Normand, Lia |
Undergraduate Research Assistant |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Ogez, Pascal |
Forest Management Coordinator |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Pandeya, Bijay |
Dendrochronologist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Paquet, Jean-François |
Forester in charge of work on federal land |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Paré, David |
Research Scientist, biogeochemistry & productivity of ecosystems |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Pascual Puigdevall, Jesus |
Research Professional |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Pelletier, Françoise |
Forest Genetics Technician |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Pelletier, Gervais |
Biologist, Forest Genomics |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Perbet, Pauline |
Senior analyst in remote sensing et forest ecology |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Picq, Sandrine |
Postdoctoral Fellow, Insect Populations Genomics |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Potvin, Amélie |
Laboratory Technician |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Potvin, Marianne |
Molecular biologist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Potvin, Serge |
Finance Officer |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Pouliot, Esther |
Technician, Forest Research |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Rabearison, Toky |
Postdoctoral fellow in microbial ecology |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Ratsimandresiarivo, Maya Disraëli |
PhD candidate |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Régnière, Jacques |
Research Scientist, Insect Population Dynamics |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Reisi Gahrouei, Omid |
Phd Student |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Rioux-Labelle, Hélène Isabelle |
Administrative Assistant |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Robert, Etienne |
Visiting Researcher |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Rocheleau-Duplain, Mathias |
Technician |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Romanenko, Kateryna |
Biologist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Rouleau, Véronique |
Research Biologist in Environmental Genomics |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Royer, Lucie |
Research Scientist, Population Dynamics |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Saint-Amant, Rémi |
Scientific Data Design and Organization Specialist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Sambaraju, Kishan |
Research Scientist, Forest Pest Modelling |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Séguin, Armand |
Research Scientist, Forest Genomics |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Seigner, Vincent |
Technologist in scientific support |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Shakeri, Zahed |
Wildland Fire Research Analyst |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Simard, Christine |
Laboratory Technician |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Soubeyrand, Maxence |
Postdoctorat |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
St-Pierre, Dominic |
Director General |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Tanguay, Philippe |
Research Scientist, Molecular Forest Pathologist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Tardif, Jonathan |
Director |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Théberge, Delphine |
Research Assistant (RAP) |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Thibeault, Aurely |
Administrative assistant.. |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Thomas, Maxime |
Trainee - microbial ecology |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Torres, Camila |
Administrative assistant |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Touchette, Lyne |
Biologist |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Tousignant, Aude |
Popularization and knowledge exchange officer |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Tremblay, Alain |
Forest worker |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Villemaire, Philippe |
Analyst, Geomatics and Remote Sensing |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |
Waldron, Kaysandra |
Research Scientist, Forest Ecosystems Response to Stresses |
Laurentian Forestry Centre |