Regional, national and international climate modeling
- Introduction
- Long term mean climate grids for Canada and the United States
- Historical monthly climate grids for North America
- Daily models
- Climate change scenarios
- Obtain climate estimates at your locations
- Other miscellaneous surfaces
- Bioclimatic Parameter definitions
- Other bioclimatic variables
- References
Daily models
Daily models covering all of Canada have been developed for the period 1950 though 2010. They will be updated as new data become available and resources allow.
To obtain gridded data or for large number of points, please send your special request to Dan McKenney
For further details of this work see:
McKenney, D. W., Hutchinson, M.F., Papadopol, P., Lawrence, K., Pedlar, J., Campbell, K., Milewska, E., Hopkinson, R., Price, D., Owen, T. (2011). "Customized spatial climate models for North America." Bulletin of American Meteorological Society-BAMS December: 1612-1622.
Hopkinson, R. F., D. McKenney, et al. (2011). "Impact of Aligning Climatological Day on Gridding Daily Maximum-Minimum Temperature and Precipitation over Canada." Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 50: 1654-1665.
Hutchinson, M. F., McKenney, D.W., Lawrence, K., Pedlar, J.H., Hopkinson, R.F., Milewska, E., Papadopol, P. (2009). "Development and testing of Canada-Wide Interpolated Spatial Models of Daily Minimum-Maximum Temperature and Precipitation for 1961-2003." American Meteorological Society(April): 725-741.
Project status
- On-going
- Date modified: