Canadian Forest Service employee directory

Laurentian Forestry Centre

Name Title Centre
Aubin, Myriam Biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Beaudoin, André Research Scientist, Remote Sensing and Spatial Modeling Laurentian Forestry Centre
Beaumont, André Forestry technical assistant Laurentian Forestry Centre
Bédard, Nicolas Research Assistant Laurentian Forestry Centre
Béland, Jean-Michel Forest Biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Belanger, Sebastien Forest Entomologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Béliveau, Catherine Biologist, Molecular Entomology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Benoit, Clemence Wildland Fire Research Analyst Laurentian Forestry Centre
Bergeron, Marie-Josée Biologist, Molecular Genetics of Pathogenic Fungi Laurentian Forestry Centre
Bergeron, Mathieu Director, Planning, Partnerships and Operations Laurentian Forestry Centre
Bernier, Kathia Biologist in molecular entomology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Bernier, Pierre Emeritus, Research Scientist, Forest Productivity Laurentian Forestry Centre
Bernier-Cardou, Michèle Senior Statistician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Bérubé, Jean Research Scientist, Forest Pest Management Laurentian Forestry Centre
Bessette, Simon Master student Laurentian Forestry Centre
Bilodeau, Christopher Cloud computing intern Laurentian Forestry Centre
Blais, Martine Technician, Forest Research. Laurentian Forestry Centre
Bognounou, Fidèle Forest agent in Forest Ecology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Bolduc-Couture, Guillaume Forestry research assistant Laurentian Forestry Centre
Boubeker, Sirine Collaborator - Phd student Laurentian Forestry Centre
Boucher, Dominique Biologist, Forest Ecology. Laurentian Forestry Centre
Boucher, Jonathan Researcher, Forests Fire Laurentian Forestry Centre
Boucher, Nicolas PhD Student Laurentian Forestry Centre
Boulanger, Yan Research Scientist, Forest Ecology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Bourassa, Stéphane Technician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Bourdon, Caroline Enthomology Technician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Brosseau, Benjamin Technician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Brunet, Frederic PhD candidate Laurentian Forestry Centre
Cadelis, Alexandre Web programmer Laurentian Forestry Centre
Charron, Guillaume Research Associate in Forest Pathology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Cloutier, André Computer programming Laurentian Forestry Centre
Correia, David Senior forest specialist in remote sensing Laurentian Forestry Centre
Côté, Chantal Biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Cotton-Gagnon, Anne Forestry Research Officer Laurentian Forestry Centre
Cusson, Michel Research Scientist, Insect Physiology and Biochemistry Laurentian Forestry Centre
Dagnault, Sébastien Senior Advisor and Technical Services Supervisor Laurentian Forestry Centre
De Grandpré, Louis Research Scientist, Plant Ecology and Forest Dynamics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Delisle, Johanne Research Scientist, Forest Entomology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Deshaies, Noemie Analyste principal(e) des politiques Laurentian Forestry Centre
DesRochers, Pierre Emeritus Scientist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Drolet, Logan Research assistant in entomology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Dubois, Marie-Pier Web Developer Laurentian Forestry Centre
Dufault, Evelyne Director, Forest Sustainability Laurentian Forestry Centre
Durand, Jessica Laboratory Technician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Dussault, Éric Technician, Forest Research Laurentian Forestry Centre
Elferjani, Raed Knowledge exchange and Indigenous engagement officer Laurentian Forestry Centre
Escolastico Ortiz, Dennis Biologist - Microbial ecology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Fijarczyk, Anna Research scientist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Francoeur, Isabel Web Programmer Laurentian Forestry Centre
Gagne, Justine Biologist in Forest Genomics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Gagné, Patrick Bioinformatician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Gauthier, Marie-Krystel Forest Pathology Biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Gauthier, Sylvie Research Scientist, Forest Succession Laurentian Forestry Centre
Gauvin, Mathieu Biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Gélinas, Chantal Team Manager, Administrative Services Unit Laurentian Forestry Centre
Gervais, David Technician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Gillis, Justine MSc student Laurentian Forestry Centre
Girardin, Martin Research Scientist, Modeling and Forest Productivity Laurentian Forestry Centre
Giroux-Bougard, Xavier Analyste caribou Laurentian Forestry Centre
Glaus, Valentine Biologist in entomology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Godbout, Alexandre IT Analyst, IT Software Solutions Laurentian Forestry Centre
Godbout, Julie Scientist, Postdoctoral Research Program Laurentian Forestry Centre
Gonzalez, Noemie Knowledge exchange and indigenous engagement officer Laurentian Forestry Centre
Grenier, Pier Alexandre Etudiant gradué en génomique forestière Laurentian Forestry Centre
Grenon, Frank Chief of Forestry Science, Program and Policy Laurentian Forestry Centre
Gros-Louis, Marie-Claude Forestry program and Knowledge Exchange Liaison Officer Laurentian Forestry Centre
Guindon, Luc Chef de projets en télédétection Laurentian Forestry Centre
Guo, Xiao Jing Biostatistician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Hajason, Jerry Analyst in soil science Laurentian Forestry Centre
Hamelin, Richard Research scientist, forest pathology and genomics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Harel, Antoine External collaborator students not paid by RNCAN Laurentian Forestry Centre
Hébert, Christian Research Scientist, Forest Insect Ecology and Diversity Laurentian Forestry Centre
Hessenauer, Pauline Forest Genomic Biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Huron, Paule Technician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Isabel, Nathalie Research Scientist, Forest and Environmental Genomics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Jastremski, Kathryn Senior Policy Analyst Laurentian Forestry Centre
Jeanneau, Amélie Research scientist, wildland fire Laurentian Forestry Centre
Jeffrey, Olivier Technologist scientific support Laurentian Forestry Centre
Julien, Héryk Scientific data management specialist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Keeling, Christopher Forest Genomics Researcher Laurentian Forestry Centre
Labranche, Pierre-Alexandr Caribou analyst Laurentian Forestry Centre
Labrecque, Alain Biologist, Forest Entomology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Labrie, Philippe Technician, Forest Research Laurentian Forestry Centre
Laganière, Jérôme Research Scientist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Lamarque, Laurent Research Scientist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Lambert, Francois Assistant technique Laurentian Forestry Centre
Lamothe, Manuel Biologist, Forest Genomics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Lamoureux, Michel Health, Safety and Environment Advisor Laurentian Forestry Centre
LaRocque, Guy Research Scientist, Modeling and Forest Productivity Laurentian Forestry Centre
Larouche, Louis-Olivier Technician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Lavigne, Patricia Biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Lavoie, Suzanne Fire specialist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Lebon, Maurice Manager, Information and Technology Management Laurentian Forestry Centre
Lebrun, Rejean Research Director - Ecosystems Dynamic Division Laurentian Forestry Centre
Leclerc, Ludovic Research assistant Laurentian Forestry Centre
Leclerc, Yoana Master Student Laurentian Forestry Centre
Légaré, Jean-François Technician, Forest research Laurentian Forestry Centre
Lepage, Pierre-Luc Policy Analyst Laurentian Forestry Centre
Létourneau, Mathieu Chemist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Levasseur, Caroline Biologist Forest Genomic Laurentian Forestry Centre
Levesque, Sandrine Administrative Assistant Laurentian Forestry Centre
Lévesque-Tremblay, Véronique Biologist, Forest Genomics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Lewis, Amanda CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Laurentian Forestry Centre
Lorin, Marie Noelle Administrative assistant Laurentian Forestry Centre
Madore, Myriam Finance and Administration Clerk Laurentian Forestry Centre
Major, Ian Genomics Research Scientist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Malet, Xavier Cloud computing and scientific database specialist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Malo, Melissa Forest Research assistant Laurentian Forestry Centre
Maltais, Véronique Knowledge exchange and Indigenous engagement officer Laurentian Forestry Centre
Maltais, Xavier Research assistant Laurentian Forestry Centre
Manka, Francis Forest Biologist, Research Laurentian Forestry Centre
Marchal, Jean Analyste en recherche sur les incendies de végétation Laurentian Forestry Centre
Marchand, Maryse Forest Biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Martel, Véronique Research Scientist Entomology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Martineau, Christine Research Scientist Microbiome Genomics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Massoda Tonye, Salomon Scientific Data Management Specialist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Meehan, Matthew Research scientist, forest entomology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Mercier, Frederick Forest research assistant Laurentian Forestry Centre
Michaud, Fanny Biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Moisan, Marie-Ange PhD Student Laurentian Forestry Centre
Morency, Marie-Josée Biologist, Forest Genomics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Morneau, Marie-Soleil Biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Munoz Alvarez, Diego Senior Economic Research Analyst Laurentian Forestry Centre
Murray, Kathleen Casual Laurentian Forestry Centre
Nadeau, Simon Biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Nadeau, Solange Senior Forest Sociologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Ndiaye, Mamadou Remote sensing and geomatics analyst Laurentian Forestry Centre
Nguefouet Nguimeya, Joy Patrick intern web development and databases Laurentian Forestry Centre
Nicolae, Ioan Forest officer Laurentian Forestry Centre
Nicoletta, Vittorio Wildland Fire Research Analyst Laurentian Forestry Centre
Nisole, Audrey Biologist in molecular entomology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Nolan, Maxime Forest technician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Normand, Lia Undergraduate Research Assistant Laurentian Forestry Centre
Ogez, Pascal Forest Management Coordinator Laurentian Forestry Centre
Pandeya, Bijay Dendrochronologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Paquet, Jean-François Forester in charge of work on federal land Laurentian Forestry Centre
Paré, David Research Scientist, biogeochemistry & productivity of ecosystems Laurentian Forestry Centre
Pascual Puigdevall, Jesus Research Professional Laurentian Forestry Centre
Pelletier, Françoise Forest Genetics Technician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Pelletier, Gervais Biologist, Forest Genomics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Perbet, Pauline Senior analyst in remote sensing et forest ecology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Picq, Sandrine Postdoctoral Fellow, Insect Populations Genomics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Potvin, Amélie Laboratory Technician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Potvin, Marianne Molecular biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Potvin, Serge Finance Officer Laurentian Forestry Centre
Pouliot, Esther Technician, Forest Research Laurentian Forestry Centre
Rabearison, Toky Postdoctoral fellow in microbial ecology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Ratsimandresiarivo, Maya Disraëli PhD candidate Laurentian Forestry Centre
Régnière, Jacques Research Scientist, Insect Population Dynamics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Reisi Gahrouei, Omid Phd Student Laurentian Forestry Centre
Rioux-Labelle, Hélène Isabelle Administrative Assistant Laurentian Forestry Centre
Robert, Etienne Visiting Researcher Laurentian Forestry Centre
Rocheleau-Duplain, Mathias Technician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Romanenko, Kateryna Biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Rouleau, Véronique Research Biologist in Environmental Genomics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Royer, Lucie Research Scientist, Population Dynamics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Saint-Amant, Rémi Scientific Data Design and Organization Specialist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Sambaraju, Kishan Research Scientist, Forest Pest Modelling Laurentian Forestry Centre
Séguin, Armand Research Scientist, Forest Genomics Laurentian Forestry Centre
Seigner, Vincent Technologist in scientific support Laurentian Forestry Centre
Shakeri, Zahed Wildland Fire Research Analyst Laurentian Forestry Centre
Simard, Christine Laboratory Technician Laurentian Forestry Centre
Soubeyrand, Maxence Postdoctorat Laurentian Forestry Centre
St-Pierre, Dominic Director General Laurentian Forestry Centre
Tanguay, Philippe Research Scientist, Molecular Forest Pathologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Tardif, Jonathan Director Laurentian Forestry Centre
Théberge, Delphine Research Assistant (RAP) Laurentian Forestry Centre
Thibeault, Aurely Administrative assistant.. Laurentian Forestry Centre
Thomas, Maxime Trainee - microbial ecology Laurentian Forestry Centre
Torres, Camila Administrative assistant Laurentian Forestry Centre
Touchette, Lyne Biologist Laurentian Forestry Centre
Tousignant, Aude Popularization and knowledge exchange officer Laurentian Forestry Centre
Tremblay, Alain Forest worker Laurentian Forestry Centre
Villemaire, Philippe Analyst, Geomatics and Remote Sensing Laurentian Forestry Centre
Waldron, Kaysandra Research Scientist, Forest Ecosystems Response to Stresses Laurentian Forestry Centre
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