Acid precipitation |
Rain, snow, sleet, hail or fog, usually with acidity below pH 5.6. Acidic precipitation is primarily the result of emissions of gases of sulphur and nitrogen oxides which are transformed into sulphuric acid and nitric acid respectively as they are transported over distances of hundreds to thousands of kilometres from their source. |
Précipitation acide |
Advance regeneration |
Young trees under existing stands capable of becoming the next crop. Regeneration established before logging that has survived the logging operation. |
Régénération préexistante |
All-aged |
Of a forest, crop, or stand that contains trees of all, or almost all, age classes, including those of exploitable age. |
De tous âges |
Arboriculture |
The cultivation, that is, growing and tending, of trees and shrubs, individually or in small groups, generally for ornament, protection, and instruction rather than direct use or profit. |
Arboriculture |
Area regenerating |
Includes areas that have been harvested recently (less than 10 years ago), and areas depleted by such natural disturbances as fire, insects and disease. |
Superficie en régénération |
Artificial regeneration |
Renewal of a tree crop by direct seeding or by planting seedlings or cuttings. |
Régénération artificielle |
Auger planting |
Setting plants in loosened soil replaced in or brought to a dug hole using an auger. |
Plantation à la tarière |
Ball planting |
Setting out trees with their roots left undisturbed in a dug-out clod of soil. Note: if trees are bare-rooted, and roots are enclosed in a rough ball of soil, they are properly termed balled. |
Plantation en mottes |
Band application |
Applying pesticides and/or fertilizers in a linear strip on or along crop rows rather than over the entire ground area. |
Pulvérisation en bandes |
Basal injection |
A treatment consisting of forcing a liquid or an encapsulated herbicide into the basal portion of a tree. |
Injection à la base de la tige |
Basic silviculture |
All the silvicultural practices required to achieve free-growing (or established) regeneration of desired species at specified densities and stocking. |
Sylviculture de base |
Basket planting |
Setting out young trees, etc., in loosely-woven baskets in which they have been raised from seed or to which they have been transferred from the seed bed. |
Plantation en paniers |
Biopesticide |
A pesticide derived from natural sources such as fungi and bacteria or created to closely resemble or be identical to a chemical produced in nature such as a pheromone. Typically a biopesticide is target-specific and has little or no impact on non-target organisms and the environment.
Biopesticide |
Blade |
Thin, flat part of a leaf. |
Limbe |
Blight |
Rapid browning or blackening of leaves, which subsequently die, caused by the deterioration of growing tissues. |
Brûlure |
Blowdown |
Tree or trees felled or broken off by wind, snow, ice or age. |
Chablis |
Boreal forest |
One of three main forest zones in the world (see also tropical forest, temperate forest) located in northern regions and is characterized by the predominance of conifers (such as pine, spruce, larch and fir) and some deciduous (such as poplar and birch). The boreal forest (singular) is a colloquial term often used to refer to the overall forested area within the boreal zone, and sometimes to refer to the boreal zone itself because forests dominate this landscape. Boreal forests (plural) is the preferred term for the forested areas within the boreal zone. |
Forêt boréale |
Buffer zone |
A strip of land where disturbances are not allowed, or are closely monitored, to preserve aesthetic and other qualities adjacent to roads, trails, waterways and recreation sites. |
Zone tampon |
Bullet planting |
Setting out young trees grown in bullet-shaped rigid plastic tubes, which are injected into the ground by a spring-loaded gun, sometimes into prepared holes. |
Plantation en cartouches |
Callus |
Thickening and hardening of the cambium tissues which occur as part of a plant's response to a wound. |
Cal |
Canker |
Lesion of the cambium and the living bark of trees that alters and kills these tissues in a localized area. |
Chancre |
Carbon sink |
A carbon reservoir that absorbs and stores carbon from another part of the carbon cycle. A sink stores more carbon than it emits to the atmosphere. This store of carbon can also be termed a reservoir or pool. Although a growing forest can be considered a carbon sink, when the forest stops growing and its trees die and start decomposing, it becomes a carbon source, because it emits more carbon than it stores. |
Puits de carbone |
Climate change |
An alteration in measured quantities (for example, precipitation, temperature, radiation, wind and cloudiness) within the climate system that departs significantly from previous average conditions and is seen to endure, bringing about corresponding changes in ecosystems and socio-economic activity. |
Changement climatique |
Climate change adaptation |
An adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli. |
Adaptation au changement climatique |
Commercial forest |
Forest land that is able to grow commercial timber within an acceptable time frame and is designated for such a purpose. |
Forêt d'intérêt commercial |
Contained root |
A root that does not elongate beyond the confines of the original rooting volume within a container, even when outplanted with the container removed. |
Racine contenue |
Continuous boreal forest |
Main subarea of the vast boreal zone, which is characterized by relatively dense stands containing primarily boreal coniferous species and shade-intolerant deciduous trees. |
Forêt boréale continue |
Contour planting |
Setting out of young trees along a contour line. |
Plantation en bandes de niveau |
Corridor planting |
Setting trees in parallel rows, generally at regular intervals between and in lines, on land either wholly or partially cleared. |
Plantation en lignes |
Crop |
The harvestable vegetation growing on a forest area, more particularly the major woody growth forming the forest crop. |
Peuplement forestier |
Crown fire |
A fire that advances through the crown fuel layer, the upper part of the tree bearing live branches and foliage. |
Feu de cime |
Deadwood |
Timber produced from dead standing trees.
More commonly, timber in dead standing trees. |
Bois mort |
Decay |
Decomposition of wood caused by micro-organisms, mostly fungi. The wood generally becomes soft and crumbly, loses density and changes colour. |
Carie |
Deciduous species |
Trees that lose their leaves in the fall, such as birch, maple and basswood, are deciduous species. “Deciduous” means falling off or shed seasonally. |
Espèce arborescente décidue |
Decline |
Disease that is characterized by a progressive decline in a tree’s health and in its growth and that may kill it. While the causes of this phenomenon are not known, it is generally believed that a combination of factors is to blame: pollution, soil acidification, drought, freeze-thaw action, etc. |
Dépérissement |
Defoliation |
The removal of all or most of a plant’s leaves by natural disturbance agents (e.g., insects) or through the actions of humans (e.g., the application of herbicides).
Défoliation |
Desertification |
The transformation of once-productive arid and semi-arid areas into deserts through prolonged drought or continued mismanagement of land and water resources. |
Désertification |
Desiccation |
Process of becoming dried out. |
Dessiccation |
Dibble planting |
Sowing seeds or setting out seedlings in rough holes made with a stick or peg. Also termed dibbling if done with a specially adapted tool such as a dibble. |
Plantation au bâton |
Digital model |
Computer-based representation of a mathematical model describing natural phenomena. These models use complex equations to perform essentially mathematical simulations of natural phenomena. They are used to study and test hypotheses about tides, climate change, the changes in an insect population or a forest, and so on. |
Modèles numériques |
Disease |
Alteration of the normal functions of a whole plant or part of it, caused by a living or dead agent. The main agents involved in the initiation of disease are pollution, animals, fungi and other plants. |
Maladie |
Disease |
Harmful deviation from normal functioning of physiological processes, generally pathogenic or environmental in origin. |
Maladie |
Dry packing |
In tree injection, a method of banding that uses a tight waterproof bandage packed with a chemical, either dry or in paste form. |
Injection à sec |
Ecosystem-based management |
Management systems that attempt to simulate ecological processes with the goal of maintaining a satisfactory level of diversity in natural landscapes and their pattern of distribution in order to ensure the sustainability of forest ecosystem processes. |
Aménagement écosystémique |
Environmental assessment |
A process designed to contribute pertinent environmental information to the decision-making process of forest management or other natural resource projects and programs. |
Évaluation environnementale |
Epicormic shoot |
syn. sprout
A shoot arising from a dormant or adventitious bud on the stem or branch of a woody plant. |
Pousse adventive |
Eutrophication |
The enrichment of water by nutrients, especially compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus, that will accelerate the growth of algae and higher forms of plant life. This enrichment may interfere with the normal ecological balance of the receiving waters. |
Eutrophisation |
Even-aged |
Of a forest, stand, or forest type in which relatively small age differences exist between individual trees. The differences in age permitted are usually 10 to 20 years. |
Équienne |
Even-aged (forest) |
A forest stand or type in which relatively small age differences exist between individual trees (usually 10–20 years). |
Équienne (forêt) |
Field nursery |
A nursery, generally not permanent, established in or near the forest rather than near an administrative or executive headquarters. Also referred to as satellite nursery in Ontario and in the Prairies. |
Pépinière volante |
Flora |
A general term for all forms of plant life characteristic of a region, period or special environment. |
Flore |
Flower |
The reproductive structure of a tree or other plant consisting of the male and/or female parts. |
Fleur |
Foliage |
All the leaves of a tree. |
Feuillage |
Forest |
Ecology: Generally, an ecosystem characterized by a more or less dense and extensive tree cover. More particularly, a plant community predominantly of trees and other woody vegetation, growing more or less closely together. |
Forêt |
Forest |
Ecosystem that generally covers a large area and is composed of woody vegetation dominated by trees growing in a relatively dense pattern. |
Forêt |
Forest land |
Land primarily intended for growing, or currently supporting, forest. It includes land not now forested (for example, clearcut lands and northern lands that are forested but not intended for any commercial forestry use) and plantations. |
Terres forestières |
Forest practices |
Any activities that enhance or recover forest growth or harvest yield (e.g., site preparation, planting, thinning, fertilizing, harvesting, etc.), and road construction or reconstruction within forest lands. |
Pratiques forestières |
Forestry |
Generally, a profession embracing the science, business, and art of creating, conserving, and managing forests and forest lands for the continuing use of their resources, material or other. |
Foresterie |
Forestry practices |
Any activity that is carried out on forest land to facilitate the use of forest resources, including, but not limited to, timber harvesting, road construction, silviculture, grazing, recreation, pest control and wildfire suppression. |
Pratiques forestières |
Fragmentation |
The splitting or isolating of patches of similar habitat, typically forest cover, but including other types of habitat. Habitat can be fragmented naturally or from forest management activities, such as clearcut logging. |
Fragmentation |
Fuel plantation |
syn. fuelwood plantation
Setting out young trees to be hogged for burning. |
Plantation énergétique |
Fungicide |
Substance used to kill fungi. |
Fongicide |
Fungicide |
Any agent used to kill or inhibit the growth of fungi and their spores. |
Fongicide |
Fungicides |
Products that can inhibit the growth of fungi or kill them. Fungicides are used in agriculture and industrial plantation forestry to protect plants and trees from certain fungal diseases. |
Fongicides |
Geographic Information System (GIS) |
An organized collection of computer hardware, software and geographic data designed for capturing, storing, updating, manipulating, analyzing and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information. |
Système d'information géographique (SIG) |
Global Positioning System (GPS) |
A system of satellites and receiving devices used to compute positions on the Earth. |
Système de positionnement global (GPS) |
Global warming |
The rise in temperature of the Earth's atmosphere due to the greenhouse effect. |
Réchauffement climatique |
Greenhouse gas source |
Any process or activity (for example, forest fires or conversion of forest land to agricultural or urban uses) that releases greenhouse gases or precursors of those gases into the atmosphere. As trees and forest products decompose or burn, they release carbon in the form of carbon dioxide. |
Source de gaz à effet de serre |
Group planting |
Setting out young trees in groups. |
Plantation par bouquets |
Hardening off |
Preparing seedlings or rooted cuttings for planting by gradually reducing water, nutrients, or day length, or by increasing light intensity and thus inducing changes in shoots that make them more resistant to exposure to full sunlight. |
Endurcissement |
Hardwood(s) (broad-leaved trees) |
Trees whose leaves are not persistent and fall off at the end of a defined growing season or during a period of temperature or moisture stress. This is the predominant tree type in deciduous forests. Also refers to the wood produced by these trees. |
Feuillus (arbres à feuilles caduques) |
Heritage forest |
A forest managed to harvest forest products and to sustain the natural system, including its bioproductivity, biotic and abiotic diversity. Modern technology, equipment and methods may be used to harvest, restock and tend the forest, with an emphasis on natural restocking, supplemented with artificial restocking of appropriate endemic species. |
Forêt patrimoniale |
Hole planting |
Setting plants in loosened soil replaced in or brought to a dug hole or pit. Roots separated on either side of a wedge or saddle of earth left in situ when the hole was dug is termed saddle planting. |
Plantation sur potets |
Industrial plantation forestry |
Tree cultivation using methods of intensive silviculture: plantations made up of genetically improved stock, fertilization, drainage, phytosanitary treatments, release of higher quality stems, etc. |
Ligniculture |
Integrated pest management |
The use of a mix of techniques and/or strategies to control pests, as opposed to the application of a single method. |
Lutte intégrée contre les ravageurs |
Intensive silviculture |
Application of cultural measures which, in addition to simply maintaining the forest cover, will allow an increase in the value or volume of the cut. |
Sylviculture intensive |
Intermediate treatments |
Any treatment in a stand during that portion of the rotation not included in the final harvest or regeneration period.
cf. tending |
Traitement intermédiaire |
Interplanting |
Planting young trees among existing natural regeneration or previously planted trees of similar age. |
Plantation intercalaire |
Inventory (forest) |
A survey of a forest area to determine data such as area, condition, timber, volume and species for a specific purpose, such as planning, purchasing, evaluating, managing or harvesting. |
Inventaire forestier |
J-root |
A root, especially a seedling tap root, having a sharp bend greater than 90, shaped like a J. Frequently introduced by inappropriate planting. |
Racine en J |
L-notch planting |
Special form of slit planting involving two slits at right angles with the seedling placed at the apex of the L. |
plantation avec fentes en L |
Ladder fuels |
Fuels that provide vertical continuity between the surface fuels and crown fuels in a forest stand, thus contributing to the ease of torching and crowning, for example, tall shrubs, small-sized trees, bark flakes, tree lichens. |
Combustible étagé |
Lammas shoots |
Extra leader growth extension late in the growing season. |
Pousse d’été |
Landscape |
Areas of land that are distinguished by differences in landforms, vegetation, land use, and aesthetic characteristics. |
Paysage |
Leaf |
Organ in plants that has various forms (needles, scales, etc.) and that carries on photosynthesis, producing energy for life. |
Feuille |
Main crop |
In regular crops or stands, that portion of the growing stock retained after an intermediate cutting. |
Peuplement principal |
Mechanical planting |
Setting out young trees by means of a machine specially designed for this operation. |
Plantation mécanique |
Mixed stand |
A stand composed of two or more species in which less than 80% of trees in the main crown canopy are of a single species.
The threshold in Manitoba and New Brunswick is 75%.
cf. pure stand |
Mélangé |
Mixedwoods |
Trees belonging to either of the botanical groups Gymnospermae or Angiospermae that are substantially intermingled in stands. |
Peuplement mixte |
Mop-up (fire) |
The act of extinguishing a fire after it has been brought under control. |
Extinction (feu) |
Mortality |
Death or destruction of forest trees as result of competition, disease, insect damage, drought, wind, fire, old age, and other factors, excluding harvesting. |
Mortalité |
Mound planting |
Setting out young trees on raised microsites. |
Plantation sur butte |
National forest strategy |
An overarching national vision and framework for Canada’s forests developed by the Council of Canadian Forest Ministers. The first strategy appeared in 1981. |
Stratégie nationale sur la forêt |
Natural regeneration |
Renewal of a tree crop by natural seeding, sprouting, suckering, or layering. |
Régénération naturelle |
Necrosis |
Alteration of tissues caused by the death of cells. |
Nécrose |
Nest planting |
Setting out a number of seedlings or seeds close together in a prepared hole, pit, or spot. |
Plantation en nids |
New forestry |
A forest management philosophy that attempts to retain characteristics of old-growth stands in managed stands. |
Nouvelle foresterie |
Nursery |
An area set aside for the raising of young trees mainly for planting out. Temporary nurseries, particularly those formed beneath a high canopy of large trees, may be termed bush nurseries.
cf. field nursery |
Pépinière |
Nursery bed |
One of the specially prepared plots in a nursery where seed is sown or into which transplants or cuttings are put. |
Planche |
Nutrients |
Mineral or organic substances (elements or chemical compounds) that plants and animals require for normal growth and activity. Plants and trees obtain nutrients primarily from the soil by absorbing them through their roots. |
Nutriments |
Occlusion |
The process of healing of cut branch stubs by the cambium of the surrounding stem surface. |
Occlusion |
Old-growth forest |
An old growth forest differs significantly from younger stands in structure, ecological function and species composition with respect to canopy closure, age class structure, accumulation of woody debris and the presence of species and functional processes that are representative of the potential natural community. |
Forêt anciennne / vieille forêt |
Open forest |
Proposed name for the natural forest commonly found in northern Canada. This forest is a mixture of wetlands and small trees, occasionally interspersed with highly productive forests. |
Forêts claires |
Opportunity wood |
Potential woody biomass resources available for salvage following natural disturbances—for example, wood damaged by insect pests such as the mountain pine beetle, by disease, or by fire or wind — or forestry activities — for example, small-diameter or other trees left standing. In some cases, harvesting and construction residues are also viewed as opportunity wood.
Bois d’occasion |
Outplant |
A seedling, transplant, or cutting ready to be established on an area. |
Plant sur le terrain |
Overmature |
In even-aged management, those trees or stands past the mature stage. |
Suranné |
Pedology |
Scientific discipline that is concerned with all aspects of soils. |
Pédologie |
Pesticide |
Any preparation used to control populations of injurious organisms, plant or animal. |
Pesticide |
Phloem |
The part of the tree that is produced through the growth of cambium cells in an outward direction. It may also be called secondary phloem. The sap produced by the leaves travels through the phloem tissue downwards in the tree. Compared with the xylem (wood) the phloem occupies a very small part of the tree. |
Phloème |
Pioneer species |
Species that are the first to colonize a new site or a new ecosystem. They are generally shade intolerant and need a lot of sunlight in order to grow. Poplars and birches are pioneer species. |
Espèce pionnière |
Pit planting |
Setting out young trees in small depressions, natural or excavated, with a view to collecting and conserving moisture. |
Plantation sur trous |
Plantation forest |
Forest stands established by planting and/or seeding in the process of afforestation or reforestation which are either of introduced species (all planted stands) or intensively managed stands of indigenous species, which meet all the following criteria: one or two species at plantation, even age class, regular spacing. |
Plantation forestière |
Plantation forestry |
Application of forestry principles to an artificial crop or stand. |
Foresterie de plantation |
Planting |
Establishing a forest by setting out seedlings, transplants, or cuttings in an area. |
Plantation |
Plus stand |
A stand containing a preponderance of good phenotypes, but not necessarily plus trees. |
Peuplement plus |
Population |
A group that includes all possible members of a species in a territory at a given time. |
Population |
Pot planting |
Setting out young trees in pot-shaped receptacles having a closed or only perforated end and made of various materials, in which they have been raised from seed or to which they have been transferred from the seed bed. |
Plantation en pot |
Protected area |
A geographically defined area which is designated or regulated and managed to achieve specific conservation objectives. |
Zone / aire protégée |
Protection forest |
All forest land managed primarily to exert beneficial influence on soil, water, landscape, or for any other purpose when production of merchantable timber, if any, is incidental. |
Forêt de protection |
Quincunx planting |
Setting out four young trees to form the corners of a square with a fifth tree at its center. |
Plantation en quinconces |
Regeneration |
Renewal of a forest crop by natural, artificial, or vegetative (regrowth) means. Also the new crop so obtained. The new crop is generally less than 1.3 m high. |
Régénération |
Resilience |
The capacity of a community or ecosystem to maintain or regain normal function and development following disturbance. |
Résilience |
Ridge planting |
Setting out young trees on a long, narrow crest of excavated soil, generally on a slice thrown up by a plough. |
Plantation sur bourrelet |
Riparian forest buffer |
A strip of forested land of variable width adjacent to a flowing body of fresh water, which it influences and is affected by. Prone to flooding, a riparian forest buffer can be integrated into an agroforestry system and help counter stream bank erosion, protect water quality, and regularize water flow.
Bande riveraine |
Riparian zone |
A strip of land of variable width adjacent to and influenced by a body of fresh water. |
Zone riveraine |
Root |
Part of the tree that anchors it and absorbs nutrients from the soil. |
Racine |
Root rot |
Decomposition of the woody tissue in roots causing the death of the cambium or bark of the roots, thus girdling the trees at the root collar and causing their death. |
Pourridié |
Root-to-shoot ratio |
The total mass or volume of the plant root system divided by the total mass or volume of the shoot system, usually on an oven-dry basis. |
Rapport système racinaire/système foliacé |
Salvage cutting |
The exploitation of trees that are dead, dying, or deteriorating (e.g., because overmature or materially damaged by fire, wind, insects, fungi, or other injurious agencies) before their timber becomes economically worthless. |
Coupe de récupération |
Second growth forest |
The forest growth that has developed (naturally or artificially) following the removal of the original forest. |
Forêt de seconde venue |
Secondary succession |
Process whereby one stand or plant community supplants another; it is triggered by a major disturbance in a forest ecosystem. |
Successions secondaires |
Seed orchard |
A plantation of trees, assumed or proven genetically to be superior, that has been isolated so as to reduce pollination from genetically inferior outside sources, and intensively managed to improve the genotype and produce frequent, abundant, etc. |
Verger à graines |
Selection forest |
Forest treated and managed under the selection system. |
Forêt jardinée |
Silvicultural regime |
A series of stand tending (thinning, pruning, etc.) treatments applied after regeneration to achieve a specific stand management objective. |
Traitement sylvicole |
Silviculture |
The theory and practice of controlling the establishment, composition, growth, and quality of forest stands to achieve the objectives of management. |
Sylviculture |
Silviculture |
Practices aimed at ensuring wise harvesting of forest resources : conservation, regeneration, reforestation, cutting, etc. |
Sylviculture |
Slit planting |
Prying open a cut made by a spade, mattock, or planting bar (termed bar planting), inserting a young tree, then closing the cut on the latter by pressure. |
Plantation en fente |
Smouldering fire |
A fire burning without flame and barely spreading. |
Feu couvant |
Spot planting |
Setting out young trees in small, prepared patches. |
Plantation sur placeaux |
Stand |
A community of trees possessing sufficient uniformity in composition, age, arrangement, or condition to be distinguishable from the forest or other growth on adjoining areas, thus forming a silvicultural or management entity. |
Peuplement |
Strip cropping |
Crop planting in which strips of heavy-rooted plants are alternated with loose-rooted plants which serve as barriers to wind and water erosion. |
Plantation en lisières |
Strip planting |
Setting trees, generally in two or more parallel lines, in a long narrow area of land that has been wholly or partially cleared. |
Plantation en bandes |
Structure |
The distribution of trees in a stand or group by age, size, or crown classes (e.g., all-aged, even-aged, uneven-aged, regular, and irregular structures). |
Structure |
Succession |
The gradual supplanting of one community of plants by another, the sequence of communities being termed a sere and each stage seral. |
Succession |
Sustainable Forestry Initiative |
A forest certification program run by a multi-stakeholder (environment, industry, government, academic groups, etc.) board of directors. The SFI standard is a comprehensive system of principles, objectives and performance measures that combines the perpetual growing and harvesting of trees with the long-term protection of wildlife, plants, and soil and water quality. |
Sustainable Forestry Initiative |
T-notching |
see slit planting |
Bêchage en T |
Taungya plantation |
The raising of a forest crop in conjunction with a temporary agricultural crop. |
Plantation en taungya |
Temperate forest |
One of three main forest zones in the world (see also boreal forest, tropical forest). The woodland of rather mild climatic areas; composed mainly of deciduous trees. |
Forêt tempérée |
Transplant |
A seedling that has been replanted one or more times in a nursery to improve its size and growth potential characteristics. Also a tree that is moved from one place to another. |
Plant repiqué |
Tree farm |
Privately owned woodland in which the production of wood fibre is a primary management goal, as distinct from a tree nursery, fruit orchard, or landscape business. |
Propriété forestière de production |
Tree injection |
The deliberate introduction, by pressure or simple absorption of a chemical -- generally a water-soluble salt in solution -- into the sapstream of a living tree. |
Injection d’arbres |
Tree injector |
A specially designed tool used to inject a solution into a living tree. |
Injecteur |
Trench planting |
Setting out young trees in a shallow trench or a continuous slit. |
Plantation en sillon |
Tube planting |
Setting out young trees in narrow, open-ended cylinders of various materials, in which they have been raised from seed or into which they have been transplanted. |
Plantation de semis en tube |
Underplanting |
Planting young trees under the canopy of an existing stand. |
Plantation en sous-étage |
Understorey |
The lower level of vegetation in a forest. Usually formed by ground vegetation (mosses, herbs and lichens), herbs and shrubs. |
Sous-étage |
Uneven-aged |
Of a forest, stand, or forest type in which intermingling trees differ markedly in age. The differences in age permitted in an uneven-aged stand are usually greater than 10-20 years. |
Inéquienne |
Urban forest |
The trees, forests, and associated organisms that grow near buildings and in gardens, green spaces, parks, and golf courses located in village, town, suburban, and urban areas. |
Forêt urbaine |
Variable-retention |
A silvicultural system that follows nature’s model by always retaining part of the forest after harvesting. Standing trees are left in a dispersed or aggregated form to meet objectives such as retaining old-growth structure, habitat protection and visual quality. Variable retention retains structural features (snags, large woody debris, live trees of varying sizes, canopy levels) as wildlife habitat. |
Rétention variable |
Vertical structure |
The structure formed by different layers of vegetation in a forest. |
Structure verticale |
Vigor class |
Assumption of the health of a tree based on observation of the foliage. |
Classe de vigueur |
Volunteer growth |
Natural regeneration following site preparation and seeding or planting that could either supplement or completely obscure the trees being planted or seeded on the area. |
Régénération subséquente |
Whip |
1. A bare-root hardwood planting stock.
2. Any slender tree that the wind causes to lacerate the crowns of its neighbors. |
Fouet |
Wilt |
Drying out, loss of colour and shape of leaves, then twigs and branches, caused by a lack of water or the presence of toxins. |
Flétrissement |
Wind bend |
Condition of trees having a curved stem as a consequence of wind action or compression due to heavy load on the crown of the tree.
cf. windfirm |
Courbé par le vent |
Wind lean |
Condition of trees having a leaning stem, result of partial uprooting or wind action.
cf. windfirm |
Couché par le vent |
Wind rock |
Movement of tree stems in the wind, which may lead to chafing of the collar and sometimes of the roots, and, in very wet soil, loosening of the ground. |
Balancement au vent |
Windbreak |
A small-scale shelterbelt or other barrier, natural or artificial, maintained against the wind. |
Brise-vent |
Windfall |
1. A tree or trees thrown down or with their stems broken off or other parts blown down by the wind.
2. Any area on which the trees have been thrown down or broken by the wind. |
Chablis |
Windfirm |
Of trees, able to withstand strong winds, i.e., to resist windthrow, windrocking, and major breakage. Such trees may not remain upright but show wind lean or wind bend or both. |
Stable au vent |
Windrow planting |
Planting between the two lanes created in windrowing. |
Plantation sur entrandain |